All articles by aladmin – Page 95

  • History_1999-2010

    DFDS применяет скрубберы против серы


    Ведущий морской перевозчик/экспедитор компания DFDS Seaways инвестирует еще 34 млн евро в скрубберные технологии для отделения серы из выхлопных газов на своих судах. В рамках последних инвестиций будут переоборудованы три судна из парка компании, в результате всего 12 судов компании теперь будут оснащены скрубберами. Правила и ограничения по содержанию ...

  • port_progreso_Mexico

    Прогресо пытается переманить автотрафик из Веракруза


    Барри КроссУчитывая растущую нехватку мощностей по обработке автомобилей в мексиканском порту Веракруз, правительство региона Юкатан пытается убедить производителей использовать для охвата рынков США, Центральной и Южной Америки порт Прогресо.Прогресо - ближайший мексиканский порт к Восточному побережью США.Отсюда можно отправлять и автомобили, и запчасти. Несмотря на дополнительные 8 часов в пути ...


    Газ экспортирует ходовые части автобусов на Кубу


    Российский производитель коммерческих авто Газ начал поставки ходовых частей для автобусов на Кубу. Предполагается, что к концу года будет поставлено 330 единиц. Ходовые части 210 ПАЗ-32053 отправляются местному партнеру на Кубе, имя которого не раскрывается, для окончательной сборки на месте. Газ также будет поставлять и запчасти. Конечный продукт будет выпускаться ...

  • DSC_3656

    Порт в Хамбантота принимает 100-е судно


    Шриланкийский порт Магам Рухунупура Махиндра Раджапакса (MRMRP) в Хамбантота отпраздновал приход 100го судна, спустя год после начала ро-ро трафика в порту. С начала июня 2012 года порт обработал свыше 35 000 единиц авто, в том числе почти 15 000 операций по перегрузке и 21 000 по импорту. На прошлой неделе ...

  • Neptune_Lines_web

    Neptune Lines отмечает 20-летний юбилей на Черном море


    Eвропейский каботажный оператор Neptune Lines отмечает 20 лет непрерывной деятельности на Черном море. В это же врем я автопроизводители и логистические провайдеры снова фокусируют свое внимание на этом регионе, как на возможной точке ввоза на рынки, в том числе в Россию, Румынию и Турцию. В последнее время компания предоставляла услуги ...

  • Webinar_Comau_image1.jpg

    Advanced materials and process technologies


    The widespread introduction of new advanced / lightweight materials is being driven by the latest ‘green’ legislation, leading to the creation of alternative process solutions to meet medium and high volume vehicle manufacture.During the webinar, Comau puts the focus on advanced multi-material joining and explain how early involvement in engineering ...

  • supply-1

    AMS North America returns to Detroit


    Conference chairman Simon Duval Smith outlines the expert OEM and tier supplier speakers contributing to the agenda of this must-attend event.Bringing together senior manufacturing and purchasing executives from OEMs and tier one suppliers, the North America AMS conference is returning to the US on September 23-24 at the MGM Grand ...

  • costs-1

    Perfecting production to cut costs


    The AMS South America conference, in São Paulo on October 29-30, will hear experts discuss tough challenges, says Simon Duval Smith.Vehicles sales continue to grow at a healthy rate in South America and this has spurred the building of new manufacturing and assembly plants by both established players and new ...

  • benefits-1

    Racking up the benefits of tracking


    Zebra Technologies product manager, John Fulton, discusses a rack tracking project with a major US vehicle manufacturer.A major US OEM had a multi-million dollar problem with the purchasing and tracking of steel, reusable parts racks and wanted to be more efficient and save money. To address this they brought in ...

  • ideas-2

    Sparking new ideas


    AMS takes a look at what visitors can expect to learn about sheet metal processing at this year’s Blechexpo showThe 11th Blechexpo exhibition will take place in Stuttgart on November 5-8. While closely focused on the core processes of sheet metal processing, the event’s almost 1,000 exhibitors span numerous industrial ...

  • news-2

    GM invests more in Spring Hill assembly


    USA – GM’s latest investment of $167m has increased to $350m the planned spending for new vehicles to be produced at the Spring Hill assembly plant, and is expected to create or retain about 1,800 jobs.The new vehicle programmes will add to existing operations at the site which operates as ...

  • DMW

    Dearborn Mid-West has new sales specialist


    USA – Dearborn Mid-West Company (DMW) has appointed Kurt Theisen to its Life Cycle Improvement (LCI) Division as a product sales specialist.Theisen began his DMW career in 1994 as a mechanical design engineer and has since held the position of mechanical project engineer/project manager. He has also worked for Durr ...

  • Paul Willcox

    VW gets new chief in UK


    UK – Paul Willcox has been appointed managing director of Volkswagen Group (UK), taking over from Simon Thomas, who leaves to take up a global marketing role.Willcox joins the business from Nissan and previously worked for Peugeot

  • Steven Kiefer, GM

    New head of powertrain at GM


    USA – General Motors has appointed Steve Kiefer as head of its global powertrain operations. He will have overall responsibility for GM’s global powertrain engineering activities, reporting to Mary Barra.Kiefer has served in a variety of engineering and leadership roles over his career at both GM and

  • Carlos Tavares

    Tavares leaves Renault


    France – Carlos Tavares has mutually agreed with Renault to cease his functions as chief operating officer in order to pursue other, personal projects.Carlos Ghosn, chairman and chief executive officer, thanked Tavares for his contribution to the

  • Tim Lee, GM

    New head of GM China


    USA – Tim Lee will become chairman of GM China, responsible for 12 joint ventures, two wholly-owned foreign enterprises and 55,000 employees. Lee will continue as executive vice-president Global Manufacturing.Stefan Jacoby, most recently CEO of Volvo Cars, will become executive vice-president Consolidated International Operations, leading the OEM in more than ...

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    Revendedor de Trator Eagle Mark 4 abre novo armazém na Carolina do Norte


    Eagle Mark 4, que processa peças de reposição para tratores de terminais e pátio, abriu um novo armazém em Wilmington, Carolina do Norte. A instalação fornecerá a mais de 1.000 clientes serviços de transporte terrestres de dia seguinte para todas as encomendas de peças de caminhão.A empresa disse que seu ...

  • NewHopeTower_web

    Empreendimento conjunto da China para sacudir concessionárias


    O Grupo New Hope da China assinou um acordo com o varejista E-Kingo Automotive Trade em conjunto para construir 200 'praças de concessionárias' na China. O New Hope Group, que é propriedade do bilionário Liu Yonghao, tem interesses comerciais em produtos químicos, imobiliário e serviços financeiros, mas esta é a ...

  • TXLogistik_building_web

    TX Logistik completa teste no serviço ferroviário VW


    O provedor ferroviário transeuropeu TX Logistik completou um teste para um novo serviço que poderia fornecer veículo regular e peças de embarques para o Grupo Volkswagen entre sua fábrica da Audi em Györ, na Hungria e na fábrica de motores Salzgitter na Alemanha. O período experimental foi realizado em nome ...

  • Mazda3-MPS_web

    Mazda processará as importações e vendas da África do Sul


    A Mazda criou uma empresa nacional de vendas na África do Sul, e disse que permitirá o controle independente da importação e venda de seus veículos para o país, bem como fornecerá serviços aos clientes. A nova empresa - Mazda África do Sul - será sediada em Joanesburgo e envolve ...