Flexibility and cost savings are just two advantages of the latest Siemens monorail technology, writes Nora Schuler, vertical market manager with Siemens automotive

SiemensThe Indian automotive market is undergoing a process of transformation that is seeing the average age of car buyers in the country fall year on year. Rapid urbanisation is creating new market dynamics and the needs and preferences of car buyers in the Indian market are changing. As a consequence, new vehicle segments have appeared. This has created a new challenge for automotive manufacturers and they must innovate fast and bring in new models quickly in order to fill these new segments.

Vehicle manufacturers must be in a position to meet this growing demand, particularly for individually customised products, by creating highly flexible production environments. In addition, rising labour costs mean that manufacturers have to raise the level of automation in their factories. Increasing importance is also being attached to occupational safety and ergonomic workplace design, as regulations and legislation in the region move closer to established European standards.

The volatile and dynamic automotive market, coupled with the fact that newer players are entering India every year, has created the need for automotive manufacturing to shift from the traditional concept of low-cost manufacturing to the new concept of smart manufacturing based on frugality, flexibility and productivity.

 The TIA Portal solution


With the TIA Portal, Siemens follows a vision of providing an engineering framework for implementing automation solutions in all industries around the globe.

A basic requirement for an efficient engineering solution is a common database and a consistent look and feel for the user interface. The TIA Portal fulfils this requirement for all automation components: PLCs, operator devices, distributed I/O, motion control and safety applications.

Whether it is designing, commissioning, operating and maintaining, or upgrading automation systems, the TIA Portal saves engineering time, cost and effort. Furthermore, the engineering framework offers a wide spectrum of functions to simplify the user’s workload:

• Consistent look and feel for all programming editors
• Flexible screen layout for optimised work area
• Graphical network and device configuration
• Integration of PLC, HMI, drives and safety functions in a single engineering framework
• Re-use of project components with global libraries
• Integrated system diagnostics
• Motion integration
• Optimised tag handling across PLC, HMI and drives
• Trace functions
• Project-wide cross-referencing of information for fast troubleshooting
• Complete simulation of PLC and HMI
• Scalability across all product platforms
• Easy migration of existing systems.

These challenges can only be handled effectively in future by implementing smart automation solutions in the production environment. In order to provide manufacturers with optimum support in meeting these challenges, Siemens has come up with a solution that combines proven control systems with innovative communication technology using power rails. The latest advance from Siemens is the Simatic Electric Monorail System (EMS), which was unveiled in India in 2014. This is a system suited to both simple and complex automation tasks in production.

Siemens is providing added impetus here with the EMS400S Box, an integrated solution that comes completely ready for operation. It also includes standardised and easy-to-maintain control components.

The EMS400S system consists of a mobile and a stationary unit, both based on standard components. The main components of the mobile unit are fully integrated in the carrier controller and are ready to use. This controller features a Simatic S7-1200 PLC and a communication module for transmitting and receiving signals. The Simatic PLC controls the drive by digital or analogue signals, or via Profinet. A display unit is used to show the control status. 

Standard components with scope for customisation
Overhead conveyors are one of the most important conveying systems used in the automotive industry, permitting the efficient transportation, sorting, storage, buffering and positioning of goods. However, the various functions they perform call for precise co-ordination of a large number of complex and interacting processes. This requires the use of efficient controlling technology, which Siemens offers in the shape of its Simatic EMS400S.

The stationary part of the system, the segment controller, comprises one or more Simatic PLCs with communication modules. These can serve any number of rail segments. The segment controller is served by the higher-level plant controller via Profinet and transforms the commands that it receives into 48V rail signals. These are forwarded to the mobile carrier controller of the overhead conveyor.

A ready-to-use solution such as the EMS400S Box is ideally suited for standard applications such as overhead conveyor systems on a door line. Depending on the application, the box variants differ in the way the required drive is actuated and also in terms of the internal and external interfaces provided.

Because the EMS system is modular in structure, it can be adapted with the utmost ease to match the particular automation requirements of the plant operator. Alongside communication over the rail to the segment controller, EMS boxes include external interfaces such as analogue outputs and digital inputs and outputs. They also feature a Profinet interface for communication with the sensors, converters and other peripheral devices.

The system software offers the same flexibility as the hardware components. System programming via the Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) allows simple and convenient commissioning of the hardware and software used to implement the application. Siemens also provides application support for the various functionalities of the EMS400S system in the form of function modules. 

These can be added to the TIA Portal with a mouse click. Application examples containing ready-to-use functions for overhead conveyors, such as 'run', 'stop', 'lift' and 'lower', are already included in order to minimise the amount of programming that is required.


The Simatic EMS400S Box is Siemens' ready-to-use solution for efficient control of overhead conveyors
A holistic communication and automation approach
As Siemens has demonstrated through EMS applications, efficient factory communication entails more than just the mere transmission of ‘bits’. Instead, the company has implemented a holistic solution that provides outstanding reliability and flexibility.

An additional advantage of its approach is the open architecture of the system. Although any Simatic S7 PLC can be used, the system also supports third-party controllers with a Profinet interface. Meanwhile, the use of standardised components means that operators are able to keep a reduced inventory of spare parts.
Siemens also takes a holistic approach when it comes to automation and the EMS400S system offers an array of other benefits above and beyond flexible plant control. For example, the controller takes care of workplace optimisation functions such as carrier height adjustment or remote control of the system by factory staff. These added functions help to satisfy demands for ergonomic working conditions in automotive manufacturing.

Early successes for the new concept
Two premium German car manufacturers are already using the Siemens EMS system and are planning a worldwide roll-out. In both cases, the new controller has led to a reduction of cycle times and enabled the manufacturers to achieve significantly improved plant ergonomics. They have also benefited from a standardised control concept through a single supplier, because the components used in the carrier, the rail segment and the overall plant are all from Siemens.

India is set to become a future global manufacturing hub for compact cars. Nitin Nair, head of automotive business at Siemens in India, firmly believes that local manufacturers, machine builders and system integrators can derive a whole range of benefits from the EMS system. “The use of such high-quality, simple standardised components permits not only highly flexible automation architectures and solutions, it also simplifies maintenance and repairs,” he says. “Our system ensures compliance not only with safety rules and regulations but also ergonomic concepts for overhead conveyors. In this way, we are taking a holistic approach to the challenges faced by automotive production. We are confident that this is the right way to achieve greater productivity and efficiency.”