tesa Thermosetting adhesive tapestesa’s claims its reactive HAF thermosetting adhesive tapes have been designed for use in creating compact lightweight designs that reduce emissions and fuel consumption. The company says these tapes feature an adhesive layer that contains nitrile rubber and a phenolic resin, and when heated a chemical reaction is started that creates a securely bonded system. It’s claimed that once fully cured the heat activated film adhesive does not revert to its original state when re-heated

The company says this also offers high chemical resistance to engine oil and solvents, and a high cohesiveness at frictional heat (up to 350°C). It claims this tape bonds to steel and carbon fibre, which makes it suitable for bonding carbon fibre linings to synchronizer rings. Other applications include bonding carbon fibre to clutch discs, mounting sensor plates for gear control, and brake shims to brake pads.
