Artificial intelligence – Page 6

  • 03.IndustrialRobotsToday

    Transforming automation

    2020-12-21T11:55:00Z Author

    A flexible software-first approach is the answer to improve the real-time control of industrial robots and future-proof manufacturing lines, say experts at Symbio Robotics

  • IM7A6351-bearbeitet-02

    Advancing machine learning


    Assembly operations still offer a lot of potential for automation. A new project aims to take machine learning to the next level

  • LH_SP_Thumbnail_600x400_PostEvent

    Watch: Supporting production through automation – from AI to cobots (EP.2)


    This Livestream Hour episode discusses how automation and AI can support automotive manufacturing with technology leaders from BMW and Ford, together with systems and software specialists.

  • BMW Group BEV range

    Integrating robotics and electric powertrains in BMW production


    BMW is on an EV offensive and is taking the opportunity to revamp its plants with automation and digital twins. Mark Smyth spoke to the global boss of production, Milan Nedeljković, about the challenges and opportunities

  • BoundingBox sill plate

    The human side of artificial intelligence


    The robots are coming, and we should all be welcoming them, according to BMW, which has a plan to introduce AI to its factories, starting from grassroots initiatives. Report by Illya Verpraet

  • LH_SF_Thumbnail_600x400_P1-PostEvent

    Watch: Livestream Hour Season Finale Part 1: Global logistics lessons with the Volkswagen Group


    As part of our finale for this season’s Livestream Hour, watch this exclusive interview with our special guest Matthias Braun, who leads digitalisation and concept development for group logistics at the Volkswagen Group, on how the carmaker has managed its supply chain through all phases of the coronavirus crisis so far, and lessons for the future

  • LH_ROAI_Thumbnail_600x400_Thumbnail 600x400

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 10 – The Rise of AI & Analytics in Logistics


    In this episode of the Livestream Hour, we discuss the technology and processes that are accelerating more connected, data-driven supply chains, and the greater role they will play in the post-coronavirus automotive industry. With special guests from Volkswagen, research institute Fraunhofer ISST and tech startup SYNAOS.

  • ABB 3DQI a

    Measuring success with ABB’s 3D robot inspection technology


    The latest quality inspection system scans manufactured products 10 times faster than traditional measuring machines, while also offering more information for accurate analysis

  • BorgWarner_turbo engine component

    Automotive suppliers buying and spinning their way into high tech segments


    As BorgWarner’s acquisition of Delphi Technologies shows, tier one automotive suppliers are turning to acquisitions and restructuring their business to focus on advanced technology, helping to protect margins, avoid commodification and transition to electrified powertrains

  • Mitsubishi electric

    Edge computing solution


    An edge computing soltion from Mitsubishi Electric, which claims to optimise predictive maintenance or quality control with real-time data analysis

  • Sony Vision S_exterior

    Is Sony’s Vision S a scary sight, or a revelation for carmakers and suppliers?


    Should automotive manufacturers fear or embrace this surprise announcement from the consumer technology giant?

  • Simufact Jetta

    Measuring cost


    As pressure mounts for OEMs to reduce costs, Simufact explains why the design and development stages are crucial in making significant savings for complex assemblies

  • automotive supplier profit analysis

    Tearing profits apart: how tier 1 automotive suppliers can mitigate shrinking margins


    The latest report by Automotive from Ultima Media examines the profits and outlook for the top 20 automotive parts suppliers and explores the strategies and solutions they should consider to avoid significant disruption in the 2020s

  • VW amazon cloud

    Building Volkswagen’s Industrial Cloud


    Volkswagen Group’s landmark project with Amazon Web Services will help to connect all its global factories, and eventually the supply chain as well. At the core of the project is a drive to establish a standard software stack that will transform the way production IT is developed and implemented across Volkswagen locations.

  • VW IT labs

    A program of change for Volkswagen Group IT


    Over the past two years, Volkswagen’s central Group IT division, led by CIO Martin Hofmann, has been expanding staff numbers, investment and digital projects across the group’s business processes, and working more closely with brands like Audi, Porsche and Skoda. In the first of a multi-part article special on Group IT, we explain the evolving shape of the organisation.

  • Martin Hofman_VW

    At the centre of change for Volkswagen Group


    Martin Hofmann, chief information office of the Volkswagen Group (pictured, right), explains how the carmaker is transforming its IT system backbone and legacy infrastructure across manufacturing, purchasing, supply chain and engineering – and how Volkswagen is now able to attract top software talent.

  • Lamborghini front on

    Lamborghini puts the AI in paint


    Chief manufacturing officer at the Sant’Agata Bolognese plant, Ranieri Niccoli speaks to AMS about the smart features now employed in the factory’s new paintshop

  • al-digital-transformation-for-automotive-and-manufacturing

    Why automotive companies are looking to a new model to enable digital transformation


    New technology, economic uncertainty and changing consumer patterns are making it vital to for automotive companies to adapt and respond quickly to these changing conditions. To do this, they need to run flexible and responsive automotive supply chains. However, today’s legacy, monolithic IT architectures are no longer fit for purpose and are undermining the ability to adapt, innovate, and stay competitive.

  • predictive maintenance

    A proactive approach


    Predictive maintenance offers big gains in production efficiency. Mike Farish looks at some examples of how these systems have been developed and applied

  • Audi sealing process Gyor

    Audi tests new sealing process in paint shop


    Hungary - The new sealing process could soon be rolled out across all Audi paint shops