Vehicle manufacturers are facing ongoing disruption in the supply chain, but at the same time must manage a paradigm shift in manufacturing and business models. AFS’s Joe McCabe shares the latest vehicle production forecasts

Automotive manufacturers are balancing unparalleled disruption and transformation, including mitigating against losses from semiconductor shortages in the short term, to ramping up electric vehicle production in line with targets and changing regulations. Joe McCabe, who leads automotive forecasting and production trend analyst firm AutoForecastSolutions, shares detailed data on vehicle production, and an outlook globally for the next decade.

 Along with volume insight on vehicle electrification, Joe McCabe demonstrates fundamental shifts in how OEMs and suppliers will manage production, notably a focus on overall production scale, to being able to cater more for varieties based on regulations, built-to-order planning and shared ownership and subscription business models. Analysis includes insight on the top 10 global vehicle production platforms, the OEMs that will reach 1m vehicles of production per year and how manufacturing suppliers and technology providers can gain competitive advantages.

Joe McCabe, President & CEO, AutoForecast Solutions
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Christopher Ludwig, Editor-in-Chief, AMS and Ultima Media

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