All Hyundai Kia articles – Page 6
Building a Greater Wall
One of China’s most successful vehicle-makers must protect future growth by expanding its model line-upSince its creation in 1984, Great Wall Motors has established itself as one of the most widely known and successful Chinese automotive manufacturers. According to recent research by Macquarie Capital Securities, it is currently ranked tenth ...
Renault Samsung goes Rogue
Since launching in 2000, Busan Plant has developed into a flexible and productive operation. The OEM has pushed through a 'Big Deal' with unions which halts the automatic wage increase typical of South KoreaBusan in the south-eastern corner of Korea is the location for Renault Samsung Motor’s (RSM) sole vehicle ...
Bigger not always better
The largest automotive manufacturing complex in the world boasts five high-tech plants, but sales slumps and strikes have affected output at Hyundai Ulsan. AMS paid a visit to Fifth Plant to see Genesis productionThere is no place in the automotive world like Hyundai Ulsan. With five vehicle plants spread over ...
Editor's note: The politics of production
I hate to give more attention to an egotist, but when the leader of the most powerful nation on earth threatens to start trade wars with other global big-hitters you have to at least allow for the possibility that he might do what he says. Among others, the key countries ...
SsangYong: SUV-iving
Korea’s smallest carmaker has recently reported record sales, but its only vehicle plant is still underutilisedSales of 12,697 in a month may not seem like much for a mainstream vehicle-maker – and this figure is certainly dwarfed by the 376,109 units reported for June by Korean giant Hyundai – but ...
Hyundai’s power share
Its plant at Cangzhou is the latest example of how Hyundai sees clear advantages in implementing Inductive Power Transfer technologyInductively powered conveyors have been successfully implemented across automotive manufacturing facilities for many years. Among the users and supporters of this technology, the Hyundai Motor Group is probably the largest user ...
Luz no fim do túnel
Com planos para expandir as exportações e os sinais de uma recuperação fraca no mercado automotivo russo, a recuperação está brotando na AvtoVAZ?Enquanto a Rússia resiste aos desafios políticos no exterior, sua principal empresa de automóveis domésticos (embora de propriedade estrangeira) está mais do que nunca alcançando além das fronteiras ...
Luz al final del túnel
El mercado automotriz ruso parece crecer lentamente y hay planes de aumentar las exportaciones, ¿son estos los brotes verdes para la recuperación de AvtoVAZ? Mientras Rusia se enfrenta a retos políticos más allá de sus fronteras, su principal marca de automóviles nacional (aunque en manos extranjeras) busca expandirse al extranjero ...
Light at the end of the tunnel
With plans to expand exports and signs of a slight rise in the Russian automotive market, are the green shoots of recovery sprouting for AvtoVAZ? While Russia weathers political challenges abroad, its main domestic (albeit foreign-owned) car company is reaching out beyond the country’s borders to a greater extent than ...
Persistência que valeu a pena
A confiança está aumentando entre as montadoras de que mercado automotivo notoriamente complicado da Índia vale a penaA lista de OEMs que tentaram e não conseguiram causar um impacto com os consumidores conscientes de valor da Índia é longo, mas 2017 marca o início de um retorno para dois dos ...
La recompensa a la persistencia
Crece la confianza entre los constructores de automóviles sobre la fortaleza del complicado mercado automotriz de la IndiaLa lista de constructores de automóviles que han intentado tener éxito entre los ahorradores consumidores indios es larga; pero 2017 es el año del retorno para dos de ellos: Los grupos Volkswagen y ...
很多主机厂对印度汽车市场的信心不断升温,认为它“复杂而富有竞争力”,值得为之坚持。想要努力培养印度消费者注重价值意识,并最终以失败高中的OEM制造商很多,但是2017年却有两个知名制造商重返故地,他们是:Volkswagen Group和PSA Group。据分析公司IHS Markit公司公布的数据,印度市场中汽车品均价要比其他主要市场低,只有400,000-500,000卢比(约5,880-7,800美元),但是吸引汽车制造商的魅力在于印度的发展潜力。去年,印度轻型汽车销量达到340万辆,其中的300万辆是轿车(同比前年增长了7%)。据IHS Marikit公司预测,今年涨幅会达到5-6%,到2020年,轻型车销量将达到570万-600万辆。这足以使印度赶超日本,成为继中国和美国之后,世界上第三大轻型车市场。Renault公司称,他们相信到2025年,印度市场销量将达到800万-1,000万辆。Renault引领前方道路Maruti Suzuki和位于第二位的Hyundai两者加在一起,占到印度汽车市场的三分之二。但Renault公司的成功显示,印度市场有了恰当的汽车,恰当的平台和恰当的生产战略,就能为其他制造商也带来回报。据Bestsellingcarsbolog.com公布,去年Renault汽车销量增长了148%,达到132,235辆,这样公司就在印度市场位列第八,市场份额为4.5%。成功的原因很大部分在于Kwid的成功,这是一款SUV外形城市用车,在CMF-A新兴市场品牌上制造,该平台主要在印度开发,与Nissan旗下Datsun品牌平台相同。这种成功来之不易。Renault Nissan Alliance总裁Carlos Ghoson在3月份举行的日内瓦车展上对记者们说,“Renault今天的成功经历了很多的失败”。他举例与Mahindra的合作(在2010年以失败告终)。Renault仍然遥遥领先,因为有Cheenai工厂的生产。但低成本B0平台本地化表明,这种失败在其他新兴市场也时有发生,比如更名后的Dacia产品到现在还还无起色。Renault Nissan Alliance高级副总裁Arnaud Deoeuf在日内瓦车展上对AMS说,“B0对印度来说可不算便宜。”成功地原因在于,公司为印度市场专门开发了独一无二的平台,生产Kwid和Datsun RediGo汽车。本地化生产率实现97%,超额完成任务。Deboeuf说,“对着两款汽车,我们从开始就决定达到零部件共享率65% — 同一个平台、同一种发动机、同一种变速器。我们实现了数量效应。”汽车和发动机都是在Chennai的同一个生产线上制造。去年,两款车销量突破125,000辆。Deboeuf总结说,“如果产量提高了,就能实现本地化,价格就能加来。如果价格非常诱人,那么你就能进入印度市场的核心,这里的价格真的非常低。如果你进入了核心,那么你就有了信誉,进而就有了销量,建立真正的网络指日可待。”Renault目前的计划是夸大平台上生产的车型种类,方式与Dacia(在新兴市场冠以Renault的名字)相同,在B0平台上生产。Deboeuf说,“有了Dacia,我们就从小型斜背式走向大型4x4汽车,甚至是更大的MPV。我们将再一次实行CMF-A平台,而且我们有很多不同款式的汽车。”Renault下一个目标就是在巴西推出Kwid汽车。Ghoson猛烈抨击那些推出印度市场的公司。他说,“没有人在新市场里一开始就能成功。没有人。因此,我们需要有耐心。看到那些汽车制造商推出这么重要的市场,我很吃惊。如果你没有做好失败的和多次进攻的准备,那么还是去别的地方发。尤其印度市场非常复杂,竞争力很激烈。”PSA重返印度有一个制造商在失败两次之后,毅然决然地重返印度,那就是PSA Group。公司在1月份宣布,已经与印度产业集团CK Birla(Hindustan Motors所有者)签订协议,从2020年开始在印度生产汽车和动力系统。PSA是二十世纪九十年代,第一批进入印度市场的外国制造商,但是在Peugeot 309斜背式汽车生产中,产生工厂纠纷,损失惨重,于1997年推出。后来2011年,公司宣布要重返印度,在Gujarat省建厂,计划每年生产170,000辆,但是由于本国财务问题,次年就放弃了计划。还是今年,PSA从CK Birla手中收购了Ambassador,很有可能成为凭借1957年至2014年间长期而间断的生产,成为印度最著名的汽车品牌之一。PSA这会并不着急,Hindustan Mortor旗下Chennai工厂的最初产量为10,000-15,000辆。Volswagen二进攻另一个不为之前失败所打击而勇往直前的欧洲制造巨头是Volkswagen。3月份,公司发出信号称,计划在一次进攻印度核心价值市场。之前与Suzuki合作,希望获得进入印度的洁净。去年,VW是印度第九大品牌,销量仅为47,323辆。和PSA一样,VW也选择用于当地制造商合作,这会的合作对象是Tata Motors。Tata公司3月份宣布,将与VW旗下Skoda品牌合作,“开发经济部门的汽车理念”,而第一批Tata品牌汽车将从2019年开始生产。现在还没有决定在哪里生产,但是VW在Pune省Chakan有一个工厂。"没有人在新市场里一开始就能成功。没有人。因此,我们需要有耐心。看到那些汽车制造商推出这么重要的市场,我很吃惊。如果你没有做好失败的和多次进攻的准备,那么还是去别的地方吧。尤其印度市场非常复杂,竞争力很激烈。" - Carlos Ghosn, Renault Nissan有报道称,会在Tata新建先进模块化平台(AMP)上生产。之前德国工程公司EDAG应VW的要求,给出了积极报道。Tata预计会开发动力系统,虽然VW有可能供应电气系统。IHS Markit印度去汽车预测高吸分析师Gaurav Vangaal说,“我想他们会共用平台,但是VW的质量标准非常高。Tata需要清楚这个标准。”Tata Morots在多年钻研质量之后,已经成功扭转印度乘用车部门亏损的局面。公司去年成为第五大乘用车品牌,销量为142,962辆,比前年增长了2%。2016财政年度第四季度,在推出Tiago小型斜背式汽车之后,该品牌销量猛增25%。该车开始被称为Zica,但是在Zika病毒爆发之后更名,这一举动得到地方媒体的赞赏,因为质量比目前的Bolt, Zest,以及苦命的Nano小型车要好。去年,Nano汽车销量仅为10,468辆,比前年下降了54%。印度媒体疯传称,今年会取消刚刚起步的小型城市汽车。正当欧洲汽车制造商大举进军印度市场的时候,General Motors区在减少在印度的业务,因为Chevrolet品牌的市场需求下降了。3月份公司宣布,印度西北部Gujarat工厂将于4月末关闭。有传言称,GM会将工厂出售给中国合作伙伴SAIC公司。来自IHS公司的Vangaal预测,公司会将这个机会当做MG品牌进入市场的跳板。但IHS Markit公司的Gaurav Vangaal认为,这需要为印度开发新的汽车。他说,“他们没有能拿得出手的汽车。” Hyundai was India’s second biggest brand in 2016 with sales up 17% at just over half ...
Persistence paying off
Confidence is rising among carmakers that India’s famously tricky automotive market is worth sticking withThe list of OEMs that have tried and failed to make an impact with India’s value-conscious consumers is long, but 2017 marks the start of a comeback for two of the most famous of those: Volkswagen ...
No quarteirão
A mistura de abastecimento in-house e externo que OEMs implantam regularmente na produção de motor do veículo tornam a sua cadeia de fornecimento bastante distinta da de todos os outros componentes ao longo da linha de montagem.Motores, seja a diesel ou a gasolina, possuem uma cadeia de suprimentos que é ...
A vueltas con el motor
Los armadores recurren tanto a la producción interna y como externa para la producción del motor, por lo que la cadena de suministro de sus componentes es muy diferente a las demás en la línea de ensambladoLos motores, ya sean diesel o gasolina, tienen una cadena de suministro muy diferente ...
Around the block
The mix of in-house and external sourcing that OEMs regularly deploy in vehicle engine production make its supply chain quite distinct from that of all other components along the assembly lineEngines, whether diesel or petrol, have a supply chain that is quite distinct from that which provides components to vehicle ...
The 60% saving challenge
South Korean automotive parts manufacturer Ecoplastic and special-purpose machine supplier B+R Maschinenbau have both had their stringent demands met by ABB RoboticsIn South Korea, 370km south-east of Seoul, the coastal city of Gyeong-ju is located among widespread low mountains at the East Sea of Korea. Commonly referred to as “the ...
De volta à pista
Os fabricantes de automóveis que operam no Sudeste Asiático estão testemunhando a diminuição da escuridão conforme o mercado de carros começa a crescer novamente depois de dois anos preocupantes.Com exceção da Tailândia e, em menor medida, a Indonésia, ambas as quais construíram veículos para exportação, a produção local no Sudeste ...
Enderezando el rumbo
Los productores de automóviles en el Sudeste Asiático comienzan a ver la luz al final del túnel con la recuperación del mercado después de un par de años problemáticos Con la excepción de Tailandia y en menor medida Indonesia, los cuales construyen para exportación, la producción en el Sudeste Asiático ...
Back on track
Automotive manufacturers operating in South-East Asia are seeing the gloom lift as the car market begins growing again after a troubling couple of yearsWith the exception of Thailand and, to a lesser extent, Indonesia, both of which build vehicles for export, local production in South-East Asia is mainly aimed at ...