All Lotus articles – Page 2

  • Lynk & Co 01

    O mais novo elo de uma cadeia crescente


    A Geely pretende alavancar a propriedade da Volvo para desenvolver e fabricar modelos Lynk & Co e introduzir uma nova abordagem em vendas e serviços. Reportagem por Ian HenryA nova marca chinesa Lynk & Co causou um grande impacto muito rapidamente. Quando seu primeiro modelo, o 01, foi colocado à ...

  • Lynk & Co 01

    El último eslabón de una cadena creciente


    Geely recurre a su marca Volvo para desarrollar y producir modelos Lynk & Co y ofrecer nuevos sistemas de venta y mantenimiento. Artículo de Ian HenryLa nueva marca china Lynk & Co ha creado una gran expectación muy rápidamente. Cuando el primero modelo 01 salió a la venta en China ...

  • Lynk & Co 01

    The newest link in a growing chain


    Geely intends to leverage its ownership of Volvo to develop and manufacture Lynk & Co models, and introduce a new approach to sales and service. Report by Ian HenryThe new Chinese brand Lynk & Co made a big splash very quickly. When its first model, the 01, went on sale ...

  • Steel coil, Tata Port Talbot

    Still going strong


    As November marks the 40th anniversary of the original press-hardened steel patent, AMS takes a look at how the technology has evolved and where it is heading next in an era of mixed-material vehicle productionThe overriding merit of press-hardened steel (PHS) has always been the unique combination of formability, ultra ...

  • Lynk&Co, Geely

    Growing Geely


    The Chinese OEM is charging towards 1m annual sales, expanding its production both at home and abroadGo back just four years and the phenomenal success of China’s Zhejiang Geely Holding Group would have been hard to predict. In 2013, one of the sharpest automotive analysts, Max Warburton from Bernstein Research, ...

  • Article

    Saúdem o novo táxi


    Combinando criatividade, plano de exportação corajoso e um subsídio do governo, a Geely lançou um táxi elétrico LTC todo-novo em uma fábrica construída para este propósito.Como você constrói um carro de nicho de baixo volume como o táxi preto de Londres tornando-o rentável? Esse foi o dilema para a Geely ...

  • Article

    Llega el nuevo taxi londinense


    La combinación de ingenio, un atrevido plan de exportaciones y una subvención gubernamental han permitido a Geely lanzar un taxi eléctrico LTC completamente nuevo en una planta construida para ello:¿Cómo se produce un vehículo marginal como el taxi negro londinense en bajos volúmenes y obtener beneficios? A este reto se ...

  • Article



    融合了精巧而大胆的出口计划,加上政府资助,吉利汽车(Geely)推出全新LTC电动出租车,并在指定工厂生产。你要如何才能制造像伦敦黑色出租车一样的利基、低产量汽车,而且还要盈利?这是浙江省吉利控股集团在开始开发全新出租车时面临的难题。该车将于今年年底推出,并在英格兰考文垂的新工厂里制造。现在我们已经知道,London Taxi Company所面对的任务量简直大如山,而且伦敦有规定,在2018年1月1日之后注册的黑色出租车需要达到量排放。这就意味着,成本仅次于燃料电池的柴油发动机(第二昂贵)要被替换下来,取而代之的是电动车等各种燃油机。吉利采取的方法非常独特而迷人,综合了注重精致的英式传统和吉利(尤其是沃尔沃)供应链网络的自由主义,而且英国政府也拿出大胆的出口计划和丰厚的回报,支持生产。吉利公司在2013年收购了濒临破产的London Taxi Company(前身是London Taxis International),拯救了公司。LTI公司在考文垂Holyhead Road的工厂过去每年能生产大约3,500台出租车。该工厂自1948年以来一直是伦敦黑色出租车的生产地,但是2007年,中国投资商吉利公司把生产带到中国,从2010年起向考文垂工厂进口零部件进行装配。工厂为新款出租车而建原来的工厂接近考文垂的中心,并不适合制造高科技清洁TX5款出租车,因此LTC公司在Ansty不远的新建工业园区里,辟出一块面积达37,000平方米的土地建厂,年产量将达到24,000辆。总的来说,预计LTC工厂向该工厂投资了3.25亿英镑(约合4.15亿美元),开发系列车型,明年将会在同一个平台上生产一款城市用厢式送货车。投资额看似不太高 — 一部分是因为新款TX5的制造方法非常巧妙。新款出租车并没有使用框架车身底盘,而是在轻质挤压铝结构制造而成,和Lotus和Aston Martin制造方法相似。钢材零部件供应商Gestamp说,铝的价格几乎是一般钢铁的3倍,但是质量却是刚才的一半。LTC公司称,这是提高电池材料、保证出租车1.5升增程发动机节省燃料的关键。LTC公司总裁吉利公司董事会成员Carl-Peter Forster说,“这个车并不便宜。但我们的胜算在于,能够让我们的老板成本竞争力提高。” The LTC plant at Ansty near Coventry, UK, will eventually employ around 1,000 workers挤压铝结构的其他好处在于,它能在一个汽车车体修理厂就能完成组装,比标准汽车车体修理厂的投资成本低得多— Foster称,LTC成本只有3,000万英镑。工厂投资成本低,加上政府的Regional Growth Fund资助的1,600万英镑,使整个项目得以成功。Forster说,“为了实现商业利润,我们不得不降低收支平衡点。我不会透露具体数字,但是确实很低。”沃尔沃的供应帮助汽车车体用的铝材来自英国。LTC采购部经理Philip Bracken说,从价值上说,实现了32%的英国本地化率。供应商是铝材专家Sapa Group,集团在英国还进行金属的延吉化处理。在英国采购的第二大零部件是SMC(模压塑料板材)复合塑料汽车车体板材。LTC目前在Holyhead Road工厂,对板材进行喷漆加工。TX5汽车其余的零部件中,32%来自欧洲,32%来自中国,其余的来自美国。令人惊奇的是,很多零部件都是与现代沃尔沃汽车共享的,而沃尔沃是高端汽车品牌。“共享”是这里的关键词。Bracken对我们说,“没有哪个零部件是从沃尔沃公司拿过来的,但是他们给我们一些有关零部件供应商的建议。”Bracken说,这么做的好处就是,价格要比LTC独自去找供应商拿货要便宜。33kwh电池组是从沃尔沃供应商LG Chem公司采购的,而电动机是从Siemens采购的。这两种组件都是在沃尔沃嵌入式混合动力汽车中使用的。发动机是沃尔沃新款3缸涡轮增压汽油发动机,从中国的吉利工厂进口的。出租车还使用沃尔沃电子器件、开关设备、仪表盘屏幕,以及全部后轴(横向复合钢板弹簧)。低成本投资的工厂是什么样的斥资3,000万英镑建成的汽车车体修理厂干净整洁,位于Ansty工厂的中心腹地。硬壳结构是在5个不同区域装配的,每个都有各自的预装配区域。铝材零部件是用夹具装载的;然后机器人再将其粘合。整个过程实现了大约50%的自动化。所有的零部件都用铆钉固定,因此在烘烤之前不会转移。在进入一个 (一共有4个)之前,部件都在构架夹具中装配,形成整车车身。烘烤程序要大约在180摄氏度中进行20分钟。如果LTC计划出口(需求量将超过额敏爱你24,000个)的话,这是LTC公司的一个瓶颈。我们被告知,装配车间能够完成36,000个。 The TX5 is built around lightweight bonded extruded aluminium monocoque, similar to one used by Lotus ...

  • Factory line

    All hail the new taxi


    Combining ingenuity, a bold export plan and a government grant, Geely has launched an all-new LTC electric taxi manufactured at a purpose-built factoryHow do you build a niche, low-volume car like the London black cab and make it profitable? That was the conundrum facing the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group when ...

  • Chassis, Lotus Elise

    Lotus loses weight


    UK – The vehicle-maker says it has cut 207kg from its model range over the past 12 months, after following a holistic approach to weight loss. The chassis for the Elise and Exige now weigh just 68kg each, and the company’s heaviest car is only 1,395kg.“We’re not concerned with following ...

  • Article

    Perfeitamente premium


    Conforme a McLaren e Aston Martin querem ambas aumentar a sua produção, AMS leva uma lupa dentro de suas fábricas impecáveis ​​em Woking e Gaydon, respectivamente, para verificar a mais recente fabricação de automóveis de ponta na Grã-BretanhaA McLaren Automotive e Aston Martin estão ambas se preparando para dobrar sua ...

  • McLaren Woking

    Premium but not perfect


    As McLaren and Aston Martin both build up their production, AMS takes a magnifying glass inside their spotless factories at Woking and Gaydon respectively to see the latest in high-end carmaking in BritainMcLaren Automotive and Aston Martin are both gearing up to double their production as the two luxury companies ...

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    União Firme


    Os engenheiros estão desenvolvendo processos para compósitos que devem ser incorporados à produção de veículos de alto volumeIncorporando componentes em materiais compósitos em estruturas automotivas - juntando-os a outras peças compostas e, talvez mais importante, para as peças feitas a partir de metais - apresenta um novo conjunto de desafios. ...

  • BMW 7-Series

    - 紧紧接合


    工程师们正在开发能将复合材料使用到高产汽车的工艺将复合材料组件融合到汽车结构上来 — 就是将他们与其他复合材料的零部件接合起来,而且更重要的是,接合到金属零部件上 — 成为目前最大的挑战。几十年来,接触点焊是汽车制造商接合金属结构的主要方法 — 这是一个典型的方法,任何车辆都需要2,000到5,000个焊点。这个工艺廉价(每个焊点大约0.05美元)、快速(每个焊点不到1秒钟),很容易进行自动化,而且没有独立耗材。然而,接触点焊无法接合复合材料零部件。事实上,复合材料是以热固性基质为基础的 — 比如环氧树脂 — 根本无法焊接,也就是说,使用这些材料制造的零部件必须用粘合剂或机械方法。热塑性塑料为基础的复合材料可以被焊接,但是在汽车构架组件上的应用还在起步阶段。眼下最恶性的方法就是在制造过程中,将金属元素融入到复合材料零部件上,这样就能使用传统的而结合方法。然而,这种异型接头零部件在设计上存在很大困难,因为要暴露在高机械负荷当中。碳纤维增强塑料的粘合剂很多汽车制造商都采用粘合剂来解决这个问题,这个方法就是进行热固性CFRP(碳纤维增强塑料)到CFRP的接合。为了粘合Hyundai Intrado跨界概念车底架上的碳纤维增强塑料,这个韩国汽车制造商的项目合作伙伴Axon Automotive,选用Scott Bader公司生产的Crestabond M1-20结构性胶黏剂。Loops of CFRP, joined by structural adhesive from Scott Bader, make up the chassis of the Hyundai Intrado crossover conceptAxon Automotive及母公司Far-UK公司技术总监,Kevin Lindsey说:“将所有的部分粘合起来之后成型的底座,能为整个汽车减少很多重量。”据Lindsey称,粘合剂很好地综合了高负荷粘附强度、灵活性、韧性和钢冲击性能,甚至在低室温情况下也是如此。为了装配底座,包括粘合许多钢和铝支架,粘合剂采用了机器人系统,上面有物体分配器和气动枪 — Axon发现这个系统能产能稳定的结果,并且成本效益很高。在大规模生产中使用粘合剂粘合剂接合方法已经被证明可以在大规模生产中应用。这种接合方法还被宝马公司应用到CFRP密集i车型的结构上。与传统的生产线不同,这个占地32,000平方米的莱比锡汽车车体修理厂 — 宝马公司特别为这些汽车生产建造 — 非常凉爽,而且安静。"将所有的部分粘合起来之后成型的底座,能为整个汽车减少很多重量"– Kevin Lindsey, Axon Automotivei3上面的CFRP单体式结构包含的组件数量,比金属结构少得多。这些组件是通过ABB机器人和控制系统装置,全自动完成。由于焊接没有火花,这些机器人周围的护栏都是有木头和亚麻制成的。每个i3车体的接合长度都是173米。接合工序的每个阶段都是用光激活,并用照相机监控。在接合里侧架和外侧架的时候,有一个机器人用一个湿透的毛毡坐垫清洁接合线,这在工序之间进行变换,第二次则使用聚氨酯胶黏剂。另有一对机器人将两个组件压在一起,知道粘合剂凝固。宝马公司在减少硬化时间上获得成功,你那合计在90秒之后就发生效果。在90秒之后就完全发挥力量 — 是传统工艺时间的十分之一。一个补充性热塑工艺 — 即通过将一系列热灯安装在机器人末端执行器上 ...

  • BMW 7-Series

    Sticking together


    Engineers are developing processes for composites to be incorporated into high-volume vehicle productionIncorporating composite components into automotive structures – joining them to other composite parts and, perhaps more importantly, to parts made from metals – presents a new set of challenges. Resistance spot welding has been used by carmakers to ...

  • SGM Body Shop

    SAIC expanding success


    Shanghai Auto has no intentions of giving up its position as China’s number one automaker. AMS looks at its manufacturing operations and future plans SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (SAIC), which is owned by the Shanghai municipal government, operates two major passenger car joint ventures: Shanghai Volkswagen (SVW) and Shanghai GM. ...

  • Lotus

    Lotus hits 40,000 mark for small-car platform


    UK – The milestone was reached 20 years after the company unveiled its Lotus Elise, which has continued to see developments in terms of weight and efficiency. The OEM hailed the “sheer production flexibility” of its small-car platform, which also forms the basis for the Exige, Europa, 2-Eleven, 340R and ...

  • Jean-Marc Gales, PROTON

    Gales to lead Lotus


    Malaysia – Parent company PROTON said that the appointment of Jean-Marc Gales as CEO was effective from May 1. Gales joins the company after leading the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) since 2012. Prior to CLEPA, Gales was president of Automobiles Citroen and Automobiles Peugeot between 2009 and 2012. ...

  • Article

    Ateco importa


    Ateco almeja importações da China para a AustráliaO Grupo Ateco da Austrália e Nova Zelândia, o maior importador de carro de base local independente, disse que planeja construir um novo núcleo de negócio em torno de importações chinesas, bem como iniciar negócios com as marcas norte-americanas pela primeira vez. ...

  • Article

    Ateco направит импорты из Китая в Австралию


    Группа Ateco Group, крупнейший независимый автоимпортер Aвстралии и Новой Зеландии, заявила, что планирует новый профильный бизнес по импорту китайских авто и впервые начнет бизнес с Северной Америкой. Tакже компания собирается и далее развивать существующие связи с производителями в Европе. С начала мая этого года компания начнет проставлять автомобили ...