Automation – Page 142
TVR celebrates 70th anniversary
UK – The OEM will mark its 70 years with the release of a new, handbuilt sports car which will be unveiled at the Goodwood Revival Earls Court Motor Show in September. TVR has worked with the specialist engineering team at Gordon Murray Design to create a car which is ...
O uso de robôs colaborativos em operações de montagem automotivas está ganhando ritmo. A AMS informa sobre as aplicações, a tecnologia e por que esta é uma tendência crescente
O uso de robôs colaborativos em operações de montagem automotivas está ganhando ritmo. A AMS informa sobre as aplicações, a tecnologia e por que esta é uma tendência crescenteUm novo robô entrou em operação há apenas um ano na fábrica da BMW em Dingolfing, na Alemanha. Mas esta máquina não ...
Mudanças à frente
Os fabricantes que operam na Europa continuam a impulsionar o menor custo para o leste, já que os volumes globais de vendas na região se aproximam dos níveis anteriores à criseFabricantes como a Jaguar Land Rover, a Volkswagen, a Ford e a Daimler estão entre as que criam novas fábricas ...
VW makes production appointments
Germany – Andreas Krüger will become head of Product Line Small, Stefan Gies will be head of Product Line Mid-/Fullsize and Friedrich Eichler will be head of Chassis Development. The appointments will be effective from September 1.After joining VW at Wolfsburg in 1991, Krüger went on to take senior positions ...
Un futuro de colaboración
Se extiende el uso de robots colaborativos en el ensamblaje automotriz. En AMS analizamos las aplicaciones, la tecnología y por qué es una tendencia en aumentoBMW comenzó a utilizar un nuevo robot el año pasado en su planta de Dingolfing, Alemania. Pero no se trata de una enorme y poderosa ...
Tiempo de cambios en Europa
Los productores que operan en Europa continúan avanzando hacia el este para reducir costes a medida que las ventas se acercan ya a niveles anteriores a la crisisLos constructores como Jaguar Land Rover, Volkswagen, Ford y Daimler se encuentran entre los que están construyendo nuevas plantas o expandiendo sus operaciones ...
Autonomous mobile platform
Modular, scalable and re-configurable, Comau claims its Agile1500 automated guided vehicle (AGV) can carry up to 1,500kg with a maximum speed of 1.7m/s. The company says this new AGV can be utilised in core operations including just-in-time and just-in-sequence production, as well as in-factory logistics.The AGV features an integrated laser ...
Digital documentation
Dürr claims its EcoDocu smart documentation system simplifies commissioning, operation, and maintenance in a paint shop. The company says that until recently the technical documentation for a paint shop took up around 150 ring binders, but now EcoDocu stores this information digitally on a data carrier so that it is ...
Jet set
A breakthrough technology for advanced high strength steel coating, the JVD process is demonstrating higher performance with lower environmental impactThe recent launch of ArcelorMittal’s JVD line at its facility near Liege, Belgium, represents the culmination of years of scientific investigation by its research and development teams.The only one of its ...
Bosch breaks ground on Nanjing plant
China – Further extending its manufacturing capacity in China, Bosch is investing nearly €100m for a new brake component plant in the south-eastern city of Nanjing. Commencing in 2019, the 20,000 sq.m plant will produce the firm's iBooster product, electromechanical brake booster used for electromobility and driver assistance systems. “The ...
Toyota and Mazda plan JV factory
US – The two companies have signed an agreement to enter a business and capital alliance which will include the production of vehicles in the US. Toyota and Mazda have also pledged to jointly develop connected-car and electric-vehicle technologies; collaborate on advanced safety technologies; and to expand complementary products. The ...
A collaborative future
The use of collaborative robots in automotive assembly operations is gaining pace. AMS reports on the applications, technology and why this is a growing trendA new robot went into operation just a year ago at the BMW plant in Dingolfing, Germany. But this machine is not a massive, powerful piece ...
协作机器人在汽车装配中的应用继续前进。AMS报道应用、技术、及其盛行的原因。仅仅1年前,德国Dingolfing的宝马工厂里,一台新的机器人投入使用。但是这台机械并不是大批量、高动力生产的设备,并不适用于汽车喷漆或焊接。但是,它却代表汽车业目前不断稳步加强推进的趋势,即人机协作(HRC),也被称作协作机器人。上面所售的机器是Kuka公司出品的LBR iiwa轻型机器人,现在已经进入之前由人类操作员独自操作的领域,用以支持繁重而重复性任务,先是举起,然后将差速器箱安装到前轴变速器上。这些箱子重量高达5.5公斤,而且不仅仅是在安装过程中按照要求多次举高,而且还需要精度,保证安装精确,避免对系统元素的破坏。在工厂采用创新性机器人,是汽车制造商和机器人供应商联合努力的结果。早在Dingolfing采用这种技术之前,Augsburg宝马工厂就已经进入开发工作阶段了。在启动阶段,机器人是在工作区域上面细细的钢铁构架上安装的 — 这是由机器人轻质结构自身决定的。机器人重量仅为30公斤。 Two lines of Universal Robots’ UR10 robot arms have been set up at Nissan’s Yokohama plant to offer more time for human workers to obtain line experience elsewhereKuka公司先进技术方案副总裁Henning Borkeloh肯定的说,这是核心细节。最重要的部分是所有限定空间都有机器人和支撑结构所占据。他说,支撑结构尺寸为200x200mm,高度为1,400mm。重型零部件,轻型触感然而,正如Borkelh进一步解释的那样,项目需要一些机灵的思维,才能应对挑战。他强调说,“安装重型差速器箱是一件非常精细的任务。敏感的齿面一定不能在啮合齿轮的时候收到破坏。其中一个挑战是所要安装的不同零部件的重量不同。从根本上说,我们必须要找到正确的参数,按照不同的规格要求,调整机器人的扭矩灵敏度。”尽管如此,Borkeloh解释说,看上去最有震撼力的应用(机器人倒置)在Kuka看来实际上非常普通。他说,“这对我们来说很一般。我们已经为很多客户采用了嵌入顶棚的方案”制造机器人本身也是一个促成因素。他说,“LBR iiwa机器人的7个轴上的每一个都有关节扭矩传感器,这样就不需要外部传感器了。加上机器人轻质结构,就能在任何位置上工作了”。第三只手事实上,Borkeloh说,融入到机器人中的传感器系统对这种特殊应用的适应性来说非常关键。他强调说,“装配差速齿轮是超敏感应用,钝齿轮在于另一个齿轮啮合时一定非常小心。”实际上,这个机器人在所有的轴上都有关节扭矩传感器,才能具备必要的触觉检测能力和编程一致性。他还说,“这就是要人类通过简单的姿势控制机器人应用的顺序,但不需要控制设备 — 比如触碰机器人。传感器还能使机器人掌握力控制连接操作,过程监控,以及连续路径处理(必须要先感知物体的位置)。”他发现从某种意义上这已经成为“人类操作员的第三只手”。在操作过程中,组件通过传送带被自动送给系统,操作员做准备。他将所有的小型机轻质零部件,比如间隔期和球状轴承,放进铸铝变速箱和盖子上。然后,操作员按一下按钮,启动机器人,由机器人小心翼翼地安装差速器箱。 The latest generation of robots, such as the UR3 from Universal Robots, are designed ...
Changes ahead for Europe
Manufacturers operating in Europe are continuing to push into the lower cost east as overall sales volumes in the region approach pre-crisis levels againMakers such as Jaguar Land Rover, Volkswagen, Ford and Daimler are among those building new plants or expanding existing ones to take advantage of benefits such lower ...
随着地区总销量再一次接近危机前水平,欧洲的制造商继续向东推进低成本运营。像Jaguar Land Rover, Volkswagen, Ford和Daimler等制造商都在建设新工厂,或者对原厂扩建,尽量利用低工资、高生产力以及灵活技术工人等有利条件。激励政策是另一个诱因,可以算得上是太慷慨了。欧洲委员会气人公布了对斯洛伐克财务计划的调查报告,显示Jaguar Land Rover计划也要在那里建设新工厂。生产水平在增长。捷克共和国目前是欧盟第五大汽车生产国。据欧洲汽车制造商协会ACEA公布的数据,2016年该国4个装配厂的总产量达到134万辆。这样,捷克目前已经领先于意大利,仅次于德国、西班牙、法国和英国。Jaguar Land Rover工厂生产达到最高,2018年末达到150,000辆之后,斯洛伐克也是足以赶超意大利的。去年,斯洛伐克3个装配厂共生产942,546辆汽车,超过波兰、匈牙利和罗马尼亚(这些国家都是排名在前十以内的国家。)汽车业对这些国家的重要性不断提高。捷克共和国和斯洛伐克是汽车业适龄工作人口比重最高的国家(分别为3.2%和2.8%)。据ACEA协会在2015年公布的数据(是最新数据),欧盟的平均比重为1.1%。他们并不都是高产的。据ACEA的数据,西班牙位于生产力排名的榜首,每个汽车制造工人生产19.2辆汽车(在装配厂工作),斯洛伐克位于第二,平均生产13.7辆(这也是2015年的数据)。斯洛文尼亚位于第五位,平均生产10.1辆,仅次于比利时和芬兰(这里是Vlamet合约制造厂的老家),但是波兰还在欧盟平均7.6辆以下,只有3.7辆。而罗马尼亚的平均数只有2.3辆。波兰的劣势很明显,因为波兰制造很多重型商务车,比如MAN, Scania, Volvo Truck和Noeplan。大体上,东欧国家制造乘用车(这里并没有将土耳其包括在内)。极具竞争力的劳动力成本地区的工资不断在增长。然而,对Jaguar Land Rover这样的公司,这仍然比英国基地要便宜得多。IHS Markit公司首席分析师Ian Fletcher说,“这里的劳动力成本要比欧洲西部国家低得多,包括英国,有些情况甚至要低三分之一。”2015年7月,在紧张的协商之后,公司决定在克洛法克和波兰推进计划。JLR一直在利用全球的工厂提高生产力,而不是靠市场周边建厂。公司称,墨西哥现在也是穷途末路了。对JLR来说,公司的调查决定投资规模,投资总额达到14亿欧元。公司称,斯洛伐克的吸引力在于,该国在VW公司Bratislava工厂制造高端车方面取得的成功。该工厂还制造Porsche Caynne和Bentley Bentayaga品牌白车身。JLR厂长Alexander Wortberg说,“斯洛伐克完全理解如何生产高质量的产品需要的要求。”在Nitra新土地上(在首都Bratislava以东60英里),铝车身Discovery SUV汽车将从2018年底开始投入生产。JLR正在与6家供应商协商,让他们在Nitra工厂附近的工业园区建厂,并且已经与西班牙金属零部件制造商Gestamp签订协议,在Nitra园区建造工厂,实际上可以算是JLR冲压车间。其他供应商将就近采纳,比如座椅从Lear公司采购,外皮零部件从Plastic Ominium采购。这有助于建立供应商工厂之间的网络,而且不局限在斯洛伐克。Audi在Gyor的工厂制造A3轿车和TT跑车,工厂位于Nitra以南60英里,超出斯洛伐克南部边境线进入匈牙利。波兰以北可能就不在JLR投资范围之内了,但是保住了一家高端汽车制造商的工厂 — 这是波兰的第一家 — Mercedes的母公司Daimler决定在波兰建造发动机工厂。今年6月,工厂正式动工。工厂位于Jawor,2019年开始生产“高效”4缸发动机。公司在该项目斥资5亿欧元,是Daimler公司在德国以外第二家发动机厂。第一家是在中国北京。全年Daimler公司宣布,要对匈牙利Kecskemét工厂扩建。公司将斥资10亿欧元,在2020年之前建成第二家工厂,并在这里制造前路驱动和后轮驱动汽车。目前,工厂制造Mercedes前轮驱动A级系列汽车。工厂建于2012年,是将德国Rastatt的Daimler工厂的运营模式照搬过来的。据Daimler公司称,Kecskemét第二工厂还将拥有汽车车体修理厂、喷漆车间、装配车间,以及供应商园区。再回到波兰。VW集团在Wrzesnia新建的工厂已经从4月份开始制造MAN公司TGE厢型车,这是VW Crafter的一个版本,而罗马尼亚Ford也在升级Craiova工厂,计划从今年秋天开始制造EcoSport小型SUV(公司在4月份公布了该消息)。这就意味着,在装配厂和发动机厂还要雇佣976名工人(原来已经拥有2,715名工人了)。该厂制造Ecoboost 1升柴油发动机。Ford目前在印度制造EcoSport汽车,但是为了促进生产,又将生产转移到Craiova,因为B-Max小型MPV在欧洲并没能成功激起消费者。 英国脱欧带来的不确定性促进东欧生产的原因一部分来自于欧洲不断增长的销量。去年,欧盟注册车辆增长了4.5%,达到1,700万辆,占据全球总量的18%。其中的轿车数量为1,460万辆,但这比2007年的1,550万辆低了近100万辆。在以上5个市场中,只有英国的降幅最低,达到0.6%,一部分原因是因为经济不景气,以及英国决定脱欧之后英镑走弱。很多在英国装配汽车的公司,比如Nissan,Jaguar Land Rover,BMW, Toyota和Honda,以及Ford(发动机制造商),都在密切关注最近与欧盟的协商进程,以此判断英国在2019年推出之后的双方之间的关系。处处是雷区,因为如果欧盟和英国不能达成协议,汽车装配可能要面临世贸组织10%的关税,这被称为“硬脱欧”。 Daimler has started work on a second battery plant in Kamenz, near Dresden, Germany如果英国脱离关税联盟的话,另一个大问题就是边境不稳定会升级。ACEA强调说,一个复杂的汽车零部件可能要经过15个国家,多次经过边间才能最终进入一辆汽车,完成使命。ACEA秘书长Erik Jonaaert早在一年前就发出警告称,对英国与欧盟之间既成关系的任何一种破坏“都将对英国或欧盟的汽车制造商,以及欧洲经济整体造成巨大的负面影响”。英国是欧洲第二大汽车二市场,尤其对德国制造商来说是非常重要的市场,他们生产汽车数量的一半都出口到欧盟。有些制造商,比如主要出口美国的Honda公司称,自英镑走下以来,出口竞争优势凸现出来。但是据英国汽车协会公布的数据,英国的零部件本地化率只有44%。但这也比2011年时的36%要高得多。欧洲另一个不确定性还来自于PSA Group从GM手中收购Opel的情况(消息在3月份公布),以及工厂关闭情况。该交易有过两个关注点。首先,GM已经决定不愿意加入再加入欧洲的竞争。第二,PSA Group非常自信,在破产危机过了四年左右的时间之后,又要购买第三个偏僻,进入大众市场。对于这个市场,GM已经对欧洲心灰意冷,并决定完全脱离。Opel在欧洲的员工达到38,000人,拥有9个工厂,据投资研究公司Bernstein分析师Max Warburton称,工厂“利用率非常低”。他说, “最后公司还是要削减产量的。我们可定,PSA正在计划裁员”。这不会马上发生 ...
EVs: Is this the tipping point?
The momentum behind the move towards vehicle electrification continues unabated. Most recently, both the French and UK governments stated their intention to ban the sale of conventionally powered vehicles by 2040. Volvo also caused a stir when it announced that its all-new model launches from 2019 onwards will only be ...
New booster lubrication treatment
Prime Lubrication Treatment (PLT) a booster lubricant, has been launched by Tata Steel. Developed in conjunction with the Netherlands-based Coil Coating Technologies (CCT) the company says PLT offers improved press performance of GI steels when compared to those treated with standard conventional oil, and enables manufacturers to move away from ...
Enhanced productivity series CMM
The Global S measuring solution is the first in an Enhanced Productivity Series (EPS) that draws upon the range of smart technologies developed by Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. These include user experience adaptations, enhanced software and advanced eco-friendly options. The company says EPS utilises these technologies to simplify tasks related to ...
Luz no fim do túnel
Com planos para expandir as exportações e os sinais de uma recuperação fraca no mercado automotivo russo, a recuperação está brotando na AvtoVAZ?Enquanto a Rússia resiste aos desafios políticos no exterior, sua principal empresa de automóveis domésticos (embora de propriedade estrangeira) está mais do que nunca alcançando além das fronteiras ...
Mundo material
Dentro de sua nova oficina em Neckarsulm, a Audi aplica uma mistura empreendedora de materiais e tecnologias de junção para o seu último sedan de luxo.Com a nova geração do A8, a Audi opta pela primeira vez por uma mistura de quatro materiais na estrutura de carroceria de peso do ...