VR and AR Systems | Automotive Manufacturing Solutions – Page 4
The software-defined assembly line
The manufacturing industry is on the cusp of a revolution, where investment is led by software rather than hardware. That in turn enables a raft of new possibilities in creating the factory of the future, according to experts from Audi, ABB and Cosmo Tech.
VR training for assembly operations
Introducing a completely new model to the production line and ramping up to mass production is a challenge. The team at Honda’s East liberty Auto plant have deployed a VR training system to support the assembly line workers with impressive results
Skoda opens new centre to build test vehicles and prototypes
Test vehicles and prototypes will now be built under one roof in the new manufacturing technical development department at Mladá Boleslav
Tooling printed to order
How have OEMs been integrating 3D printing into their development and production operations? We look at recent developments at Seat and Audi
People get ready: recruitment and retention in a complex automotive industry
With contributions from Volkswagen, Toyota, BMW and Audi, AMS looks at some of the strategies OEMs are using to attract and retain employees with the skills needed to work in modern digitalised workplaces – and to adapt to cutting-edge developments in hybrid, electric and autonomous vehicles …
Simulate to fabricate: vehicle plants keep VR and AR in their sights
Carmakers are exploring how virtual reality and augmented reality can be used to improve manufacturing and inspection operations
Quick learners
From training, quality and work station design, OEMs are seeing a host of applications that can benefit from virtual and augmented reality technology
Gathering clouds
Cloud computing has been used for some time by carmakers, but its full potential has still to be realised in automation applications.
Success for Seat
Spain’s biggest exporter has turned its finances around and looks to have a bright future. Ian Henry reports
Mercedes begins Actros production in Wörth
Germany - The first new Actros has come off the production line at the Mercedes-Benz Wörth plant in southern Germany. It is the first facility in the OEM’s global network to start making the new model.
At the leading edge
Steed Webzell looks at edge computing and the hardware requirements for those looking to digitally monitor, measure or control their machining operations Certain terms surrounding digitisation have become pretty familiar over the past 5-10 years: Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 (I4.0), edge computing, big data, smart factory, artificial intelligence ...
Augmented assistance
Visit any car manufacturing plant in the world and the majority of production equipment will be similar. The real differences between factories are the human workers and the way in which technology is used to optimise their environment
BMW takes a virtual reality check
Germany – In preparation for ramp up of the new BMW 3 Series, virtual reality technology has enabled the OEM to set up cockpit preassembly workstations. By using VR, BMW says it was able to assess the whole of the new production area in virtual reality and test new procedures ...
Collective thinking
Closer collaboration between product development and production teams could lead to significant improvements in vehicle manufacturing processes. Ford Otosan holds a unique position. Michael Nash reports The scenery in Turkey is full of surprises. A quick car journey can lead to towering mountains, pristine beaches and lush forests, while historical ...
Back to the future
Designed in 1967, the K67 showcased how plastics could be used to create a stylish performance carThe automotive related headlines are full of forward looking statements; OEMs describing their brand’s vision of future mobility, new concepts of how they envision we will be moved around appearing at motor shows, ...
Tracking and training
Digital technologies are providing new training solutions for the automotive industry. Nick Holt reportsEye tracking systems are now being successfully used to create training programs that reduce errors in manufacturing operations. Mike Bartel, senior research developer at Tobii Pro Insights provided an overview of what this technology offers: “Eye tracking ...
Readying your cutting room for Industry 4.0
Widespread digitalisation within automotive manufacturing is providing the opportunity for seating and interiors suppliers to move up the value chainWith the Fourth Industrial Revolution well underway, automotive suppliers need to assess their Industry 4.0 readiness across all operations. The car of the future will be highly connected, electric and autonomous. ...
Paint smart
Geico COO Daryush Arabnia talks about how humans and machines use I4.0 concepts in the paintshopWe have discussed in the past the way in which Geico has embraced Industry 4.0 concepts in its paintshop developments. How are these concepts taking shape?Daryush Arabnia: Industry 4.0 has had a big impact and ...
Seat launches 4.0 training programme
Spain – The OEM says that personnel will interact with some of the tools and technology that will become common in production processes in the near future and are already being introduced, including virtual reality, collaborative robots, 3D printing and augmented reality. Of 2,000 employees registered for training, 1,200 have ...
VR digital design solutions tool
Destaco says its Accelerate Vision Virtual Reality (VR) digital design solutions tool has been designed to work in the production of its Accelerate Collection end effector components, which can be assembled into custom solutions for most pressroom stamping applications.By using this digital design tool at the beginning of the design ...