Connected Manufacturing | Automotive Manufacturing Solutions – Page 3

  • SRB inner ring measured

    Smart rotation


    SKF looks to digitalise its business model and manufacturing operations. AMS spoke to Luc Graux, director of manufacturing and process development, to find more about the impact of IoTWhat effect is the move to an I4.0 based operation having on SKF’s production?We are certainly trying to apply the same I4.0 ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Definindo um ritmo rápido


    A JLR acompanha o impressionante sucesso de seu SUV Evoque com mais modelos e operações de fabricaçãoNão faz muito tempo, a JLR enfrentava a possibilidade de um encerramento da fábrica em meio ao declínio nas vendas e recessão. Felizmente, o modelo Evoque já havia sido aprovado para produção, e quando ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Composición química


    El uso cada vez más frecuente de materiales combinados en la construcción de vehículos requiere cambios en los procesos de tratamiento previoEl tratamiento inicial que recibe una carrocería bruta de metal sirve para alcanzar los parámetros de rendimiento claves en todas las operaciones siguientes de revestimiento y pintura, especialmente la ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Marcando el ritmo


    JLR celebra el gran éxito de su SUV Evoque con más plantas y modelosJLR se enfrentaba no hace tanto tiempo a la posibilidad de cierre de fábricas por culpa de la recesión y la caída en las ventas. Afortunadamente ya estaba aprobada la producción del Evoque y desde su lanzamiento ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Setting a fast pace


    JLR is following up the stunning success of its Evoque SUV with more models and manufacturing operationsNot long ago, JLR was facing the possibility of a factory closure amidst declining sales and a recession. Fortunately, the Evoque model had already been approved for production, and when this vehicle launched it ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Chemical composition


    The greater use of mixed materials in vehicle construction has required changes to the pretreatment processThe initial treatment that a bare metal car body receives is fundamental to achieving the key performance parameters of all subsequent coating and painting operations, most obviously corrosion protection and paint adhesion. For many decades, ...

  • NanoSteel Coil

    El equilibrio entre ductilidad y resistencia


    Los aceros dúctiles de alta resistencia se podrán procesar a escala industrial gracias a un proyecto de investigación de WMG en la universidad de Warwick en el Reino Unido. AMS analiza cuál será la importancia de las para la industria automotrizEl equipo de WMG asegura que ha descubierto una manera ...

  • Article



    多亏了英国华威大学(University of Warwick)工程学院的一项新的研究项目,高强度韧性钢的加工可以视线产业化规模。AMS探索这对汽车业的意义 工程学院的团队称,已经发现了一个可以控制恼人的脆性粘结阶段(是金属在生产阶段诱发产生)的方法。项目首席研究员Alireza Rahnama称, “研究最重要的一点就是,我们该如何加强脆性相的强度 — 它们并不容易去除 — 并且能增加轻质钢铁整理的延展性。它将成为新式轻质钢铁设计的方向。”近年来,OEM正在不断增加轻质材料的使用,替代钢铁的使用,比如铝材和复合材料,降低车辆的重量。当然,钢铁业并没有认为这会影响它在汽车业至高无上的地位。钢铁业对研发进行大力投入,生产更强更轻的先进超高强钢(AHSS和UHSS),以此参与竞争。通常来讲,AHSS是指极限抗拉强度(UTS)超过500MPa的钢,而UHSS是指极限抗拉强度超过980MPa的钢。这些材料用于最初的白车身(BIW)组件生产阶段,所以必须能够吸收碰撞来带的巨大能量,比如侧边、前侧和后侧。然而,钢铁制造商必须找到一个平衡点。他们制造的金属越强固,延展性就会越低,从而会限制塑性成为零部件的方法。Rahnama说:“这是一个没有尽头的研究。我们总是在寻找新的铝合金,能够降低重量,又能具有更高的强度和延展性。”多阶段钢铁AHSS和UHSS的种类很多,每个种类的属性都有所不同。通常来讲,他们都有马氏体组织。马氏体是最坚硬最强的钢铁,但是可塑性也是最低的。为了解决这个问题,就需要一种混合可塑性与强度的材质。目前最常用的AHSS是第一代双向钢(DP),拥有铁素体相和马氏体相,平衡可塑性和强度。目前,市面上双相钢的强度在590-1,400MPa,非常适合冲压。复相钢(CP)通常要比双相钢更容易塑性,多出来一个贝氏体相。“这是一个没有尽头的研究。我们总是在寻找新的铝合金,能够降低重量,又能具有更高的强度和延展性。”– Alireza Rahnama, WMG相变诱发塑性(TRIP)钢拥有残留奥氏体、铁酸盐和马氏体。当这些刚残废了,奥氏体转变成马氏体,可以分散张力,并提高延伸率。这些钢比复相钢和双相钢更容易塑性。而第二代孪生诱发塑性(TWIP)钢在室温下会100%成为奥氏体。然而,高合金元素 — 比锰还高出50% — 在钢材不成形的时候,会导致形成孪晶界。这些孪晶界可以增加钢的的强度,延伸率提高50%以上,强度会达到约1,000MPa。Rahnama说:“大体上,相变诱发塑性钢和孪晶诱发塑性钢目前正用于汽车业。钢铁的制造要比铝材和复合材料更加便宜。另一方面,铝合金和复合材料的密度更低,可以降低汽车的重量,反过来会进一步降低能耗和二氧化碳的排放。然而,低密度钢材同样降低制造成本以及重量。因此,使用这种钢材制造汽车,价格会更加便宜,重量也会更轻。”马氏体钢 — 正如其名 — 具有最高的马氏体,伴有少量的铁和贝氏体。这些钢的强度非常高 — 900至1,700MPa — 但除了滚压成形法之外很难塑性。热压高强其他超高强度钢只能使用热压成型。这个技术开发与20世纪70年代的瑞典,1984年Saab Automobile AB首次用于汽车业。该工艺使用一个板材 — 通常为硼钢 — 被房子一个火炉里加热,直到900°C奥氏体温度,形成一种内冷式的成套冲模,并在每秒最低冷却率达到27摄氏度的压力下淬火。这种最低冷却率可以保证在一个组件内形成马氏体组织,分散高强度 — 有时可以超过1,500MPa。这就意味着可以用最薄的钢制造组件。此外,还可以制造几何结构复杂的零部件,避免回弹现象,金属可以根据其自然回弹属性恢复到原来的形状。整个过程,从板材熔炉加热到冲压铸模只需要5至10分钟,但是熔炉技术提高生产率,每20秒就能生产一个零部件。热压技术在近年来使用率不断提高,但是加热一个模具的能量成本要比冷成型技术高得多。开发新工艺Rahnama已经开发了一种新的加工路线,可以生产低密度钢基合金,强度高,同时还能保留延展性和灵活性 — 集众多目前无法大范围使用的特性与一身。他还说:“大多数提高轻度的冶金机理都会降低延展性,这是强度与延展性的博弈。这个技术通过模拟和实验研究了轻质钢材的动力学和热力学显微组织演变,并拿出一个能够实现高强度与延展性的机制 — 一个能够马上用于工业的方法。”Rahnama在他的研究中考虑了高铝钢,也被称为三重钢。与TRIP和TWIP相比,这些材料拥有高强度(可以超过1,000MPa)和人性。此外,材料的密度更低 — 只有–3(之前为–3)。然而,这些材料中的高铝会导致一些问题。Rahnama说:“多出来的这些铝会导致硬质及脆性相,比如卡巴碳化物和B2金属件化合物。”这些特性使钢变得坚硬,但缺乏延展性,因此很难塑性成零部件。Rahanma和他的团队测试了两种轻质钢材 —Fe-15Mn-10Al-0.8C-5Ni and Fe-15Mn-10Al-0.8C — 用于实现高强度与延展性。通过模拟和实验,研究院已经发现,在特定的热处理温度下,两种钢材的脆性相更具有可控性,钢铁可以保留延展性。 WGM帮助改进钢材结构Rahnama说:“我们通过理论工作和数学建模开发了这个工艺。最初的理念只是了解低密度钢材的相变。数学模型为我们提供精确地方向,为我们展示如何通过修正轻质钢材的微观结构来获得更佳的机械性能。”在900摄氏度到1,200摄氏度,K-碳化物相能够从生产中去除,而B2金属间脆性相容易控制,形成一种光盘式的纳米形态,与低温下成型的粗糙产品截然相反。据Rahnama称,这种工艺很容易被钢铁制造商采用。他说:“我们只需要在特定的温度下对钢铁退火,达到特定的延展性和冷却率。”但是Rahnama的工艺离商业预备有些距离。与此同时,钢铁制造商也在开发自己的高强度成型钢。2014年,ArcelorMittal公司推出Fortifor系列延展性AHSS钢,特别为冷成型开发,可以降低组件的重量,目前双相钢的生产比率增长到20%。Fortiform 1050是市场上该系列的第一款产品,也是今年第一个被汽车系列生产用于装配线的材料。由于高张力,Fortiform 1050钢特别适用于生产那些必须洗手碰撞能量的零部件。另外两种材料Fortiform 980和Fortiform 1180目前已经共制造商测试了。纳米结构钢与此同时,NanoSteel — ...

  • NanoSteel Coil

    The strength-ductility trade-off


    High-strength, ductile steels could be processed on an industrial scale thanks to a new research project from WMG at the University of Warwick in the UK. AMS finds out what it means for the automotive industryThe team at WMG claim to have found a way of controlling undesired brittle stages ...

  • Aluminium_recycling_Constellium-copy-2

    The aluminium age


    The main alternative to steel is becoming more popular with vehicle-makers for its lightweighting potential but there are challenges in its wider use, including the need to secure a steady supply of recycled contentThe use of aluminium in automotive applications is poised to explode over the next five to ten ...

  • VTC800 30HD

    Centros de usinagem de coluna vertical itinerante de serviços pesados


    Yamazaki Mazak desenvolveu uma nova versão de seu serviço pesado Construído no Reino Unido - a série de VTC 800 de Centros de usinagem de coluna vertical itinerante. O VTC 800/30HD é uma variante 50, que a empresa diz que oferece uma plataforma adequada para materiais pesados de corte, tais ...

  • VTC800 30HD

    Heavy-duty vertical travelling column machining centres


    Yamazaki Mazak has developed a new heavy duty version of its UK-built VTC 800 series of vertical travelling column machining centres. The VTC 800/30HD is a 50 taper variant that the company says provides a suitable platform for cutting hard-to-machine materials, such as Inconel and titanium. Mazak claims this machining ...

  • The new three-cylinder Pure Tech engine

    PSA: Fábrica de motores de Douvrin


    A Peugeot começa a produção de seu novo motor 1.2 litros de três cilindros com injeção diretaA fábrica de motores Française de Mécanique, no noroeste da França, já construiu mais de 48 milhões de unidades de energia para a PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault e Volvo desde a sua criação em ...

  • The new three-cylinder Pure Tech engine

    Peugeot: fábrica de motores de Douvrin


    Peugeot comienza la producción de su nuevo motor de inyección directa, tres cilindros y 1,2 litros La fábrica del motor Française de Mécanique en el noroeste de Francia ha fabricado más de 48 millones de motores para PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault y Volvo desde su fundación en 1969, pero ...

  • The new three-cylinder Pure Tech engine

    Turbo-powering PSA Douvrin


    Peugeot starts making its new 1.2-litre, three-cylinder direct-injection engine at Française de MécaniqueThe Française de Mécanique engine factory in Douvrin, north-west France, has built more than 48m power units for PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault and Volvo since its inception in 1969, but arguably none has been more significant than the ...

  • Article

    Assessing Datacolor’s 45G portable spectrophotometer


    Datacolor has revealed its 45G portable spectrophotometer, which controls colour and appearance in complex manufacturing supply chains, producing measurement results that correlate better to visual assessment. For items with multiple visible components such as automobiles, achieving colour harmony is complicated by the need to visually match those components. For example, ...

  • h2

    Helmet of choice


    AMS speaks to producers and end users of Sperian Welding to find out which features and innovations have made these some of the most popular helmets available on the market. Advances in plant safety are often most apparent in automation control, robot, conveyor and transport systems. Yet one of the ...

  • plans-2

    Germany plans for success


    Numbers fall but strengths emergeExports and emissionsTruck and bus – how fast is the barometer falling?Suppliers under pressureBMW – quiet confidence behind cost cutsMercedes-Benz – sharing the painThe German car industry’s workforce has been dealt a bad hand by the global downturn; jobs that were almost guaranteed for life have ...