All Geely articles – Page 6

  • Magneti Marelli

    Magneti Marelli’s Chinese expansion


    China – The company has inaugurated a new lighting systems plant in Xiaogan, Hubei Province, and enlarged an electronic systems facility in Guangzhou, Guangdong. The total investment comes to around €36m ($40m).Operated by the Hubei Huazhong Magneti Marelli Automotive Lighting joint venture, the Xiaogan factory is located on a 44,000 ...

  • LTC, Coventry

    London Taxi hits 1,000-unit milestone


    UK – Since production of the TX4 restarted in September 2013, more than 1,000 vehicles have been made at Coventry-based The London Taxi Company (LTC). The manufacturer of the British capital's famous cabs was rescued from collapse last year by Chinese OEM Geely. Rob Laidler, director of retail at LTC, ...

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    Expanding interiors in China


    Increased vehicle production in China has led suppliers to stengthen their presence there too, with the enouragement of the OEMsThe rapid growth of Chinese production by global vehicle manufacturers has been one of the most notable trends in the automotive industry in recent years; for example, Volkswagen has opened plants ...

  • VAMA, China

    ArcelorMittal JV opens steel plant in Hunan


    China – Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel (VAMA), the joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Hunan Iron & Steel, will produce high-strength automotive steels for the Chinese market from its location in the economic zone of Loudi, Hunan Province.The greenfield project, involving an investment of 5.2 billion yuan ($832m), was approved by ...

  • Renault Avtoframos plant copy

    Jogando a roleta da produção


    Com relativamente baixa posse do carro, a Rússia oferece um grande potencial para OEMs globais - mas seu potencial é ameaçado pela volatilidade econômica e política, uma base de fornecimento instável e dificuldades logísticas A indústria de automóvel da Rússia está de volta ao centro das atenções, conforme montadoras ...

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    With relatively low car ownership, Russia offers great potential for global OEMs – but its potential is threatened by economic and political volatility, a shaky supply base and logistical difficulties Russia’s car industry is back in the spotlight as automakers react to a financial wobble in the country which ...

  • Renault Avtoframos plant copy

    Playing production roulette


    With relatively low car ownership, Russia offers great potential for global OEMs – but its potential is threatened by economic and political volatility, a shaky supply base and logistical difficulties Russia’s car industry is back in the spotlight as automakers react to a financial wobble in the country which ...

  • BMW-5-series-prod-2-copy

    China continua a ter importância para a indústria automotiva


    É impossível superestimar a importância da China para as montadoras globais. O crescimento do país tem continuado ininterruptamente com vendas totais de veículos batendo 20m. Relatório por Nick GibbsEle só vai aumentar. Analistas globais IHS Automotive prevêm produção de 30 milhões até 2020 a partir de 22m veículos no ano ...

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    China’s production power continues


    It is impossible to overestimate the importance of China to global carmakers. Growth in the country has continued unabated, with total vehicle sales hitting 20mIt’s only going to get bigger. Global analyst IHS Automotive forecasts production within China to reach 30m by 2020, up from 22m vehicles last year, and ...

  • P90056959

    La continua importancia de China para la industria de la automoción


    Es imposible sobreestimar la importancia de China para los fabricantes de automóviles a nivel mundial. El crecimiento del país ha continuado sin cesar con unas ventas totales de vehículos que superan los 20 millones. Artículo de Nick Gibbs.Y va a continuar aumentado. La compañía analista global IHS Automotive prevé una ...

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    A South American sunrise?


    Brazil leads the way for the automotive industry in a continent beset by economic and political challenges, writes Nick GibbsSouth America as a whole is becoming a hotbed of automotive production thanks to intense activity in Brazil, which is producing the bulk of vehicles and stimulating manufacturing elsewhere on the ...

  • Audi

    Возможности российской мелкоузловой сборки


    В последние годы иностранные автопроизводители в России много инвестировали в развитие производственных мощностей. Такие производители OEM, как Renault Nissan, General Motors, Volkswagen и Ford планируют более, чем в два раза, увеличить производство в период с 2011 по 2016 годы. На рынке сборки автомобилей в России и на территории Таможенного Союза ...

  • Audi

    Oportunidade bate à porta da montagem CKD russa


    A política do Governo Russo levou montadoras do país e da Ásia Central para expansão através de métodos de montagem por kit. A logística tem um papel crítico e fornecedores provavelmente verão mais oportunidades. Aumento do kit de produção russoInfluências do governoSubsidiárias no Extremo Oriente Oportunidades na Ásia Central Localização ...

  • header-european-road-transport

    GCS acrescenta mais dois clientes automotivos para sua operação em Novorossiysk


    O fornecedor de logística Global Container Services (GCS) está prestando serviços da cadeia de fornecimentos para a Brilliance Auto da China e para montadora taiwanese Luxgen, através do porto de Novorossiysk na Rússia.Em dois contratos recentemente assinados, GCS transportará kits desmontados completos (CKD) ao longo de uma rota de 470 ...

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    GCS добавляет двух новых клиентов к своей новороссийской базе


    Логистический провайдер Global Container Services (GCS) будет предоставлять свои услуги китайской компании Brilliance Auto и тайскому автопроизводителю Luxgen, используя российский порт Новороссийск.В соответствии с недавно подписанными контрактами, GCS будет перевозить киты для мелкоузловой сборки (CKD) по маршруту протяженностью 470 км от порта на заводы по сборке, расположенные в Черкесске на ...

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    Volvo receives approval for manufacturing in China


    China – Government authorities have approved Volvo Cars’ bid to establish manufacturing plants in Daqing and Zhangjiakou meaning that Volvo Cars’ full Chinese industrial footprint (including Chengdu) has now been approved.The assembly plant in Daqing is under construction and the first pre-series cars will be built in late 2013 for ...

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    Geely prepara para enviar exportações desenvolvidas pela Volvo para os EUA


    A empresa de fabricação de automóveis chinesa, Geely Automotive Holdings, diz que planeja começar a exportar carros desenvolvidos com a Volvo para os EUA em 2016.O movimento surge dez anos após o fundador da empresa, Li Shufu ter definido o objetivo, após o Detroit auto show em 2006.Em 2008, a ...

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    Geely готовится к отправке экспортов по разработкам Volvo в США


    Китайский автопроизводитель Geely Automotive Holdings заявила, что в 2016 году планирует начать экспорт автомобилей, разработанных совместно с Volvo, в США. В 2006 году после автосалона в Детройте эту цель поставил основатель компании Ли Шуфу. С тех пор прошло почти 10 лет. В 2008 Geely начала переговоры с Ford ...

  • Geely_Belarus_web

    Geely empurrará a produção de volume na Bielorrússia


    A montadora chinesa Geely está planejando a produção de volume em uma fábrica de empreendimento conjunto de $ 500 milhões na Bielorrússia para abastecimento do mercado local, bem como para a Rússia e Ucrânia.A montadora assinou um acordo com o Governo da Bielorrússia para um empreendimento conjunto em dezembro de ...

  • Geely_Belarus_web

    Geely в Беларуси


    Китайский автопроизводитель Geely планирует объемное производство на заводе СП в Беларуси ($500 млн) для поставок на местный рынок, а также в Россию и Украину.Автопроидетль подписал соглашение с правительством Беларуси о создании совместного предприятия в декабре 2011 года, в последнем заявлении говорится, что начальная запланированная мощность завода составит 120000 авто. По ...