All Spotlight articles – Page 5
Every production challenge has a cloud solution at ZF
Chief digital officer René Deist tells the AMS Evolution Summit how the global tier one supplier is using the cloud to transform manufacturing and better leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence
Better than the real thing: digital factory simulations
Increasing production of battery enclosures at scale will be essential to launching EVs in line with targets. ABB’s Patrick Matthews and Zeiss’s Paulo Cruz discuss automation and quality control opportunities.
Global powertrain and battery production forecast: ever-evolving complexity
With diverging regulations, infrastructure, market trends and manufacturing bases, the path to EV and battery production will vary across regions, adding more variation for OEMs and suppliers. Ultima Media analyst Daniel Harrison shares the latest data on powertrain and battery forecasts
Getting giga with it – ramping up battery cell production
Manufacturers require huge investment and must carefully consider production locations and technology to build batteries at ‘giga scale’, reveal leaders from Italvolt, AMTE Power and Zeiss
Scaling battery pack production
Increasing production of battery enclosures at scale will be essential to launching EVs in line with targets. ABB’s Patrick Matthews and Zeiss’s Paulo Cruz discuss automation and quality control opportunities.
Global outlook: the disruptive forces shaping automotive manufacturing
Vehicle manufacturers are facing ongoing disruption in the supply chain, but at the same time must manage a paradigm shift in manufacturing and business models. AFS’s Joe McCabe shares the latest vehicle production forecasts
Factory futures: networked, data-driven, flexibly automated
Manufacturing experts share their vision for current and future automotive production technology, including leaders from Ford, Cognex, Symbio Robotics and Jay Global Techno Alliance
From assembly to modular production lines
Automotive manufacturers need to manage more part variety and complexity than ever, which is why more are implementing autonomous logistics, cobots and other technology to support more flexible, modular concepts. Experts from ABB, Conductix-Wampler and Panasonic discuss the technology roadmap.
The evolution will be televised: welcome to the online AMS Summit
The Automotive Manufacturing Evolution Summit is focused on accelerating partnerships across the industry as vehicle production is increasingly electrified, digitalised and sustainable
India’s manufacturing evolution: competitive, agile and frugal
The country has been hit hard by the pandemic and disruption, but automotive manufacturing is roaring again and leaders from Mahindra, Switch Mobility and the Indian automotive supplier association, ACMA, explain what the industry needs to do to stay competitive
It all adds up to zero – counting the ways to net carbon zero manufacturing
Sustainability leaders from Audi and Lear explain how the companies are working across the value chain to decarbonise manufacturing
End-to-end sustainability: accelerating to zero emissions and the circular economy
Manufacturers are increasing efforts to reduce waste and to reuse and recycle material, including packaging and battery materials. In this session, executives from Magna, CSR Europe and Li-Cycle discuss initiatives in the circular economy and to reduce overall emissions
Day 1 wrap up: now that was electrifying!
After the first half of the AMS Evolution Summit, it is clear that digitalisation, electrification and sustainability are converging in automotive production
Watch: Paint it green – more sustainable, flexible paintshops
When it comes to the future of paintshop, green is the only colour going. This exclusive AMS Livestream features paintshop leaders from Porsche and Sames Kremlin sharing innovations in technology and collaborative approaches to maintain speed and quality whilst reducing energy and waste in automotive painting processes.
Exclusive Podcast: Automation and reality – bridging the disconnect
The constant advance of digital, communication and robotic technologies means that engineers are now looking at the ‘automation of automation’. It sounds exciting, but what does it mean in the real world of manufacturing and production?
Material science developments for low carbon mobility
Sustainability is a high priority throughout the automotive supply chain and suppliers are working more closely than ever with their clients to deliver sustainable solution at every stage of the vehicle build. Delving deep into this we look at how developments in material science are enabling low carbon mobility in electric and internal combustion vehicles.
Watch recording: Data-driven decision making for design and manufacture of ePowertrains
In this webinar, Hexagon’s powertrain engineering experts will share details of cutting-edge ePowertrain engineering and manufacturing approaches, employed in recent years as the industry moves to electrification, and strategies implemented to ensure design intent is maintained through manufacturing to electric vehicle.
Watch: Shopfloor revolution – how data, software and AI are rebooting production
OEMs and suppliers are transforming vehicle production through data and connectivity as much as hardware, with new artificial intelligence opportunities emerging. Watch this AMS Livestream Hour featuring VDMA, Fraunhofer IPA and Symbio to hear about the standards, systems and applications underpinning these changes.
Watch: Vehicle lightweighting rises to the top of the agenda for designers and engineers
This livestream investigates how designers and engineers at Ford, Gestamp and key suppliers are using innovative materials and creating lightweight architectures, including for models like the Ford F-150 Lightning and Maverick compact truck.
Watch: Factory of the future Livestream – The software-defined assembly line
As automotive OEMs digitalise and connect factories, hear how the Audi Production Lab, ABB and Cosmotech are using real-time data, smart software and advanced automation to reshape vehicle production processes.