The new MEGA-Speed-Drill from Mapal has been designed specifi cally for effi cient and cost-effective machining of steel and cast iron. Suitable for wet and dry machining the new cutting edge geometry features an unequal cutting pitch and three guide chamfers, which, the company claims, virtually eliminates vibration during machining and reduces friction. In addition the drills have highly polished fl utes to provide optimal chip fl ow. The company says these features, in conjunction with a special AlTiN coating, allow the drills to produce bores at more than twice the cutting speed and up to 30% higher feed rate than conventional drills. The MEGA-Speed-Drills are offered in standard versions with diameters from 3.0mm to 20.00mm for drilling depths of 3xD, 5xD and 8xD. All standard versions are confi gured for internal coolant supply.