All Joining articles – Page 4
Structural adhesive joining solutions
Dow Automotive Systems claims its Betaforce, Betamate and Betaseal structural adhesive solutions will enhance lightweight module construction. The company says its structural adhesives are developed with rapid-cure characteristics that are suited to mass production manufacturing environments. Primerless-to-plastic formulations help remove VOCs from assembly operations, and new multifunctional adhesives are in ...
Out now: North America 2018
When it comes to America and automotive manufacturing, some things are impossible to ignore. Foremost among them are: The Big Three, the light truck segment and Trump. In our latest global region supplement, we bring you the full set.In this AMS special supplement we examine a region that produces around ...
- 斯堪的纳维亚人的措施
在一个极其动荡的政治环境下诞生了一个新工厂 — 这就是沃尔沃在美国的第一家工厂。Michael Nash报道沃尔沃汽车正式在美国开设第一个工厂。南卡查尔斯顿工厂的建设始于2015年,董事长兼首席执行官Håkan Samuelsson强调了当地生产对发展和达成利润目标的重要性。这个工厂现在只生产新款S60轿跑车,这款车是在可扩展整车平台(SPA)上制造的。Samuelsson说,“查尔斯顿工厂的建立使美国成为我们第三大国内市场。轿车级别和SPA平台有能力促进盈利,为沃尔沃汽车在美国和全球的发展提供巨大机会。”工厂原来计划每年制造100,000辆汽车,但是生产力可以达到150,000辆。工厂占地230万平方英尺,到2018年底为止,员工数量将达到1,500人。该制造商已经花费11亿美元,但是只有5亿美元是指定给工厂投资的。S60汽车是沃尔沃汽车非柴油机汽车阵营中的第一款汽车额,体现了公司到2019“走向全面电动化”的方针 — 这个战略起于2017年,就是推出的每款汽车都要完成一定程度的电气化,配有中等混合动力系统或全电池驱动汽车。工厂还没有敲定生产电动车,但是据Samuelsson称,如果进行“少量”投资的话就可以实现。缓慢而稳步除了S60以外,查尔斯顿还会从2021年开始生产沃尔沃最畅销的SUV汽车—XC90。制造商没有澄清延迟生产的原因,因为这款SUV与S60共享SPA平台,因此同时生产两款汽车本应该很直接。不久前在接受AMS采访的时候,沃尔沃行业战略高级总监Ulf Nordelöf解释称,沃尔沃瑞典哥德堡工厂就因为只使用SPA平台上生产而受益匪浅。他回忆说,“在三四年的时间里,我们逐步放弃使用3中平台生产,然后仅用1个平台,而且还推出5个新车型,其中不包括V60。我们有勇气去做书本里没有的事情,那就是改变过程,改变产品系列,最重要的是提高产量。”但是沃尔沃在查尔斯顿谨小慎微的举动得到了查尔斯顿与区开发联盟(CRDA)全球业务开发副总裁Mike Graney的赞扬。他对AMS说,重要的是制造商克服了急于求成的诱惑。他说,“运营一个汽车厂是马拉松,而不是百米冲刺。沃尔沃很明智的选择一种适度的发展速度,这与宝马30年前的策略是一样的。我们认为沃尔沃的汽车生产会随着在美国以及其他地方树立强大的品牌影响力而提高。这对我们查尔斯顿所有人来说都是一个令人兴奋地时刻。”回顾2015年,沃尔沃宣布要在美国建设工厂,并说出选择查尔斯顿的几个理由。其中首要理由是这里的港口,城市位于东海岸,便于进口零部件以及出口整车。大约工厂生产的一半汽车会在美国市场销售,而其余的一半则用于出口。高素质劳动力以及制造领域丰富的经验也是查尔斯顿中选的重要特点。 沃尔沃查尔斯顿工厂开始时仅生产S60轿跑车,这是最畅销的大型SUV汽车,2021年开始将增加XC90汽车的生产据CRDA称,查尔斯顿港口自称是大西洋南岸最深的港口,可以让沃尔沃抵达全球150多个国家。在劳动力方面,在当地雇佣的33%员工都具有本科以上学历。城市人口增长迅速 — 从2010年到2016年,人口增长速度是美国平均的4倍,是南卡平均数的两倍。其中一部分原因是有很多向沃尔沃这样的公司到这里来投资。Graney继续说,“全球贸易与投资促进查尔斯顿大都会的经济满融,国际公司和人才在这里的根基和人脉都很深。30多年来,南卡一直发展汽车制造业。宝马在北部打开第一枪,博世紧随其后落足查尔斯顿。我们拥有综合性人才培训项目、健康的行业分为,以及强有力的激励措施。”CRDA一位发言人补充说,查尔斯顿“成为大萧条之后宣布在美建厂的最早两家汽车装配厂的落脚地……查尔斯顿提供的劳动力和人才让公司获得了发展和成功。就算是迎来波音、沃尔沃和戴姆勒的大肆扩张,查尔斯顿的人才库仍然足以为公司的发展提供机会。”全球发展我们心里“一直在进步”,沃尔沃在美国生产汽车的时候正是公司销量创纪录的时候。从全球销量来看,公司在2018年前半年共交付317,639辆汽车,比2017年同期增长了14.4%。公司最大的市场是欧洲,2018年前半年里,公司在欧洲共售出164,480辆汽车。中国是第二大市场,共出售61,480辆汽车,美国是第三,售出47,622辆。然而,销量增长率最高的是美国,增幅为39.6%。在中国和欧洲分别增长了18.4%和5.7%。2018年5月6月,XC90汽车在美国的需求比2017年同期分别增长了30.1%和17.4%。除了在美国建造工厂之外,公司还宣布要提高欧洲及亚洲工厂的产量,以满足这些市场对XC40小型SUV的“巨大需求”。该车型是在紧凑型模块化品平台(CMA)上生产,该平台是沃尔沃和姊妹品牌 — 凌克一同开发的。Samuelsson评论说,“XC40的成功远远超过我们的预期。小型SUV汽车的发展非常迅速,增加CMA平台生产的车型之后,估计我们的利润会继续增长。”公司并没有透露在扩大之后,比利时根特工厂、中国刘桥工厂会生产多少汽车。但两家公司很快会生产Lynk&Co 01汽车,这也是一款SUV汽车,也是吉利旗下第一款品牌汽车。"沃尔沃很明智的选择一种适度的发展速度,这与宝马30年前的策略是一样的。我们认为沃尔沃的汽车生产会随着在美国以及其他地方树立强大的品牌影响力而提高。" - Mike Graney, CRDA开设查尔斯顿工厂正值全球汽车业处于微妙处境的时刻。美国总统特朗普以贸易大战威胁中国,对中国4,000亿美元的进口货物征收关税。欧洲各国认为这种行为会在全球产生联锁反应。但Samuelsson却仍然很淡定。最近他在接受Bloomberg Television电视台采访的时候说,“首先,虽然我们的行业处于非常时刻,但庆幸的是我们在当地建有工厂。如果没有工厂,未来我们会更加忧虑。我们前方的道路有很多,但我们认为在美国发展对我们来说更加重要,不仅要建立与合作商、零售商之间的新任,而且还要更加靠近客户。了解他们的喜好,我们将来才能为他们制造更好的汽车。”S60汽车零部件中大约有50%是在美国当地生产的,而其他组件来自墨西哥和欧洲。Samuelsson说,他坚信“贸易要开放,但是也会做好两手准备。”也就是说,他认为沃尔沃的供应链不会受到影响,会继续盈利,而且他们的汽车会自由地向全球出口。没有这些措施,汽车的而成本就会增长。他还说,“我希望我们能满足低关税要求,不用缴纳高标准关税。这对我们的客户来说才是最佳方案。”尽管新的沃尔沃工厂的建设早于美国总统选举,但是有些媒体认为,开设查尔斯顿工厂是特朗普总统企图哄骗大量制造厂进入美国计划成功的结果。然而,如果关税威胁继续升级,沃尔沃汽车的成本继续增长,那么这家瑞典公司未来提高产量满足需求的预期也就化为泡影了。
The Scandinavian settlement
A new plant has been born in an extremely turbulent political environment – Volvo’s first in the US. Michael Nash reportsVolvo Cars has officially opened its first plant in the US. Construction began at Charleston, South Carolina, back in 2015, with president and CEO Håkan Samuelsson highlighting the importance of ...
SPA in the DNA
Rising global demand for Volvo vehicles and the arrival of models using the SPA platform is having a considerable impact on the company’s Torslanda plant. Michael Nash investigatesAs they typically employ thousands of people, mass-market vehicle production plants often have a significant influence on local and indeed national economies. But ...
Robots on the rise
Advances in robotics go hand in hand with new approaches to automotive manufacturing, writes Chris PickeringThe automotive industry is at a crossroads. Ahead lays the most radical shake-up in a generation, with disruptive trends such as electrification, autonomous driving and lightweight materials bringing opportunity and uncertainty in equal measure. It ...
Arc-welding aluminium: challenges and solutions
Lincoln Electric’s Tim Hurley and Michael Klee look at how the number of aluminium structures in BEVs can create new challenges to those unaccustomed to welding the metal AutoDrive SAWith the increasing number of electric vehicles that are being developed and introduced to the automotive market, vehicle architecture is changing ...
Switched on to new EV processes
The boost in electric vehicles poses challenges for traditional manufacturing. ABB’s Michael Larsson explains how robotic automation can help solve themWhat are some of the latest key trends in the electric vehicle (EV) market?Technological advances coupled with regulatory pressures on internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles are leading to promising signs ...
The role of the rotor shaft
EMAG explains how, as studies predict rapid growth in electromobility, it’s clear that mechanical engineering has a central part to playAccording to the Center of Automotive Management, sales of electric cars in China and the US massively increased last year. In Germany, the market share doubled at a low level. ...
Smarter EV production
As it launches ‘electric intelligence’ models, Mercedes-Benz is also adapting its factories for flexible productionAt first there was some confusion over what Mercedes-Benz meant when it announced that it was creating an ‘EQ’ division. Was it to be a line-up of cars which would directly challenge BMW’s i models, as ...
Opel Zaragoza plant hits milestone
Spain - The 13-millionth car, an Opel Crossland X, has rolled off a production at the plant. Zaragoza is the company's biggest production facility in Europe, and has been in operation since 1982."Our day to day focus is on how to get our customers the best product in the most ...
Adient and Arvind to open facility
India - The two companies are joining forces to create Adient Arvind Automotive Fabrics - a joint venture company that will develop, manufacture and sell fabrics for vehicle seating systems in India. The first plant will be located in Ahmedabad, and will serve both domestic and international OEMs."Adient is committed ...
Spotting an opportunity
Steed Webzell talks to major players in joining, automation and materials technologies to get their take on the future of spot welding ABB spot welding technology at Scania's plant in OskarshamnAccording to a Technavio 2017 report, spot welding is the most popular type of robotic welding, generating more than 48% ...
Joined-up thinking
The welding of plastics and other non-metallic materials is now well established as a fabrication technique for automotive componentsThe welding of non-metallic materials is frequently used to create parts such as cabin consoles, lights and mirror assemblies, intake manifolds and fluid reservoirs, including fuel tanks. However, despite being a common ...
New welding technology
According to NIMAK its new generation of robot welding guns are designed to meet the requirements of multi-material mix and use in large-scale production for conventional steel applications. The company points out that these are based on a centralised motor and gear unit that reduces weight and lowers interference contours ...
The secret behind the shine
ABB Robotics is helping Audi achieve high levels of quality and consistency in its sealing and coating operationWith automated painting processes at Audi’s plant in Changchun, China, clean and shining Audi A4Ls are rolling out one by one. This paintshop includes under-body coating, interior seam sealing, cosmetic sealing and three ...
Seeing things clearly
AMS reports on the most recent developments in the use of machine vision technology for quality control applications in automotive manufacturingIn response to rapid and sustained improvements in machine vision technologies, a growing number of automotive manufacturing OEMs and suppliers are now deploying such systems in a wider range of ...
The inside story
EcoInCure, a new body drying process developed by Dürr, permits the best possible top coat appearance and maximum process reliability EcoInCure is a new body drying process developed by Dürr which heats and cools bodies from the inside. It’s a technology that meets all the requirements for future drying ...
Fibre laser solutions for challenging applications in the automotive industry
High brightness fibre lasers are enabling improved performance in many applications in automotive industry – even the more challenging, such as welding of zinc-coated steel. In this webinar, we discuss how to select the most suitable laser technology for specific automotive applications, taking into account the latest developments and ...
Seating plan
Adient CTO Detlef Juerss talks to AMS about the company’s sure and steady approach to new and complex challengesAmong all the exhibits at the IAA international motor show in Frankfurt, a seat that Adient produces for the BMW 7-Series ably exemplifies a modern automotive manufacturing challenge – to combine precision ...