All JLR articles – Page 7

  • Mitsubishi 2.5mm diameter End Mill Machining Apertures on Base Plates

    Puliendo asperezas


    Las innovaciones en utillaje y la colaboración con proveedores están resultando críticas para obtener una ventaja competitiva en los talleres de mecanizado automotriz de todo el mundoLa planta de motores de Ford en la británica Bridgend produce 750,000 motores de gasolina al año y ha iniciado una asociación con la ...

  • Dec 2016 TATA Steel , Wiilenhall. New Tailor Welded Blanks (TWB) line

    Acero a medida


    Con una capacidad de producción de 750,000 toneladas anuales, no es ninguna sorpresa que la industria automotriz sea uno de los principales clientes de Tata SteelparkTata Steelpark cerca de Wolverhampton, Reino Unido, uno de los principales centros de procesamiento de acero en Europa. El acero llega en bobinas a la ...

  • Carlos Tavares and Marry Barra

    After PSA and Opel, who's next?


    The acquisition of Opel/Vauxhall by PSA, which should be complete by the end of this year, took the industry by surprise. With Opel/Vauxhall still losing money in Q3 2016, GM’s chief financial officer, Chuck Stevens, said the company would do what was required to put the situation right. Most observers ...

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    No quarteirão


    A mistura de abastecimento in-house e externo que OEMs implantam regularmente na produção de motor do veículo tornam a sua cadeia de fornecimento bastante distinta da de todos os outros componentes ao longo da linha de montagem.Motores, seja a diesel ou a gasolina, possuem uma cadeia de suprimentos que é ...

  • BOSCH; Common Rail; Bamberg

    A vueltas con el motor


    Los armadores recurren tanto a la producción interna y como externa para la producción del motor, por lo que la cadena de suministro de sus componentes es muy diferente a las demás en la línea de ensambladoLos motores, ya sean diesel o gasolina, tienen una cadena de suministro muy diferente ...

  • Dec 2016 TATA Steel , Wiilenhall. New Tailor Welded Blanks (TWB) line



    With a total throughput capacity of 750,000 tonnes of metal per year, it is no surprise to discover the automotive industry is a major customer of the Tata SteelparkThe Tata Steelpark near Wolverhampton, UK, is one of the major steel processing sites in Europe. Inbound, coiled steel from the company’s ...

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    - 发动机概况


    OEM制造商对汽车发动机采用厂内生产与厂外采购混合形式,这与装配线上其他组件的生产是不同的。发动机,不管是柴油机和汽油机,其供应链与汽车装配厂所用组件的供应链非常不同。从本质上讲,这是因为发动机不是在汽车厂制造的,但是要供应给公司内外不同地点的不同车型。汽车制造商所用大部分发动机都是自己生产的,虽然有些跨公司供应也存在;举例来说,Renault公司为Mercedes公司供应1.5升发动机(这是因为Renault-Nissan-Daimler联盟),而Ford公司为Jaguar Land Rover制造V8发动机。BMW公司还未英国丰田供应1.6升及2.0升柴油机。 Hams Hall, BMW’s UK factory, is the principal engine supply site for the Mini range and the BMW 1-series and 2-series models汽车公司还锻造大部分发动机缸体和发动机罩,尽管外面有一些供应商 — 比如Nemak公司,在全球都有生产足迹。大部分也都是汽车公司和独立供应商会在厂内制造像曲轴、连杆和凸轮轴这样的零部件。与此相反,涡轮增压器、过滤器、活塞、气门机构零部件、电子及控件一般都是从外部采购。下面我们主要看汽车公司厂内供应发动机和主要铸件的安排,以及外部供应商的作用。以下讨论的汽车公司例子在业内非常典型,这种情况在其他大型汽车公司内比比皆是。BMW宝马是德国高端商标,公司所有发动机都是内部生产,产欧洲有4个产地 — 奥地利、英国各一个,德国有两个 — 中国还有一个。德国的一个工厂在慕尼黑附近的Landshut,制造大部分铝材发动机缸体和缸盖,用于Steyr(奥地利)、Munich(德国)和Hams Hall(英国伯明翰附近)工厂的发动机加工。Landshut工厂还制造曲轴箱和变速器,而Steyr工厂制造曲轴箱、曲轴、连杆,而且还加工气缸盖,每年装配大约120万部发动机,其中的三分之二是柴油发动机,其余的汽油发动机。Munich工厂是BMW公司主要的汽油发动机工厂,而且还生产大型6缸柴油发动机。英国工厂是Mini系列和BMW 1系列和2系列车型的主要发动机供应地。工厂生产的一些发动机会出口到中国宝马公司,以及亚洲很多宝马全散件装配工厂。中国的发动机厂从欧洲宝马公司进口气缸体和气缸盖,但是中国制造的发动机采用了当地生产的曲轴箱、曲轴和连杆。Daimler-Mercedes 习惯上,梅赛德斯的发动机一直都是在德国Berlin(制造大型柴油机和汽油机)、Kolleda(在MFA平台上制造Smart系列和A级和B及车型及变体车型发动机)和Untertürkheim工厂制造,这些工厂分布在Bad Canstatt附近,每年共生产650,000-700,000部发动机。Untertürkheim工厂是梅赛德斯主要铸造厂,制造所需大部分气缸体和气缸盖。为了满足不断增长的需求,梅赛德斯目前在德国以外的欧洲工厂生产发动机,比如波兰Jawor。该厂加工并装配发动机,使用逐渐来自梅赛德斯自己的工厂和外部供应商。和宝马一样,梅赛德斯在中国生产发动机,用以满足当地不断增长的需求,提高本体成分,并降低进口税。 Ford supplies its regional operations from engine production sites in North America and EuropeFord福特全球发动机生产网络区域地区化,主要的发动机生产厂在北美和欧洲,为地区工厂供应。在欧洲,福特公司在德国(Cologne)、罗马尼亚(Cariova)、西班牙(Valencia)、土耳其(Kocaeli)和英国(Bridgend)生产汽油机;公司专注英国(Dagenham)柴油发动机的生产。福特公司在气缸体和气缸盖采用刬内生产和外购混合模式,这些零部件就是在以上工厂加工装配的。英国工厂只是加工装配厂,也就是说没有自己的铸造厂。公司北美发动机厂在Ohio(有两个工厂)、Michigan(两个工厂)、Canada(两个工厂)和墨西哥的Chihuahua。除了北美和欧洲,福特公司在中国有两家发动机厂,在印度有两家,巴西有两家,南非有一家。所有这些工厂主要都用于供应地方汽车厂,只有一些组件出口。南美工厂每年生产110,000部发动机整机,以及220,000部发动机装备,用于出口,主要是印度。福特南非工厂是一个历史性的壮举,它成为第一个具有洲际意义的发动机组件生产地。在20世纪60年底啊,工厂为英国发动机进行边缘生产,从英国向南非运送铸件和锻件,进行加工制造,然后再运回英国,安装到发动机上。 PSA’s ...

  • BOSCH; Common Rail; Bamberg

    Around the block


    The mix of in-house and external sourcing that OEMs regularly deploy in vehicle engine production make its supply chain quite distinct from that of all other components along the assembly lineEngines, whether diesel or petrol, have a supply chain that is quite distinct from that which provides components to vehicle ...

  • Mitsubishi 2.5mm diameter End Mill Machining Apertures on Base Plates

    Edging out inefficiencies


    Tooling innovations matched with supplier partnerships are proving critical to competitive gain at automotive machine shops the world overFord’s Bridgend engine plant in the UK, which produces over 750,000 petrol engines a year, has engaged in a cutting-tool partnership with Mapal to help the factory to hit its SPC targets ...

  • Gestamp Nitra

    Gestamp to open aluminium plant, Nitra


    Slovakia – The €133m ($140.8m) facility will supply carmakers including Jaguar Land Rover, which is building a factory in the country. More than 80% of the output will be aluminium-based.The plant will cover 42,400 sq.m and start production in 2018, focusing on products which reduce vehicle weight while maintaining safety. ...

  • Article

    Uma questão premente


    Com as novas oportunidades que se abrem, o setor de prensagem e estampagem independente continua a evoluir.Tomadores de decisão focados em tecnologias exigentes impulsionadas por regulação - especialmente quanto às emissões, conectividade, carros autônomos e elétricos - limitações em termos de recursos e capacidades significa que novas oportunidades estão se ...

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    Una cuestión de prensado


    Se abren nuevas oportunidades para el sector independiente de prensado y estampación que sigue evolucionandoLos constructores se centran en nuevas tecnologías exigentes y requeridas por las nuevas normativas, especialmente en lo referente a emisiones, conectividad y los vehículos autónomos y eléctricos. las limitaciones en términos de recursos y capacidades significan ...

  • voest-4

    A pressing issue


    With new opportunities opening up, the independent pressings and stampings sector continues to evolveWith car-makers focusing on new, demanding and regulation-driven technologies – especially in emissions, connectivity, autonomous and electric cars – limitations in terms of their resources and capabilities mean that further opportunities are opening up for the likes ...

  • iac-injection-molded-insulator-from-prestice-2-cz

    Injecting a dash of insulation


    Automotive interiors specialist International Automotive Components (IAC) has further expanded its operations in EuropeIAC's newest production facility, at Prestice in the Czech Republic, will initially be producing the company’s injection moulded inner dash, acoustical insulation product for two major vehicle OEM customers – including trunk trim and dash insulation components ...

  • dsc_0408

    Assembly language


    A flagship plant in Portugal provides Visteon with the platform to innovate and find best practices it can roll out worldwideFrom Palmela, its key European production base and centre of excellence based on the outskirts of Lisbon, Visteon supplies to almost every OEM in the market. Half of the Palmela ...

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    Terras de oportunidade


    O forte crescimento da produção verificada na Polônia, Hungria, República Checa, Romênia e Eslováquia mostra que o leste europeu ainda é uma grande atração para OEMsNo final de 1990 e início de 2000, a Europa Oriental até a fronteira russa recebeu um investimento substancial de empresas de veículos europeias, japonesas ...

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    Tierras de oportunidades


    El fuerte crecimiento de la producción en Polonia, Hungría, la República Checa, Rumania y Eslovaquia significa que Europa del Este sigue siendo muy atractiva para los OEMA finales de los 90 y a principios del 2000, Europa del Este (hasta la frontera rusa) recibió una inversión sustancial de fabricantes de ...

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    Lands of opportunity


    The strong growth in production seen in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia means eastern Europe is still a big attraction for OEMsIn the late 1990s and early 2000s, Eastern Europe up to the Russian border received substantial investment from European, Japanese and Korean vehicle companies seeking low ...