All articles by aladmin – Page 52
Automatizando o futuro
Edouard Mekhalian, diretor da KUKA do Brasil, analisa a forma como a robótica tem o potencial de colocar o Brasil no caminho mais rápido para uma revolução de automação e habilidadesO Banco Mundial classifica o Brasil como a sétima maior economia do mundo pelo produto interno bruto. Ele também é ...
Automating the future
Edouard Mekhalian, managing director of Kuka Roboter do Brasil, looks at how robotics has the potential to put Brazil on the fast track to an automation and skills revolutionThe World Bank ranks Brazil as the world’s seventh-largest economy by gross domestic product. It is also the world’s fifth-largest automotive market, ...
A medida do sucesso
Inspeção de qualidade na construção da carroceria de carro está se movendo com mais velocidade, maior flexibilidade e utilização de software inteligente, escreve Judith SchwarzA indústria automotiva está colocando novos desafios para construção de carrocerias: processos e sistemas de produção mais flexíveis e cada vez mais complexos são necessários conforme ...
A measure of success
Quality inspection in car body construction is moving towards more speed, greater flexibility and the use of intelligent software, writes Judith SchwarzThe automotive industry is placing new challenges on car body construction: more flexible and increasingly complex processes and systems are required as the number of models grows. Increasingly, process ...
Preparar-se para a eficiência
A tecnologia moderna de giro vertical pode proporcionar avanços de produtividade que se traduzem em aumento da rentabilidade, escreve Oliver Hagenlocher, diretor de marketing, EMAG GroupO mercado de produção de caixa de velocidades está crescendo e a competição está se intensificando, de acordo com um estudo da Roland Berger-que conclui ...
Gear up for efficiency
Modern vertical turning technology can deliver productivity advances that translate into increased profitability, writes Oliver Hagenlocher, head of marketing, EMAGThe gearbox production market is growing and competition is intensifying, according to a study by Roland-Berger which concludes that a market growth rate of approximately 6% within the next two years ...
Infiniti makes first Chinese Q50L
China – Rolling off the assembly line at Xiangyang Plant in Hubei, the vehicle pioneered the long-wheelbase version of the Q50 premium sports saloon which is the first Infiniti model dedicated to the local market.“Today we are here to witness Infiniti’s big step forward in China,” said Daniel Kirchert, president ...
South America special issue
The first in our series of regional supplements covering the most important automotive markets in the world is now available online in four languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese. This special edition provides in-depth information about the activities of key OEMs and tier suppliers in South America, and how they ...
WEBINAR: Comau – lightweighting
Automotive manufacturing relies on the use of efficient, high-volume processes which guarantee productivity and quality. In practical terms, this can be translated into effective performance-based body-in-white solutions that deliver speed, precision and the flexibility to handle the growing use of multiple materials.In an exclusive Comau webinar on November 20, Martin ...
Charles Cornew追溯原始设备制造商的发展足迹,探寻他们在这鲜为人知的地方进行生产的过程 “你开的车是哪国生产的?”这个问题的答案通常是德国、日本和美国。听到汽车制造在过去的几十年里,尤其是自1990年起,已经成为南非国民生产总值的首位功臣,并且是该国出口制造业的主体时,大部分人会大吃一惊。国际汽车制造商协会OICA透露的数据的显示,南非已经晋级全球25个汽车制造大国之列。 2013年,南非共生产545,913辆汽车,其中包括265,257辆汽车和280,656辆商用车。汽车制造业是主要的雇主,有近30,000人为主要原始设备制造商以及专业轻型商用车和公交车制造商工作。自从1924年第一个工厂落成以来,南非汽车生产发展飞速,生产的汽车远销53个国家,包括日本、美国、澳大利亚、德国和英国。 但是,行业并不局限于生产整车;他们出口的主要组件是触媒转换器、轮胎、发动机、双排气管、消声器和备用配件。大部分的出口去向是欧洲,欧盟吸收该国出口总数的大约70%。在进口该国产品的117个国家中,德国的最大的进口国。虽然南非是拥有11个省的大国,但是汽车制造业却只集中在其中的两个省:东部的Cape和Gauteng。然而,第三个省,KwaZulu Natal也承办了丰田公司和贝尔设备公司的生产。在南非建厂的原始设备制造商们可以利用那里低成本、接近新兴市场、与欧盟的贸易协定,以及地处南非发展共同体自由贸易区的优势。 目前,非洲大陆生产的80%的汽车都来自南非,但是这个比率可能会大幅度下降,因为全球的原始设备制造商们看到其他新型非洲经济体的有利条件,比如尼日利亚。然而,已经驻扎南非的汽车制造巨头门,愿意留在这个国家,创造更好的未来。 宝马:走出德国1968年,宝马开始在南非豪登省的Rosslyn,以Praetor Monteerders公司名开始生产。5年之后,宝马收购了该公司,并在南非建立了宝马公司。有趣的是,Rosslyn是该制造商在德国之外的第一家工厂。今天,这里主要集中生产3-Series系列汽车。 1996年,宝马公司斥资10亿兰特(约合9,000万美元)升级Rosslyn工厂,引进国际化标准生产线,为工厂赢得“Rosslyn,宝马的世界工厂”的美誉。10年之后,公司又在工厂投资22亿兰特,之后开始投产最先进的3-Series系列汽车。这一举动为宝马新增了600名劳动力,并将每年的产量推升到90,000辆。 虽然这个扩建正处在全球经济危机时刻,但是宝马董事会成员Frand-Peter Arndt公开声称,“宝马3-Series系列是宝马集团最重要的量产车型,并且是整个高端车段里销量最好的车型。”他还说,“虽然全球经济危机形势还不明朗,但是我们一定要确保在这里的生产。” 但是,宝马南非目前还面临一个重大挑战,就是这个国家的经济和政治不稳定性严重影响了生产:公司在2013年损失了15.8%的年产量,相当于13,000辆本该出口的汽车。福特:挥金如土福特汽车南非公司(FMCSA)日前斥资34亿兰特,将其两个生产厂转型成为世界级的制造厂,用于生产Ford Rander汽车和Duratorq TKCi发动机。目前这些产品不仅用于供应国内市场,更重的是向148个国家出口。大量资金的注入,为比勒陀利亚的Silverton装配厂提供了技术支持,每年的产量超过110,000辆。Silverton工厂装配轻型商用车,并从世界各国进口商用车作为补充。福特公司还大幅度扩大在东开普省伊丽莎白港的Struandale发动机厂,每年可以生产250,000个加工组件包,包括发动机盖、气缸体和曲轴,为Duratorq TKCi发动机供货。 大约75,000个组件包用于当地发动机装配,为Silverton工厂的新款Rander汽车提供发动机。剩下的175,000个组件包被指定出口到泰国和阿根廷的福特发动机装配厂。 今年早些时候,Struandale还开始生产3.2升5缸柴油发动机,提供到北美市场 — 这是FMCSA第一次向美国出口。这些额外生产的31,000台发动机指定出口到堪萨斯城,用于Ford Transit厢式货车的装配。 通用汽车:悠久的历史也是在东开普省,通用汽车公司成为了在南非首批制造商之一。自1913年公司开始在南非出售Chevrolets汽车,并于1926年开设第一家制造厂以来,该车已经成为那里的民族风尚。开始的时候,在南非生产的品牌有Chevrolet, Oakland, GMC 卡车, Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile 以及 Vauxhall。在种族隔离政策期间,公司停止了在南非的生产和投资,只保留Delta汽车公司的名号。在种族隔离政策结束之后,通用汽车迅速返回市场,收购了Delta剩余的51%的股份。 目前,该制造商在装配厂和伊丽莎白港的总部共拥有雇员1,800人。现有的生产线包括:Isuzu-KB 单排座和双排座汽油、KB单排座合双排座柴油、Isuzu N Series 卡车, Isuzu F Series 卡车, Opel Corsa Lite, Corsa Hatch 以及Corsa Utility。工厂还负责制造大量组件,出口到阿根廷、澳大利亚、巴西、欧洲、墨西哥和美国。这些组件包括:铝热盾、汽车千斤顶、触媒转换器、排料启闭器、电子控制系统、缓冲接头、动力系统冷却组件、动力系统滑轮、座位安全带和排气系统冲压组件。 通用非洲公司一位发言人Denise van Hunssteen最近说,该制造商重返南非之后进入重大扩建阶段,包括斥资超过40亿兰特用于设立新的汽车装配项目、在Aloes建设高科技车辆改装和分销中心、并在科加工业开发区建设零部件经销中心。大众南非:从Beetle汽车到Golf汽车南非最大的汽车生产中心伊丽莎白港的Utienhage是现代化大众工厂的老家。大众南非自1946年来到南非之后走过了漫长了路程。公司的南非之旅始于美国印第安纳州的斯图贝克出口公司与南非工商股份公司签署特许代理协定,标志着南非汽车装配与分销有限公司(SAMAD)的成立,就是之后的大众南非(VWSA)。 从成立第一天起,工厂的焦点就放在生产标志性的Beetle和Kombi车型,一直到20世纪70年代,公司停止了Beetle汽车的制造,转而制造大受欢迎的Golf ...
African adventures
Charles Cornew tracks the progress of OEMs which are exploring a lesser-known production location “Which countries produce the vehicles you drive?” is a question that prompts answers such as Germany, Japan, Italy and France – plus the UK, the US and South Korea. Most people would be surprised to find ...
VW opens Tianjin parts plant
China – The OEM has now commenced production of the latest generation of advanced dual-clutch gearboxes (DSG) at its new facility. The annual capacity of 450,000 units will be increased to 1.2m by 2016; VW has already invested 2.2 billion yuan ($3.6 billion) in the first phase of the plant.In ...
Peugeot to plan Citroën’s products
France – Replacing Thomas d’Haussy, Xavier Peugeot will serve as director of Product Planning and report to Linda Jackson, CEO of Citroën. His predecessor will take on new responsibilities within the Group.Peugeot joined PSA Peugeot Citroën in 1994 and has held a number of positions in sales and marketing, including ...
VW breaks ground on Qingdao Plant
China – The factory in the east of the country will be able to produce 300,000 sedans and SUVs per year when it opens after a three-year construction period.The Qingdao plant is part of VW’s joint venture with
A partnership made in Brazil
The opening of its new plant at Goiana in Pernambuco sees Fiat Chrysler Automobiles overcome numerous obstacles to put Brazil at the cutting edge of manufacturing, says ComauThe new Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Brazilian factory in Goiana, in the state of Pernambuco, was inaugurated just a few weeks ago. Not ...
Uma parceria feita no Brasil
A abertura de sua nova fábrica em Goiana, em Pernambuco faz com que a Fiat Chrysler Automóveis supere inúmeros obstáculos para colocar o Brasil na vanguarda da produção, diz ComauOs novos Automóveis Fiat Chrysler (FCA) da fábrica brasileira em Goiana, no Estado de Pernambuco, foram inaugurados há apenas algumas semanas ...