All Bentley articles – Page 4

  • AU150059_large

    Taking care


    OEMs are adopting a more proactive approach to employee wellbeing, including improved ergonomicsAs the baby-boom generation grows older and the average age of employees rises, automotive manufacturers are responding to the need for more ergonomic workplaces. In addition, the younger generation coming through is bringing with it a different set ...

  • 3D core

    Perfect casting


    Executive director Ed Grainger explains how Grainger & Worrall has transformed the ‘black art’ of casting into a high-tech operation to meet the demands of clients including F1, NASCAR and supercar makersAMS: Could you provide an overview of how the company has developed?Ed Grainger (EG): The company was established in ...

  • star SW-12R11

    Automatic fanatics


    Lathe manufacturers are offering single- or multi-spindle machines to meet cost and productivity demandsAutomotive turning shops face numerous market demands, with piece-part price heading the pack. Automatic-lathe manufacturers have been well aware of customer requirements for many years and many now offer both single-spindle and multi-spindle versions. So, which to ...

  • Bentley Crewe

    Bentley’s record apprentice intake


    UK – A total of 63 new recruits will start training at the OEM in September this year, with 40 of these undertaking the recently developed manufacturing apprenticeship programme.The new apprenticeship scheme was launched in 2014, designed and soon to be delivered by Bentley ‘master trainers’. Apprentices will acquire skills ...

  • KJR

    KJR in expansion programme


    UK – The Coventry-based manufacturer of high-specification car interiors has secured £1.1m of funding to purchase new plant and tooling equipment to cater to increased demand from its clients.As well as enabling KJ Ryan (KJR) to buy new equipment, the funding will provide additional working capital to increase the company’s ...

  • Michael Winkler

    Winkler to lead Bentley in the Americas


    US – As president and CEO of Bentley Motors Inc, Michael Winkler will report directly to Kevin Rose, member of the board for Sales, Marketing and Aftersales. Taking up his new role on April 1, Winkler will succeed Christophe Georges, who was recently appointed director of Product and Marketing for ...

  • Chevrolet Volt, GM Warren

    O poder do povo


    Os métodos de treinamento devem continuar a evoluir com as habilidades da força de trabalho mantendo o ritmo com a mudança tecnológicaConforme a evolução da indústria automotiva continua a se mover em um ritmo rápido, é vital que os fabricantes reconheçam a importância de trabalhadores altamente qualificados; garantir que os ...

  • Chevrolet Volt, GM Warren

    El poder de la gente


    Los métodos de formación deben seguir evolucionando para que las capacidades de la plantilla mantengan el ritmo de los cambios tecnológicos Los avances en la industria automotriz siguen sucediéndose a un ritmo elevado, es vital que los fabricantes reconozcan la importancia de empleados con elevada formación. Garantizar que los ...

  • Chevrolet Volt, GM Warren



    必须坚持更新培训方式,才能跟上技术革新随着汽车业的持续发展、快速进步,制造商们意识到高技术工人的重要性;保证员工发展自身技能,对一个公司的盈亏影响巨大。培训一直是重点问题,很多公司不仅增加了培训机会,而且还从技术和进程角度改进开展项目的途径,以满足行业发展的需求。比如,更新学徒训练计划、为新产品上市进行培训、以及为了提高目前劳动力技术而开设的网络课程和项目。 2014年初便开始的“宾利汽车技能升级培训”项目,就是最好地例子。公司在新的培训工具和设备上进行投资,以发展目前的劳动力,并且招聘新人,将重点放在业务(木材,车身,外饰和发动机)的核心竞争力上。公司还重新设计了学徒培训方案。宾利汽车公司员工发展与人才管理总监Lynne Williams说,“我们使用大量的培训工具,使整个业务的强大技术基础能持续发展。” 在宾利生产厂的一个专门培训区里将提供“工作近距离接触”培训项目,让工人们远离标准“工作中”流程,接受各领域专家导师的培训。这个高端制造商还已经任命了许多资深导师,制定一套培训课程,用于新进学徒培训 — 这是近十年内最大的培训项目。Williams说,“这对在处处隐藏挑战的行业里保持先进技术与技能、并流传给后来者来说,非常重要。”学徒们已经参加了最近在英国的宾利培训合作院校里开办的,一个专门的制造业为主的培训计划。虽然Williams认为宾利已经取得了实质性进展,但是技能提升项目是一个不断进化的项目,随着时间而改进,这样才能将劳动力的优势最大化,并且也能满足原始设备制造商的业务需求。Williams说道,“我们对我们的开头挺满意的,但是未来看上去并不简单。我们要把项目继续下去,让每个同事都能参与,而且还会对2016年在英国克鲁郡建立科技学院起到重要作用。这将为那些想要寻找工程、技术或设计工作的年轻人,提供令人振奋的受教育机会。衡量实效这并不是说培训规划一直没有挑战。宾利公司认为,任何职业发展项目都存在的重大问题是,保证培训能产生切实结构。Williams说,“在衡量培训和发展本质方面的争论和讨论从来没有停止过。我们的方法里牵涉全行业里最大的既得利益者,他们能对生产新管理人员给予最大的理解,并最大满足员工发展需求。从一开始有了他们的参与,我们就能设计出正确的培训计划,符合培养目标,并且能进行清晰的实地监测与评估。 “当然,学习者才是受益者 — 他们完全明白为什么要参加培训,也很清楚管理者和发展团队所支持的培训能帮助他们将所学东西最大限度地运用到实践当中。” 目前,该原始设备制造商正在忙于新一代宾利汽车,期望所有的员工都能全身心地投入,赋予汽车最佳的性能、质量和工程设计。公司对技能培训的做法反映了在行业里员工接受再教育的重要性。Williams 解释说,“在这个竞争力越来越强的行业里,我们正在不断地寻找新的技术和创新。这就需要制定培训计划,与我们自己的专家和供应商伙伴一同制造灵活的方案。假如拥有技术的同事们想要适应变化,学习新知识和技能就是关键所在。 “我们也意识到在机构内部分享知识和专业技能,对我们的发展也是很重要的 — 清楚我们的专业知识,并通过技术来发展和分享,这正是我们采用的一个方法。”在全世界传播知识在组织内部共享培训知识对这个在全世界都建有工厂的高产量制造商来说,也是非常重要的,尤其是当推行有关新车型或零部件的特殊培训时,更为如此。2014年5月,通用汽车公司为在密歇根州Warren Transmission Operations工厂里即将安装的新的电力驱动装置(Electric Drive Unit)进行培训。到目前为止,生产区团队成员已经接受了1,544小时的培训,电工已经接受了1,235小时的培训,而机械专家们接受了1,628小时的培训,工程团队接受了1,597小时。“知识武装员工,让他们懂得如何做出正确的选择”– Joyce May, GM通用汽车所面临的最大挑战就是安排培训时间,避免妨碍安装、安排流量和机械确认。Warren工厂培训协调员Joyce May说,“时间设置就是一切”。纽约布法罗市的通用汽车Tonawanda 发动机厂里的培训主管Zennette Baker也是这个看法:“我们在进行培训过程中面临的最大挑战就是时间安排。因为你要保证学员们在设备安装运转时,仍保留所学知识并投入工作。如果培训得太早,那么学员有可能记不住所学知识。然而,在生产开始之前有太多的课程需要安排时间来授课结课。”Baker说,有些学员选两次择选同一门课,供应商们要传授故障排除技巧。 当通用汽车在Tonawanda(生产2.5升、2.0升涡轮增压机,6.2升LT1 Corvette,4.3升V6、5.3升V8、6.2升V8 Eco Tec3发动机)启动一项新的发动机项目时,电工们接受了大量的培训。Baker说,“这是因为新的设备拥有西门子体系结构,这与我们目前操作的设备截然不同。” “除此之外,我们工厂也是第一次接触Fanuc机器人,需要培训学习编程、控制和恢复功能。”电工和许多调度工程师都被要求接受培训,这是其他供应商和原始设备制造商培训的先决条件。电工和调度工程师,还有机械技工和操作员共接受了超过68,800工时的培训。与培训机构未雨绸缪在通用公司持续改进培训计划过程中,有一个重点就是设计和执行。Baker说,“在设备安装前6个月开始就联系每一个培训机构,来一同制定培训计划。计划一旦通过就召开电话会议来讨论细节,包括培训类型等;培训时数和整个费用;课程材料与内容;实习培训时间与课堂培训时间;差旅费等等。”在必要的地方进行修改,一旦所有方面都达成一致之后,就要递交订单,敲定日期,制作培训日历了。Baker说,“我们最近推出的项目要与72家不同的培训机构合作。” 最近在Tonawanda推出的培训项目相当于在28个月的时间里完成610节课。Baker说,“这与过去那种不强调培训、也没有专门团队完成的时代截然不同。”对于通用来说,这种新的培训方法有诸多好处。Baker继续说明,“我们的员工能够操作、维护、排除故障、还原,还能修理机器和设备。停工几分钟就会造成几千美元的损失,因此培训劳动力变得极其重要。”她补充说,“未来我们在Tonawanda发动机厂的焦点是将一名电工培养到电气工程师的水平。我们要与工程队密切合作,力求成功。”据Baker讲,这种模式的培训就是让劳动力“处理更为复杂的情况,拓宽知识基础,这将是无价的。” May说道:“培养员工就是让他们有能力、有效地、以最高水平完成操作任务。这有助于我们团队提高生产力,减少停工期和零碎时间。知识武装员工,让他们懂得如何做出正确选择。” 然而,随着制造厂持续快速更换机械,培训也需要跟上发展的步伐。May强调说,“供应商早已退出网络培训,安装了相同机械的不同厂家可以共享。这就降低了培训成本,因为我们公摊培训费用。” 网络培训提供在机床工作间解决问题的视频,员工可以在必要时注册进行观看。May说,“控制装置和电脑技术在制造层随处可见;更新各领域培训内容,就可以跟上变化的步伐了。有了新产品、新机械和新技术,培养员工就变得前所未有地重要。”发展Premier人才这是Premier Group集团(是一家总部在英国的低产量跨国制造商,为汽车业提供预定生产面板)公认的信念。公司的理念是,员工的培训和发展是取得业务持续增长、长期进步的根本。Premier在过去的4年里投资300万英镑,用于人员配备和设施上。Premier公司常务董事Wayne Woolford说,“集团发展迅速,这源于我们一直坚信在高级工程领域里坚持和发展实际经验、并增强21世纪的技术、与时俱进的信念。”培训要通过一系列的方法途径才能进行,比如需要一个认证学徒计划,继续教育课程,以及在线培训。公司目前的方案里拥有22名学徒。Woolford说,“我们是‘学习中工作’理念的强力提倡者”,他本身就是在Triumph Cars公司以一名工程学徒开始的。“一个经营有方的项目能提高生产力,提高员工的斗志,极大提高保持员工的能力。” 在一次面试流程后,每个成功选取的学徒各自被安排到一个技术区域,比如CAD、冲压、金属板或工具室里。在4年的规划里,这些学徒们都得到来自英国各地不同的培训机构评估者的支持,比如米德兰集团培训服务中心、考文垂大学亨利学院、华威大学、考文垂及沃里克郡培训中心。如果学员能成功结束项目,还有继续深造的机会,这也有Premier集团赞助。优秀工人还被选出接受“培训培训师”课程,这样就可以培训同事或进行培训活动。 那里还建立了辅导制度。Woolford说:“一名冲压车间经理可能拥有30年的实战经验,但没有获得资历认证。这种经验对那些有待提高的员工们来说是无价的,应该直接去学习。” Woolford总结说,“我们花费大量的时间投入到发展和培训员工上。我们还在尽力赶上需求的步伐。尤其是在英国,机械师们在过去的近十年来都不受器重,现在出现严重技术短缺。据估计到2015年,将会有200,000名的缺口。但是Premier集团正在努力使这个技术工种免于消亡。”

  • Chevrolet Volt, GM Warren

    People power lies in training


    Training methods must continue to evolve if workforce skills are to keep pace with technological changeAs developments in the automotive industry continue to move at a rapid pace, it is vital that manufacturers recognise the importance of highly skilled workers; ensuring that employees develop their skills can have a massive ...

  • Chevrolet Volt, GM Warren

    Editor's note: Power to the people


    For many outside the automotive industry, vehicle manufacturing is viewed as a wholly automated process – and they can be forgiven for thinking this, because the vast majority of images depict lines of robots building cars. Indeed, I receive so much information on automation and control systems that it’s easy ...

  • scc-house-of-lords-group-shot-copy

    Driving UK automotive growth


    Sustained investment by global vehicle and component manufacturers, the local authorities and the government, has helped Sunderland to become a key carmaking hub in the UKLeading the UK’s new, sustainable, export-led car industry is Nissan at Sunderland. Long hailed as the most productive car manufacturing Facility in the UK, the ...

  • 934714_78180-a-bm Aerial View West

    Bentley in £40m HQ expansion


    UK – The OEM is adding a 45,000 sq.m centre to its site at Crewe which will include a dedicated styling studio, R&D offices and a technical workshop. The new development is the latest step in infrastructural preparations for the ultra-premium SUVs that Bentley will launch in 2016. Construction work ...

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    Engstler is Bentley’s regional director, Europe


    UK – Succeeding Bart Gerris, who is moving to another role within Volkswagen Group, Robert Engstler will take up his new position on October 1, 2014. He will report directly to Kevin Rose, member of the board for Sales, Marketing and Aftersales at Bentley.Engstler was most recently managing director of ...

  • Rolls-Royce, Goodwood

    New intake Rolls up to Goodwood


    UK – Eleven apprentices and 13 graduates toured the Rolls-Royce headquarters and plant in West Sussex on the first day of their induction. The premium OEM’s latest recruits met 11 personnel who have newly transitioned from the apprenticeship scheme to the workforce.The Rolls-Royce Apprenticeship Programme was launched in 2006 and ...

  • Bentley SUV

    Bentley announces new training scheme


    UK – The carmaker said the Upskilling programme would be “a significant step” in its “people and development strategy”. Bentley is investing in new training tools and facilities to grow its current workforce across the core competencies of Wood, Body, Trim and Engine. It is also redesigning its apprenticeship scheme. ...

  • Engineering centre, Premier Group

    Premier opens new engineering centre


    UK – The £600,000 new building is part of a £3m investment by the Midlands-based company in staff, equipment and facilities over the past four years. The centre will enhance Premier’s capabilities in the production of metal components for cars, prototypes and niche vehicles.Over the past four years, Premier has ...

  • Article

    VW makes changes to the board


    Germany – Currently speaker for the brand board of management of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Eckhard Scholz has been appointed chairman of the board for the CV division. Joachim Rothenpieler has been named board member for Technical Development.Scholz joined the VW Group in 1991, and held various management positions in Technical ...

  • Bentley SUV

    Bentley to boost engineering strength with new recruits


    UK – The carmaker’s workforce at its headquarters in Crew will grow by 140 personnel, not only 90 engineers but 51 apprentices – the biggest apprentice intake in ten years. The increase follows record sales in 2013, with 10,120 units delivered; the company aims to reach 15,000 by 2018.Bentley is ...

  • Wolfgang Duerheimer

    Dürheimer to lead Bentley and Bugatti


    Germany – Wolfgang Dürheimer, the general representative of the Volkswagen Group with responsibility for motorsport, will become chairman and CEO of Bentley Motors and president of Bugatti Automobiles with effect from June 1, 2014. He will succeed Wolfgang Schreiber, who takes up a new position within the Group.Dürheimer started his ...