Latest News & Features – Page 224


    Газ экспортирует ходовые части автобусов на Кубу


    Российский производитель коммерческих авто Газ начал поставки ходовых частей для автобусов на Кубу. Предполагается, что к концу года будет поставлено 330 единиц. Ходовые части 210 ПАЗ-32053 отправляются местному партнеру на Кубе, имя которого не раскрывается, для окончательной сборки на месте. Газ также будет поставлять и запчасти. Конечный продукт будет выпускаться ...

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    Порт в Хамбантота принимает 100-е судно


    Шриланкийский порт Магам Рухунупура Махиндра Раджапакса (MRMRP) в Хамбантота отпраздновал приход 100го судна, спустя год после начала ро-ро трафика в порту. С начала июня 2012 года порт обработал свыше 35 000 единиц авто, в том числе почти 15 000 операций по перегрузке и 21 000 по импорту. На прошлой неделе ...

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    Neptune Lines отмечает 20-летний юбилей на Черном море


    Eвропейский каботажный оператор Neptune Lines отмечает 20 лет непрерывной деятельности на Черном море. В это же врем я автопроизводители и логистические провайдеры снова фокусируют свое внимание на этом регионе, как на возможной точке ввоза на рынки, в том числе в Россию, Румынию и Турцию. В последнее время компания предоставляла услуги ...

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    Advanced materials and process technologies


    The widespread introduction of new advanced / lightweight materials is being driven by the latest ‘green’ legislation, leading to the creation of alternative process solutions to meet medium and high volume vehicle manufacture.During the webinar, Comau puts the focus on advanced multi-material joining and explain how early involvement in engineering ...

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    Volvo receives approval for manufacturing in China


    China – Government authorities have approved Volvo Cars’ bid to establish manufacturing plants in Daqing and Zhangjiakou meaning that Volvo Cars’ full Chinese industrial footprint (including Chengdu) has now been approved.The assembly plant in Daqing is under construction and the first pre-series cars will be built in late 2013 for ...

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    Zero waste disposal


    Mike Farish reports on the methods being developed to reduce the amount of automotive manufacturing waste being sent to landfill.A previously derelict parking lot in Detroit, Michigan, now bears the name Cadillac Urban Garden, marking the fact that the 250 plant beds it contains are made from redundant shipping crates ...

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    Plants reaping their rewards


    Manufacturers such as Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes are now firmly ensconced on US soilThe three European car companies building in the US have contributed as much to revised fortunes in the southern states as any manufacturer. The states themselves certainly paid handsomely for the privilege as the attraction of running ...

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    Stability in piston ring inspection


    Keyence’s LK-G32 laser displacement sensors, used at the Trémery PSA factory to inspect piston rings, feature heads with small spots 30 microns in diameter (LK-G32) to inspect the scraper and compression rings, and two LK-G82 heads to detect the top ring, says the company. It claims they provide a sampling ...

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    Editor's Note: Giant steps


    One of the suggested causes of the extinction of the dinosaurs was an inability to adapt to changing circumstances (as well as a meteor strike), and it seemed a few years ago that the US auto industry might go the same way. Many observers criticised these giants of manufacturing for ...

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    5-axis water jet cutting system


    Featuring Permalign EDGE technology, the EDGE X-5 from Jet Edge is capable of cutting chamfers, weld bevels and 3D parts such as impeller blades, the company says. It adds that its industrial PC controller is designed specifically for 5-axis water jet cutting and the AquaVision Di controller’s open architecture design ...

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    The road to recovery for the Big Three


    Being forced to tighten their belts has put North America’s Big Three carmakers in a strong global position, writes Nick GibbsOrion Lake, north of Detroit, is to build the Buick Verano, which shares much with the Opel/Vauxhall Astra. And Chrysler saviour Fiat resurrected the idled Jeep plant of Belvidere, Illinois ...

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    High-performance bio-based metalworking fluid


    EcoLine metalworking fluid is a new bio-degradable, multi-functional product formulated by Cortec. The company says it combines the latest corrosion protection technology with environmental factors that make it suitable replacement for chlorinated products and hazardous mineral oils.Compared to conventional fluids EcoLine is said to have enhanced corrosion inhibiting and lubricity ...

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    High-precision non-contact laser for gauging


    AMETEK Solartron Metrology’s Orbit LTH laser triangulation unit is a non-contact laser for high-performance gauging which, the company says, delivers 0.02 F.S. (full scale) reading over 2 or 10mm measurement ranges. This yields accuracy up to .05μm with the 2mm stroke.The laser can be networked with up to 150 different ...

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    AMS North America returns to Detroit


    Conference chairman Simon Duval Smith outlines the expert OEM and tier supplier speakers contributing to the agenda of this must-attend event.Bringing together senior manufacturing and purchasing executives from OEMs and tier one suppliers, the North America AMS conference is returning to the US on September 23-24 at the MGM Grand ...

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    The light fantastic


    Aluminium is steadily gaining a larger share of the total material usage in automobile construction, but it can be challenging, especially in high volume production, writes Ruari McCallionAccording to a 2012 report from research group Ducker Worldwide, aluminium now averages 140kg per vehicle manufactured in the EU.Premiums driving increaseBetter by ...

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    Entry-level turn and mill machining centre


    The new CTX beta 2000 TC is an addition to DMG MORI SEIKI’s CTX TC turning centre series, which the company says offers affordable entry into complete turn-mill machining of workpieces with turning lengths of up to 2,000mm.The work envelope will accommodate workpieces up to 550mm x 2,050mm and is ...

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    Dual-purpose robot joystick


    Thompson Automation Systems claims its new joystick unit can transform a standard industrial robot into an intelligent manipulating tool. Rather than just performing pre-programmed automated tasks, it allows a regular robot to be manually guided through a series of routines with up to six degrees of freedom.The joystick features programmable ...

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    New car body framing solution able to accommodate up to 14 robots


    ABB Robotics has launched a GateFramer robotic car body framing system, which enables up to six different car body variants to be framed on the same line by swapping gates that hold the tools for each car model.The company says this system offers a consistent gate exchange time of 18 ...

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    Boosting production of Ford's EcoBoost


    Glenn Brooks discusses exports, capacity and the forthcoming production of the new global 1.5 EcoBoost unit at Ford Bridgend.After launching in Romania, next August Ford is to switch production of its 1.5 EcoBoost engine to Bridgend, Wales. AMS spoke to assistant plant manager Neil Davis to find out how the ...

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    Safety and sustainability linked up for efficiency


    Kimberly-Clark Professional says manufacturers should consider safety and sustainability together, in order to maximise their performance in both areas.The company’s Efficient Workplace programme aims to help businesses eliminate hazards and enhance the sustainability of their operations by highlighting the best way to select, dispense, use and store equipment and supplies ...