All Casting/Forging articles – Page 5

  • The AM S 290 Tooling solution has been created by GFMS and EOS

    Printing the future


    Additive manufacturing offers many benefits and the technology is seeing wider application in the automotive industryAmong the most recent additive manufacturing (AM) trends are the advantages it can bring to mould-making processes. The quality of plastic components in modern cars has increased greatly over the years in terms of precision, ...

  • Image converted using ifftoany

    Boosting production


    Turbochargers are a key technology in the drive to cut emissions and boost fuel efficiencyEurope has the highest fitment rates for turbochargers, but other major markets, such as North America and China, are catching up. They are standard on diesel engines in Europe and North America, where diesels cannot to ...

  • ATOS 3D scanners

    3D metrology for casting process chains


    GOM claims its systems can support and accelerate foundry processes using 3D metrology for all areas of sand, pressure and precision casting process: from the model and moulding tool, up to the sample test report and optimisation of CNC machining.The company says using its ATOS 3D scanners, including its most ...

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    Influential India


    India’s automotive component sector is relishing its new place on the international stageChanges in the Indian component sector have prompted growth in the role of its companies worldwide in recent years. Likewise, European, Japanese and American suppliers have moved into India. Until around a decade ago, the Indian automotive components ...

  • chandigarh_0085

    Influential India


    India’s automotive component sector is relishing its new place on the international stageChanges in the Indian component sector have prompted growth in the role of its companies worldwide in recent years. Likewise, European, Japanese and American suppliers have moved into India. Until around a decade ago, the Indian automotive components ...

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    Alunos d Fundição


    Investigação acadêmica em técnicas de fundição está ajudando OEMs e fornecedores a preencher uma lacuna no conhecimento. Quase todas as peças de metal usadas na fabricação de um automóvel terão passado por um processo de fundição em algum ponto previamente - seja através de uma técnica tal como a areia ...

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    Investigación en la fundición


    La investigación académica en la fundición está ayudando a los fabricantes y proveedores a cubrir la brecha de conocimientosCasi todas las piezas de metal utilizadas en la fabricación de un automóvil han pasado por un proceso de fundición en algún momento previo, ya sea para darles forma mediante una técnica ...

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    Cast learners


    Academic research into casting is helping OEMs and suppliers bridge a knowledge gap Almost every piece of metal used in the manufacture of an automobile will have gone through a casting process at some point previously – whether to shape through a technique such as sand-casting or simply as a ...

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    - 铸造学习者


    对铸造技术的学术研究正在帮助OEM制造商和供应商获得相关知识在过去,几乎汽车制造中使用的每一片金属都要经过铸造加工过程 — 不管是塑型称砂模铸造还是简单的气缸体,都要经过挤压这样的工序。所有的金属都要这样,比如所有的钢铁、铝合金、铜和镁。此外,所有的金属的下游性能条件都要由铸造工序决定,比如强度、表面质量。在任何制造类型中唯一例外的可能就是使用特殊材料,比如通过粉末冶金形式加工的钨。伦敦布鲁内尔大学先进凝固技术布鲁内尔中心(BCAST)副主任Dr Ian Stone简单总结了主要技术在金属制造工序的重要性。BCAST在金属加工技术方面已经有15年的历史的,该中心刚刚宣布了毅力写新规划,主要是为了推动铸造技术的发展,适应21世纪制造业的需求,尤其是汽车业。其中最为突出的就是先进金属铸造中心(AMCC),企业市值达1,700万英镑(约合2,500万美元),得到很多汽车制造商的支持,比如JLR公司,以及铝供应商Consetellium公司的还吃。Dr Stone解释说,尽管铸造技术对汽车业的发展避无可避,但是在很多方面都不利于汽车制造商和材料供应商的研究活动。汽车制造商通常“不具有”铸造厂。与此同时,拥有技术的材料供应商通常不愿意破坏日复一日的大规模制造工艺,而去生产相对数量较少的试验材料。填补空白相反,学术研究机构能够有效填补技术空白。Dr Stone称,机构能够生产适当批量的材料,用于研究,模拟行业条件下的真实使用过程。他说,“我们能铸造200公斤的材料,但不是行业价格”。她继续说,因此AMCC的经营模式非常特别。他说,“我们不能说这是全球唯一,但是这确实在欧洲与众不同。” Aluminium supplier Constellium is partnering JLR and Brunel University to form the Advanced Metal Casting Centre ventureAMCC的工作重点是铝和镁。这里的许多设备都是为了在真是工业环境下进行复制用的。其中包括: 一个1,600吨闭合压力的铸模盒,用于铝镁合金铸造 一个240公吨闭合力的低压铸模盒 一个1,600万吨的顺挤压力,带有锥形二次加热 一个试点规模热顶直接冷却铸工,适用于2米长的钢坯和204厘米直径的钢坯 一个双滚筒铸件,融合了布鲁奈尔自己的熔接条件技术 高分辨率实时X光检测技术重要的是,前三个被称为具有“商业”规模。尽管如此,Dr Stone称,有些设备经过改造具备了很高的灵活度,满足研究相关的要求。高压铸模盒能够在工作中与铝镁合金迅速换换 — 这在专门长期生产环境中并不要求如此。开发潜力或许与传统生产技术最大的不同就是AMCC的双滚筒熔接条件铸件。正如Dr Stone所说,这个技术在行业中使用,但只是用于“有限的低强度合金”。相反,布鲁内尔正在开发其潜力,想要用于制造薄的镁合金产品。他认为,这个材料很难滚动。布鲁内尔开发的另一个技术是Castparicular,这是铝材料“高剪切融化调节技术”。Dr Stone称,这来源于对大多数护腰零部件的铸造工艺处于“颗粒成核形成早期”的认识。他解释说,通过控制成核技术,就能控制“凝固期间的颗粒大小”以及“合金元素的散步”。重要的是,它能够生产薄壁铸件,并且极大降低了瑕疵比率。Dr Stone称,尽管行业已经试验了这种技术,但是在实际生产中并没有采用。但是,这个技术,正如Dr Stone所解释的那样,潜力远超出目前还非常超群的工艺。比如能够将铝合金碎片用于制造零部件的初期材料,满足汽车业的标准。就目前而言,“这还不可能”。这样的碎片的使用目前还是“不受青睐”,也就是说,循环使用的呼声并不高。但这很可能成为低生产使用材料 — 比如在钢铁制造业中的脱氧剂,以低廉的价格出口到不发达的经济体中,甚至直接送到垃圾场。不管是什么情况,最终的结果就是有可能失去利用这些金属进行再利用,创造高价值制造材料的机会。正如Dr Stone所说的:“如果我们能够合理再利用,这能成为价值来源。” The Constellium University Technology Centre supports the work of engineers, ...

  • AMCC kit

    Cast learners


    Academic research into casting is helping vehicle-makers and their suppliers to bridge a knowledge gap Almost every piece of metal used in the manufacture of a vehicle will have gone through a casting process at some point previously, whether shaping via a technique such as sand-casting or simply as a ...

  • Magna Telford

    Magna’s new aluminium casting facility


    UK – The company says it will establish a “world-class” operation in Telford to support Jaguar Land Rover, starting construction this autumn. The facility is expected to cover around 225,000 sq.ft, employ 295 people at full capacity and begin production in 2018.“We are excited to work closely with Jaguar Land ...

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    Toyota opens Porto Feliz engine plant


    Brazil – The new factory in São Paulo State represents an investment of 18 billion yen ($170m) and is the OEM’s first engine manufacturing facility in Latin America. Built on 872,500 sq.m of land, it has a capacity of 108,000 engines per year and a workforce of 320 individuals.Porto Feliz ...

  • DMG Mori offers numerous horizontal machining solutions for automotive parts

    Cutting it fine


    There can be no let up in machine tool investment among companies which are keen to beat the competitionMachine tools are in a constant state of evolution as controls get smarter and spindle speeds and traverse rates get faster. In the automotive supply chain, this demands regular investment in the ...

  • Grainger & Worrall

    CT scrutiny


    In aiming for quality targets, castings supplier Grainger & Worrall regards this technology as a game-changerThe time has long gone when automotive suppliers – certainly those at tier-one level – did nothing but supply parts to order. Now they must also frequently act as partners in component design and ...

  • Acura PMC, Ohio

    Acura PMC set to make new NSX


    US – Series production of the next-generation supercar will begin in late April at the new Performance Manufacturing Center (PMC) in Marysville, Ohio. The twin-turbocharged V6 engines will be made at the nearby factory in Anna by a small team of specialists. NSX trial production is already underway.The PMC will ...

  • Mercedes-Benz Kassel

    IPS milestone at Mercedes-Benz Kassel


    Germany – The plant has now produced 100,000 truck axles using induction pressure welding (IPS in abbreviated German). The technology enables the joining of steel and cast parts with any contours, says parent company Daimler, claiming it is “unique in the world”.In IPS, the main body or housing of the ...

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    Desafio da Renault China


    Abrindo sua primeira fábrica na China, a Renault está disposta a seguir os passos liderados por seu parceiro de aliança Nissan The Wuhan engine plant is Renault’s first outside Europe to make both the block and the headAntes tarde do que nunca. Essa foi a mensagem da Renault com ...

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    雷诺在中国开设了第一家工厂,追随着日产的足迹缓步走来晚做总比不做好。这是雷诺在中国第一家工厂开幕式上,公司高管所发出的信号。雷诺-日产联盟的老板Carlos Ghosn在中国武汉举行仪式的时候,对记者们说,公司的宏伟目标就是占有3.5%的市场份额,相当于700,000多辆汽车,而去年的销量为23,000辆。他并没有拿出时间表,但是雷诺的销量如日中天,而恰逢中国10%增长率一去不复返 — 2015年的销量增长了4.7%,达到2,110万辆,需求开始处于平稳。然而,这并不是雷诺采取的投机性措施。从一开始,这个品牌仍然借助姐妹品牌 — 日产在当地的成功经验,从汽车平台到合作商(东风),如法炮制。雷诺的第一炮响在了武汉,武汉被称为“中国的底特律”,工厂完全复制了当地的日产工厂,尤其是中国东南部的广州工厂。事实上,武汉工厂里的喷漆厂被认为是广州工厂的“副本”。同样,发动机压铸厂也是复制了河南郑州日产-东风工厂。Ghosn在开幕式上说,“所有人都意识到协同增效对成功的重要性。我们期望合资公司会大获成功。”与广州日产工厂的联系最为紧密,因为雷诺刚开始制造的汽车 — Kadjar紧凑型SUV与Nissan Qashiqai车型和大型X-Trail Suv的平台时相同的。雷诺将于今年晚些时候推出第二款X-Trail SUV。根据销量,公司希望工厂的产量能够达到150,000。因为雷诺与日产共享的东西太多,雷诺的管理层宣称,Kadjar的本地化水平已经超过80%,这对一个在新的国度白手起家的品牌来说令人瞠目。能够得到本地供应是因为雷诺将在当地生产2.0升发动机,使武汉成为雷诺旗下4个发动机压铸厂之一。然而,本地化水平会在第二年有所下滑,因为会从法国进口1.2升涡轮发动机。 The Wuhan engine plant is Renault’s first outside Europe to make both the block and the head雷诺非常肯定的说,已经在快速发展的中国SUV市场还有发展的空间。理由非常充分。雷诺公司称,去年SUV增长了53%,达到690万辆,占整个市场的28%。去年,中国市场增长率为4.7%。这个增长率主要是因为当地制造商制造的车型比外国品牌的售价要低,但是令雷诺安心的是Nissan X-Trail是去年中国销量前20当中排位第一的外国SUV.人力资源雷诺工厂目前拥有2,000名员工,到今年年底将会达到3,000人。他们很年轻。雷诺公司称,员工中95%的年龄低于35岁,平均年龄是25。其中的16%是女人。雷诺公司称,这与中国汽车业的平均数值相符。三个宿舍区分布在厂区入口附近的供应商园区,里面住着800名员工。东风雷诺公司称,2,000名员工中的500人去年在东风日产4个工厂中受到培训。公司承认,培训总时数为435,000小时,比一般新厂都要高。中法合资公司共有10个主要部门(全面管理、项目与规划、产品规划、研发、工业化、财务、采购、人力资源、市场营销和IT),每个部门两个部长,一个来自雷诺,一个来自东风。这种体系是两个公司的混合物。汽车设计与开发来自雷诺公司,但是制造与物流来自东风日产公司。人力资源、市场营销来自中国。如果中国人同意,那就扩建雷诺公司称,工厂的产量可以翻番,达到300,000辆,如果需要还可以达到360,000辆。但是比两个SUV车型更为紧迫的是,雷诺还没有获得政府批准生产SUV以外车型的许可。雷诺公司首席竞争官Thierry Bollore在开幕式上对记者们说,“他们想要看到我们第一步的成功才会给我们新的许可。这也是我们的想法。SUV获得成功,那么市场也就向我们打开了。”雷诺公司称,大约需要2-3年,这个目标才能实现。公司对这个目标非常有信心。我们在墙上安装了3D简介,对95公顷的场地进行介绍。纵观厂地,工厂原来是菜园,可以清晰地看到公司建设新楼的计划。下一步他们会制造什么?轿车可能是一个答案。工厂有能力在两个平台上生产4个车型,因此两个轿车在尺寸上不会相差太多。还有可能是生产Talisman D-段轿车。这款车刚刚在欧洲推出,替代Fluence车型。冲压和汽车车体修理厂冲压车间是一个高速自动化冲压生产线,总压力达到5,400吨。我们不知道谁来做,只知道是一个地方供应商,而且广州日产工厂也有一个。总吨数可以分成3×1000吨和一个2,400吨的冲压机,进行钢板塑性。面板通过人力放到推车里,如果是Kadjar SUV,那么就被漆成粉色。占地12,270平方米的工厂里拥有40名员工,人数可以按照计划扩充,因为还要增加两个冲压生产线。雷诺工厂还有一个塑料冲压车间,拥有一个3300吨位“双螺杆”塑料注塑成型机。公司称,这是中国唯一,世界第三。汽车车体修理厂里有139个机器人,自动化率达到49%,对一个新工厂来说有些低。上海通用在武汉的汽车车体修理厂达到97%的自动化率,而东风日产大连工厂则达到83%。汽车车体修理厂里能有221名工人完成手工点焊加工,对雷诺公司来说并不是常规,这可能是因为SUV的销量并没有预想的那么高。我们还了解到第二部扩建计划,主要是要拓建23,635平方米的工厂,而且提高汽车车体修理厂的自动化水平。喷漆厂、装配与动力总成喷漆厂占地19,500平方米,拥有90名员工,每小时最高有30个工作。工厂接收的总投资77.6亿元(约合8.7亿欧元)中的5.2亿元投到了喷漆厂。这个车间是复制了广州日产的喷漆厂,拥有4个生产线:预处理、密封胶(有10个机器人)、面漆(12个机器人)和检测线。装配车间里有136个站点,间隔时间为2分钟。据雷诺公司称,共有360人在这里工作。公司计划每天制造207辆Kadjar汽车。9月份引进新款D-SUV并进入全规模生产之后,每天就会生产400辆。届时,会增加1班生产。发动机厂的员工数量有250人,分别负责铸造、加工和装配。这里制造气缸体和气缸盖。这样的生产只在雷诺在法国的Cleon工厂和Le Mans工厂,以及罗马尼亚的Pitesi工厂才做。低投资电动汽车中国政府要求,所有汽车制造公司对每个外国汽车铭牌都配备中国品牌,包括“新能源”电动车。雷诺将使用一个东风注册,但未使用的品牌,然后冠到Renault Fluence EV车上,这个车型将在武汉生产。然而,雷诺对武汉的投资很低,符合低销量预计,大约每年“几千辆”。该车装配所使用的配件是从雷诺三星釜山(韩国)工厂制造的,然后进口到武汉。这款汽车还是会遵循SUV装配生产线,但是会在独立的工厂内进行装配。 In building the Kadjar at Wuhan, Renault is confident that the fast-growing Chinese SUV market ...

  • Renault Wuhan

    Renault's China challenge


    Opening its first factory in the country, Renault is keen to follow where Alliance partner Nissan has ledBetter late than never. That was the message from Renault's top-brass at the inauguration of its first-ever factory in China. Renault-Nissan Alliance boss Carlos Ghosn told journalists at a ceremony in Wuhan, central ...

  • Nissan Decherd

    Nissan Decherd makes 10m engines


    US – The milestone engine was a 2.5-litre, four-cylinder unit for installation in a Nissan Altima scheduled for assembly at Nissan Smyrna, also in Tennessee. The OEM started making engines at Decherd in 1997.“Producing 10m engines is a big number for any plant, but hitting this milestone in less than ...