All Mahindra & Mahindra articles – Page 3

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    印度汽车组件制造业对其在国际市场的新地位感到欢欣鼓舞印度组件制造业变革推动其公司近年来在全球的地位不断提高。此外,欧洲、日本和美洲供应商也转向印度。直到大约十年前,印度汽车组件行业还只是全球工业体系中的边缘角色。但是,据印度经济时报称,自 2005 年起,印度组件公司参与国外近 100 件并购案,据称交易金额达 22 亿美元;由于其中一些交易的价格并未正式公布,这些交易的实际价值还要更高。此外,2005 到 2010 年进行了近 70 笔交易,总价值 10 亿美元,2011 到 2015 年仅进行约 30 笔交易,但总价值更高,达到 12 亿美元。每笔并购的平均价值明显上升,而随着并购的进行,印度公司在国际市场的影响力和自信也在提升。通过并购成为全球参与者近年来存在一个最明显的趋势,一些印度组件公司通过一系列大型或小型并购向海外转战。例如,Motherson Sumi 收购 Visiocorp(前车镜公司 Schefenacker)、内饰供应商 Scherer & Trier 以及保险杠制造商 Peguform 的一部分;Varroc 收购 Visteon 的全球照明业务;Amtek 收购多家锻造铸造公司,如德国的 Neumayer Tekfor、Zelter 和 Rege,以及日本公司 Asahi Tec 的铸造、锻造和加工业务;Uno Minda 收购 Clarton Horn(喇叭制造商)和汽车车灯制造商 Rinder(均在西班牙)。这只是印度公司为进入全球市场进行的国际并购案的一部分。 Bosch 计划在印度投资 1.71 ...

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    La influencia de la India


    El sector de los componentes de automoción de la India está disfrutando de su nueva posición en el escenario internacionalLos cambios en el sector de los componentes de la India han impulsado en los últimos años un crecimiento en el papel que juegan sus empresas en todo el mundo. Asimismo, ...

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    Influential India


    India’s automotive component sector is relishing its new place on the international stageChanges in the Indian component sector have prompted growth in the role of its companies worldwide in recent years. Likewise, European, Japanese and American suppliers have moved into India. Until around a decade ago, the Indian automotive components ...

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    Influential India


    India’s automotive component sector is relishing its new place on the international stageChanges in the Indian component sector have prompted growth in the role of its companies worldwide in recent years. Likewise, European, Japanese and American suppliers have moved into India. Until around a decade ago, the Indian automotive components ...

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    Feito na Índia


    O país emergiu como grande mercado para empresas de automóveis do mundo e um centro de exportação crescenteVárias empresas de automóveis estão expandindo sua capacidade de produção indiana. O maior, Maruti Suzuki, está no meio de um investimento de US$1 bilhão em sua estratégia "Vision 2.0". Esta estratégia visa atingir ...

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    Fabricado en la India


    El país se ha convertido en uno de los principales mercados para los fabricantes de automóviles del mundo y en un creciente centro de exportacionesVarios fabricantes de automóviles están ampliando su capacidad de producción en la India. La mayor de ellas, Maruti Suzuki, está invirtiendo 1.000 millones de dólares en ...

  • Ford Sanand Vehicle Assembly and Engine Plant

    Made in India... for export


    The country has emerged as a major market for the world’s car companies as well as a growing export hubSeveral car companies are expanding their Indian production capacity. The biggest, Maruti Suzuki, is in the midst of a $1 billion investment as part of its 'Vision 2.0' strategy which aims ...

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    Coreia: reino da fabricação de carros


    Agora, a quinta maior nação de produção de automóveis, o sucesso da Coreia reside nas exportações para mercados globais. Produção e vendas ainda são fortes, mas os desafios incluem competição em casa e localização no exterior.A Coreia do Sul esteve incrivelmente bem ao se tornar uma potência de produção automotiva ...

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    Corea: el imperio del automóvil


    Corea del Sur es hoy en día el quinto mayor productor de automóviles del mundo, su éxito se basa en las exportaciones. La producción y las ventas siguen a un ritmo sólido, pero entre los retos se encuentran un aumento de la competencia doméstica y la localización en otros mercados ...

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    Korea: Carmaking powerhouse


    Now the fifth-biggest nation for automotive production, Korea's success lies in exports to global markets. Production and sales are still strong, but challenges include competition at home and localisation overseas South Korea has done staggeringly well to become a global automotive production powerhouse within the last 20 years, but the ...

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    Última de pé no BRIC


    Conforme outros mercados emergentes declinam, a Índia ainda está recebendo um investimento significativo por parte de tomadores de decisão de veículos globais. Montadores de veículos estão intensificando suas campanhas para quebrar o mercado automotivo indiano difícil depois que o país se tornou o mais promissor dos BRICs emergentes devido ao ...

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    Último BRIC en pie


    Los demás mercados emergentes están en decadencia, pero la India sigue recibiendo grandes inversiones de las marcas globales Los fabricantes de vehículos están poniéndose las pilas para intentar abrir brecha en el complejo sector del automóvil en la India, después de que el país se haya convertido en el BRIC ...

  • Ford Sanand Vehicle Assembly and Engine Plant



    在其他的新兴市场不断走低的情况下,印度仍然能够吸引国际汽车制造商的重大投资汽车制造商都在使出浑身解数,攻克印度汽车市场的困境,杀出一条血路。2015年3月结束的财政年年度里,轿车、商用车和摩托车的销售总量为1,970万辆,创5年以来的最高。中型车和重型商用车扭转实力局面,一路攀升达到16%增长率。让制造商欣慰的是,据当地制造商协会SIAM公布,摩托车和踏板车的销量全速回升,增长了8%,总量超过1,600万辆。为了在印度销售,几乎所有的东西都要在印度生产。2014-2015财政年度里,汽车,摩托车和商用车产量达到2,340万辆,比前年增长了9%,达到五年以来最高。据SIAM讲,印度汽车业已经占到国家GDP的7.1%,员工达到2,900万人。而且发展的空间还很大;IHS Automotive公司分析员相信,汽车产量从2014-2015年的320万辆,到2020年将增长到600万辆。初来者会觉得,打破Maruti Suzuki(2014-15年度市场份额为45%)长期以来对汽车市场的主导会很难,但是仍然对这个国家充满希望。雷诺公司就指出,目前印度汽车占有情况是每1,000人拥有20辆汽车,中国是105辆,俄罗斯是300辆,欧洲是600辆。在拥有12.5亿人口的大国里 — 比中国的13.6亿差不太远 — 这是一个未开启的市场,激起了汽车制造商的雄心;雷诺计划到2020年销量突破500万,市场份额达到5%(目前是2%)。 Renault has invested in a new engine facility at the plant it shares with Nissan in Chennai这个法国原始设备制造商在今年9月将拿出最坚定的决心,出售地方风格的Kwid汽车,这是A-段微型SUV汽车,零售价格低得足以替代占据主导地位的制造商Maruti Suzuki。公司对AMS说,诱人的价格来自零部件地方化,水平已经是世界最高了。历经数个错误的开头之后,雷诺认为这次一定会大获全胜。该法国汽车制造商已经投资建设新的发动机工厂,与联盟伙伴日产公司公用金奈(在东海岸)的汽车中心,并没有独自冒险。本田汽车是印度第四大汽车制造商,占据7%的市场份额。公司正在规划第三个工厂,这次是在Gujurat。这是西部的省份,正在力争成为继金奈和普纳之后第三大汽车生产中心。本田印度首席执行官在7月份对通讯社PTI说,公司正在购买这个省新的土地。3月份,本田宣布将继续投资38亿卢比(约合5,960万美元)来增加Takapura和Rajasthan(2014年2月开始投产)工厂的产量,从每年120,000辆提高到180,000辆。本田承认,公司是印度发展最快品牌,2014-15财政年度的增长率为44%。Maruti Suzuki也说将扩大生产,在Gujurat建设新厂。6月份,公司曾说Harayana省的两个工厂(年产量为150万辆)已经没有加大生产的空间。2014-15财政年度里,Maruti出售了117万辆汽车,其中销量最高的是常青树Alto A-段汽车,还有Dzire微型车,该车在今年6月份销量一度超过Alto,成为印度最畅销的车型。卡车绝地反击 在汽车制造商正在寻找各种途径打败实力派Maruti之际,商用车制造商却在挣扎在产销平衡的死亡线上,长期以来处于低谷。商用车的整体销量被厢型车拖了后腿。商用车在2014-15财政年度的销量是614,961辆,仍然低于2011-12年度的810,000辆。但是,中型商用车和重型商用车的销量却上涨了16%,尽头仍然很足。6月份,Tata卡车的销量增长了19%,达到11,450辆,排位第三的Ashok-Leyland的销量整张了46%。 Tata trucks Jamshedpur. Sales of medium and heavy commercial vehicles were up 16% on the year 大型大车市场恢复健康,塔塔汽车重拾信心,追回在上个财政年度推出超轻型卡车和小型车Zest和Bolt而遭受的474亿卢比的损失。小型车的销量在今年依然令人头痛,尽管IHS称,卡车市场的增长“是公司最为乐观的因素”。排位第四的商用车制造商VECV Eicher — 是Eicher与Volvo Trucks的合资公司 — ...

  • Ford Sanand Vehicle Assembly and Engine Plant

    India: The last BRIC standing


    As other emerging markets decline, India is still seeing significant investment by global vehicle-makers Vehicle-makers are stepping up their campaigns to crack the difficult Indian automotive market after the country became the most promising of the emerging BRIC nations following market collapses in Brazil and Russia and a cooling in ...

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    Problemas de duas rodas


    Restrições em áreas urbanas e falta de clareza da marca estão ameaçando o domínio de duas rodas na ChinaA outrora poderosa indústria chinesa de motocicletas está perto de perder seu título de maior número de vendas conforme as restrições não conseguem criar marcas memoráveis ​​com as quais expandir no ...

  • China motorcycle production

    Two-wheeler troubles


    Restrictions in urban areas and a lack of brand clarity are threatening China’s two-wheeler dominanceThe once-mighty Chinese motorcycle industry is close to losing its title of the world’s biggest, as restrictions on sales bite at home and it fails to create memorable brands with which to expand abroad. The industry ...

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    Multi-model management


    The senior GM – Manufacturing at Chakan Plant discusses the challenges of producing a diverse range of vehicles at a single location, plus plans for expansionAMS: Can you provide some background on Chakan Plant?Sairan Vedapudi (SV): We acquired this site in 2007, and although at that time the economic conditions ...

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    Turning India green


    With automotive output rising, the country faces higher demands on energy and waste management India was the sixth-largest vehicle-producing country in the world in 2013, according to statistics from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. Moreover, global analyst IHS Automotive predicts that the country will move up to ...

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    India: Two wheels still good


    Unharmed by the economic downturn, manufacturers of motorcycles and scooters are now pressing ahead with plans to increase production – building new plants and expanding existing facilitiesThe biggest motorcycle and scooter market in the world is back at full throttle after surviving India’s economic slump of the last couple of ...

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    Investindo na Índia


    Enquanto o seu crescimento até agora não conseguiu se igualar ao da China, as montadoras globais e fornecedores ainda estão ansiosos para reforçar as suas pegadas de produção no paísCarros pequenos & SUV/MPVsFordGMFiat ChryslerVWRenaultBMWMercedesJLRHondaToyotaHyundaiFornecedoresA incerteza política que tem afetado a Índia nos últimos tempos, resultou em um ambiente de incerteza ...