All articles by Joanne Perry – Page 3
Entrevista: Alfons Dintner, Audi
El CEO de la empresa en México nos explica cómo Audi se convirtió en la primera marca de gama alta con una planta en el país Joanne Perry: San José Chiapa es la primera planta de Audi en México, y en Norteamérica. ¿Cuál es la relevancia de esta planta? Alfons ...
Entrevista: Fidel Otake, GKN
GKN Driveline tiene presencia productiva en México desde la década de los 70 y ha crecido mucho en los últimos años. El director de operaciones del país habla sobre su nueva instalación de árboles de transmisión en Guanajuato Joanne Perry: GKN Driveline cuenta con varias instalaciones en el mundo pero ...
Un nuevo mundo para Kia
La marca surcoreana acaba de inaugurar una planta de última generación en Pesquería, México, pero debido a problemas administrativos su primera planta en Latinoamérica todavía no funciona a pleno rendimiento Un valle bañado por el sol en Monterrey proporciona una vista perfecta de la primera fábrica de Kia Motors en ...
Nissan cambia de rumbo
La marca lleva produciendo vehículos en México desde 1966 pero la nueva asociación COMPAS con Daimler sumará nuevos modelos de gama alta a su catálogo el próximo año. AMS ha querido comprobar el progreso hasta el momento Los constructores se están apresurando para establecer una base de producción en México ...
Mazda crece en Guanajuato
AMS analiza la nueva planta de la marca en Salamanca, México – la planta en Norteamérica En enero de 2014, Mazda se unió a la marea de constructores que llegaron a México e inauguró una nueva planta en Salamanca, Guanajuato – su primer centro de producción independiente en Norteamérica. Los ...
Editor's note: A headlong rush
Vehicle-makers can barely get into Mexico fast enough. No fewer than six new factories will be opened between 2016 and 2019 – more than one a year. This September witnessed official plant launches by Kia and Audi, next year it will be Renault-Nissan in partnership with Daimler, Ford will follow ...
Interview: Fidel Otake, GKN
GKN Driveline has had a manufacturing presence in Mexico since the 1970s and has grown strongly in recent years. The company's operations director for the country discusses its new propshaft facility in GuanajuatoJoanne Perry (JP): GKN Driveline has many facilities around the world but relatively few in the Americas. Is ...
Mazda: Growing in Guanajuato
AMS gives an update on the OEM's recently opened plant at Salamanca, Mexico – its first in North AmericaIn January 2014, Mazda joined the flood of vehicle-makers arriving in Mexico by opening a new plant in Salamanca, Guanajuato – its first independent production site in North America. The idea behind ...
Interview: Alfons Dintner, Audi
The company's CEO for Mexico explains how it became the first premium brand with a plant in the countryJoanne Perry (JP): San José Chiapa is Audi’s first factory in Mexico – and North America. Can you elaborate on its significance?Alfons Dintner (AD): This plant is a major building block for ...
Nissan heads in a new direction
The OEM has been manufacturing vehicles in Mexico since 1966 but the new COMPAS collaboration with Daimler will add premium cars to the line-up by next year. AMS went to check on the progress so farThe rush among carmakers to set up a manufacturing base in Mexico will see no ...
Kia's brave new world
The South Korean OEM has just opened a state-of-the-art factory at Pesquería in Mexico, but political problems are preventing this first Latin American manufacturing base from reaching its full potentialA sun-scorched hilltop in Monterrey provides the perfect view of Kia Motors’ first Latin American factory: a gleaming white press shop, ...
Travel blog: Shaping up at Nissan Aguascalientes
After nine days of traipsing across Mexico to visit even the remotest automotive facilities, Aguascalientes ('Hot Springs') sounds like an ideal stopping point on my journey, with its distinctly spa-like connotations. But this is no time for a back rub. It's Nissan I've come to visit, and the only water ...
Travel blog: The final frontier with Kia in Pesquería
And for my next mission... Mars! Or Monterrey in Nuevo León, which is similarly arid but uncomfortably hotter. At least I have the benefit of oxygen as I journey to Kia's new factory at Pesquería. I'd heard that Kia had been experiencing problems (Houston!) with this development, but as I ...
Travel blog: Meeting Mexico's Lord of the Rings
The picturesque south-central state of Puebla bears little resemblance to J.R.R. Tolkien's Mordor of Middle-earth, other than the active volcano that occasionally breathes out a light sprinkling of ash; in fact, the first day of my nationwide tour of automotive facilities brings me to a bright, open plain circled by ...
Editor's note: The eye of the beholder
The allure of a gleaming surface has always been irresistible to the human eye. While technological complexity and model diversity are increasing to a bewildering degree, the external appearance of a vehicle remains an obvious deciding factor for most buyers. As a result, OEMs and their paint providers are coming ...
Progresso da Pacifica
Conforme a FCA US implementa um upgrade de $744m em sua fábrica de Windsor, no Canadá, a AMS foca sobre o novo equipamento na oficina de pintura, incluindo a tecnologia de separação de óleo inovadora e um sistema de vedação robótica"O que estávamos pedindo para a equipe de Windsor nunca ...
Renovación Pacifica
FCA US realiza una actualización de 744 millones de dólares en su planta de Windsor en Canadá, por lo que AMS se centra en el nuevo equipamiento de la línea de pintura que incluye una innovadora tecnología de separación del aceite y un sistema de sellado robotizado"Lo que pedíamos al ...
FCA US斥资7.44亿美元,对加拿大Windsor工厂进行升级改造。AMS聚焦喷洗车间新安装的设备,包括创新性油分离技术,以及机器人密封系统。菲亚特克莱斯勒北美公司(FCA US)负责制造部的副总裁Brian Harlow说,“我们要求Windsor团队做的事情是以前从来没有做过的。他们是真正的先锋。”这些话是加拿大安大略省Windsor装配厂推出2017款Chrysler Pacifica生产之后做的发言。FCA US公司斥资7.44亿美元,给这个88岁高龄的工厂进行升级改造,制造第六代车型,以及Dodge Grand Caravan车型(已经投产);以及小型敞篷车构架。重组之后,Windsor将停止生产Ram Cargo Van车型和Chrysler Town & Country小型敞篷车,分别于2015年初和2016年3月投产。此外,工厂公用1,200名固定工人,工人总数达到6,000人,实行3班制(喷漆车间每班141名工人)。2014年底为期两周的圣诞节假期里,推出了主要建设项目,计划到2015年前半年,共14个星期里完成。在2015年剩下的时间里,对原有工厂进行修缮,使其能够适合处理新的加工,并为先进技术、输送和机器人辅助设备提供空间。在停产16周之后,开始两个重大项目:在7周内实现Grand Caravan日产量1,490辆,2周内实现新的Pacifica试点项目,并维持原有小型敞篷车的质量。据Harlow说,这会很困难,但是“我们知道,有世界级制造(WCM)的引导,Windsor团队就能够迎接挑战。”FCA US Windsor的喷漆车间首次将特种油分析技术从欧洲引进到北美Windsor工厂经理Michael Brieda说,“WCM渗透到Pacifica启动工作的方方面面。这种理念推动我们工厂发挥我们的极限,将我们从2009年以来的所学发挥到极致。这是我们实现最高汽车质量,制造最佳汽车的动力。”Windsor工厂在2014年3月达到WCM标准。据FCA US公司称,Windsor工厂的升级过程包含了很多个“第一”:第一次在北美的汽车车体修理厂采用PULSE传送系统;全球首次在组件中心采用双臂激光雷达测量系统;在FCA北美喷漆车间首次采用高级油分离系统。总之,大部分工作都在汽车车体修理厂和装配车间完成的,但是为了提高Chrysler Pacifica整车的质量,喷漆车间也接受的升级改造,但是FCA US并没有透露在这里投资的总额。添加密封剂来除油在自动化制造系统供应商Encore Automation(喷漆作业专业公司)的帮助下,喷漆车间新安装了一个机器人密封系统。该系统使用38个Fanuc机器人,6个用于打开提升门和阀盖,32个用于为底座、发动机舱、内饰和顶条安装272英尺的密封剂。Pacifica喷漆工序中增加了底座密封,提供更多的防腐功能,满足OEM制造商全球标准。新安装的密封系统还可以用于加工原有的小型敞篷车。该系统是一个高速的摩擦力转移系统,有Central Conveyance Company提供,通过将许多汽车车体通过密封单元,从而提高了效率。 The new oil separator in pretreatment ensures that the vehicle bodies are uncontaminated and ready for e-coating在整个喷漆车间里使用滑板和输送车运输车体。FCA US购买了新的运输车,用于运输两个小型敞篷车构架;总体来说,大约有2,300辆运输车被重新设计利用。这里增加了密封剂的使用,包括在底座上,这就需要安装新的密封胶炉(由杜尔公司提供)。FCA US公司的一位发言人证实,这个炉子已经安装,并没有扩建;在整个升级改造过程中,喷漆车间有469,520平方英尺被保留下来,生产力依旧。现在,每辆Pacifica汽车需要在炉子里带上10分钟,强化密封剂,防止在下一步喷漆工序中滴入到底漆粉里。新的油分离器室友Suparator Systms Europe公司开发,采用了欧洲工厂里使用的系统。这个分离器被并入到预处理程序当中,阻止污染后续车体,保证整体喷漆质量;为了在运输过程中保护金属板而涂上去的油,必须要在电泳漆之前消除。据FCA US发言人称,该工艺采用了水翼,而不是机翼,油就会通过液体流动的速度覆盖整个表面。汽车车体被浸入到电泳,分离剂去油,并且保持浸泡,因此车体就会保持洁净,为下一步喷漆做准备。喷漆厂最后一个而变化就是在底漆和表漆过程中,对135Fanuc机器人进行再设定。这部分是由Inovision Software Solutions公司操作的。Grand Caravan车型和Pacifica车型在喷漆厂的时间相同 —都是10.4小时 — ...
Pacifica progress
As FCA US smoothly implements a $744m upgrade at its Windsor plant in Canada, AMS focuses on the new equipment in the paintshop, including innovative oil separation technology and a robotic sealing system“What we were asking the Windsor team to do had never been done before,” said Brian Harlow, vice ...