All Skoda articles – Page 5
Owsianski to lead Skoda’s Chinese sales
China – As executive director of Skoda Marketing and Sales Business at Shanghai Volkswagen, Thomas Owsianski will look after the brand’s marketing, sales and aftersales activities in the country. Taking over from Paul Willis, who has been appointed managing director of Volkswagen UK, Owsianski will assume his new role on ...
Skoda’s Yeti appears in China
China – A special version of the vehicle, tailored for the local market with larger dimensions and an optional spare tyre on the tailgate, is now running off the production lines in China, courtesy of Skoda’s association with Shanghai Volkswagen. The market launch of the new Yeti, called ‘Ye di’ ...
Skoda melhora a logística na instalação Checa
Divisão da VW Skoda anunciou uma série de projetos de logística destinados a melhorar a eficiência e reduzir os custos de transporte, o qual disse que será pioneira na sua fábrica principal em Mladá Boleslav, na República Checa.A primeira das três inovações concebidas pela empresa é a implementação de novos ...
Skoda улучшает логистику на чешском заводе
Подразделение VW Skoda объявило о серии логистических проектов, нацеленных на улучшение эффективности перевозок и снижение затрат. Испытание проектов будет проводиться на основной производственной площадке в Младе Болеславе, Чешская Республика. Во-первых, будут внедрены новые контейнеры для перевозки рулей управления. Контейнеры имеют меньший вес и большую площадь (на 20%) по сравнению с ...
Skoda still top manufacturer in Central Europe
Czech Republic: Skoda is the largest manufacturing company in Central Europe for the third consecutive year, according to the Deloitte CE Top 500 report.Using fi gures from 2012, the study compared the 500 highest-revenue companies across 18 countries, including 84 from the Czech Republic.The company has a 2018 growth ...
Skoda’s second-best seller reaches 1.5m mark
Czech Republic – Skoda has now manufactured 1.5m secondgeneration Fabias since 2007.The milestone 1.2 TDi rolled off the production line in September at the main factory in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. The Fabia fi rst went on sale in 1999 and is the car-maker’s bestselling model after the Octavia, ...
Big numbers for Skoda engine and car production
Czech Republic – Skoda has built the eleven-millionth engine in its corporate history – an EA211 series 1.4 TSI motor.Currently producing 1.2- and 1.4-litre versions of the EA211 and EA111 engine series, the Mladá Boleslav plant’s 3,600 employees manufacture up to 4,400 units every day.The manufacturer says it will continue ...
Skoda’s contract partners to produce Octavia
Czech Republic – Skoda is now producing the new Octavia with local partner companies in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, as well as at GAZ Group’s factory in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.In the Ukraine, vehicle production takes place in Solomonovo in partnership with Eurocar. The Fabia, Yeti, Superb and Roomster are also produced ...
Skoda começa montagem do Octavia na Índia
A Skoda começou a produção do novo Octavia em sua fábrica em Aurangabad, na Índia, que é montado a partir de kits desmontados na República Checa.O novo Octavia, que foi lançado na Europa no final de 2012, chega à Índia seguindo investimentos para reduzir os custos de fabricação e logística ...
Skoda начинает сборку Octavia в Индии
Skoda начала производство новой Octavia на заводе в Аурангабаде в Индии. Сборка ведется на основе китов, поставляемых из Чешской Республики.Новая Octavia была запущена в Европе в конце 2012 года. Производство было решено наладить на индийских заводах автопроизводителя (в Пуне и Аурангабаде) в целях снижения производственных и логистических затрат. ...
Success at Skoda is a digital process
Skoda is making more cars than ever, and the success of its venture is being supported by DELMIA digital factory solutions Process Engineer for integrated product and process planning, and the DELMIA V5 DPM Assembly for assembly planningShared processesAssembly planningAfter the end of the Cold War, Czech carmaker Skoda, the ...
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