All articles by ams_Steedwebzell – Page 6
Knowledge is power
Reviewing the latest powertrain component machining technologies and strategies, AMS discovers that investment equals advancementWhile machining is essentially mature technology, process variables such as the machine, tooling, workholding, programming, coolant, material and so on mean there is no end of opportunity to seek competitive gain. Of course, once a specific ...
On the right path
Steed Webzell examines toolpath optimisation and the CAM technology required to ensure cycle times are maximised without sacrificing qualityWhen it comes to machined automotive components, cost and quality top the priority list. Machined parts must be produced in the shortest possible cycles, but with no compromise on quality. In years ...
Learn the hard way
With so many hard part machining applications in the automotive sector, keeping up with the latest manufacturing technologies is imperative.Around 55% of applications for PCBN (polycrystalline cubic boron nitride) cutting tools are in the automotive sector – gears, shafts, CV joints, injector nozzles, bearings, extrusion dies and pressure rolls, to ...
Ironing out the details
Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) has not only changed auto engine manufacturing beyond recognition, it has changed machining operations too.The strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance of CGI is well documented – all of which are enhanced at far less weight when compared with traditional grey iron. The upshot is that an ...
Tools for the trade
Current best practice in press tools, mould tools and stamping dies relies heavily on the choice of machine.Conventionally described as a ‘black art’, modern toolmaking leans as heavily on the latest machining technologies, such as milling and EDM, as it does on skills and knowledge. The machines used by toolmakers ...
Equipped for the job
Latest welding developments, highlighting the focus on automated function and flexibilityIn the automotive sector, welding is very much about automation. Long periods of unmanned operations demand special requirements, not least reliability. With this in mind, Fronius has just introduced its second generation Contec nozzle technology for arc welding. In automated ...
The heat is always on
Steed Webzell reviews the welding technologies prevalent in the automotive arena today, as well as those currently building momentumLaser welding is popular for applications such as producing tailored welded blanks, largely because it is very effective at joining together steel sheets of varying thicknesses and strengths. Another popular application area ...
Laser hits the spot
Although laser welding processes are increasingly being employed, Steed Webzell discovers that resistance spot welding is still experiencing high levels of developmentLaser and resistance spot welding are two processes that compete for the same automotive applications – choosing between them requires careful analysis. Rather than go over the welltrodden advantages ...
A world of welding
Steed Webzell reveals the high levels of innovation being applied to welding processes in automotive manufacturingWelding remains the dominant joining technology for the automotive manufacturing sector but developments in technology, equipment, quality control and automation are crucial to evolving more efficient processes to produce ever lighter and stronger compOnents and ...
Quality performance
Quality and automation are intrinsically linked when it comes to automotive welding operations.Enhancing the level of automation in the welding process cannot be achieved without associated weld quality monitoring systems. Put simply, any auto plant willing to switch off its manual element needs to implement process safeguards that ensure the ...
Online service for robots
‘Local’ goes globalDirect to the cellDesign-for-maintenance and enhanced remote diagnostics are just two of the latest trends in robot service and support, as Steed Webzell discovers.Robots work hard: it’s one of the main reasons they’re deployed, after all. As a result, alongside the critical nature of the operations they perform, ...
Gaining control of robot efficiency
The efficiency of robot hardware is being optimised by the relentless development of software. Steed Webzell reports on this rapidly evolving technology areaThere are countless drivers in robot software at present, all of which are intrinsically linked to hardware design. Indeed, according to industrial robot specialist Comau, to achieve the ...
Simulate to facilitate
Steed Webzell explores the latest work in robot cell design and layout, discovering simulation technologies are rooted firmly at the heart of best practice.Gone are the days of marking the reach of robots in chalk on the shop floor to avoid collisions. Today, this vital production engineering function is facilitated ...
All up for grabs in robot R&D
Steed Webzell talks to technology vendors about which OEM criteria are driving their innovations in robot design and developmentUnimation installed the world’s first industrial robot in 1961 on a production line at the GM Ternstedt plant in Trenton, New Jersey. Obeying step-by-step commands stored on a magnetic drum, the robot’s ...
Advance of the robot
Steed Webzell looks at changes in robotic automation, revealing a sector rich in innovation and one that is witnessing rapid developments in both software and hardware.Ruthless production schedules combined with demand for unerring repeatability mean that common robot tasks in automotive manufacturing have developed far beyond spot welding to encompass ...
It all adds up
Steed Webzell reports on the evolution of additive manufacturing techniques as they become more valuable in the product development processAnyone labouring under the misapprehension that additive manufacturing (AM) is still a conceptual technology should think again. For instance, according to the Wohlers Report 2011, AM is already a US$1.8 billion ...
Digital comes to life
Steed Webzell reviews advanced digital reality technologies available for automotive manufacturers looking to expedite product developmentFor modern automotive manufacturers who must deliver high levels of innovation and flexibility in shorter cycles at the lowest cost and highest quality, digital manufacturing tools present a significant opportunity to improve productivity, streamline compliance ...
Body-in-white: Hot spots and high cost
In a spinScanning for solutionsFused with advantagesAll manufacturing engineers know the score when it comes to body-in-white welding. Emerging technologies such as laser welding, remote laser welding, laser-arc hybrid welding and laser brazing are all knocking on the door. The only barrier thwarting their progress to even wider adoption is ...
Automation stamps out inefficiency
The automation of stamping lines, presses and conveyor systems presents a three-fold challenge. According to Siemens, key issues include funding a sizeable investment; maintaining a longterm technology commitment; and utilising customised applications in lieu of off-the-shelf designs. Ensuring efficient production means providing the right foundation for automated systems. After all, ...
New stamping ground with the latest technologies
Revolutionising toolmakingStamping is a process where every second counts. A time lag of 0.1 second may sound tiny, but multiplied over thousands of parts a week, over many years, the cost can be considerable. The range of solutions in this technology area has evolved tremendously and today comprises everything from ...