All articles by Nick Holt – Page 16
T Sarangarajan, Hyundai Chennai
The vice-president – Production discusses operations at the OEM's very modern plant at Chennai, where the bodyshop is almost fully automated and there is an in-house aluminium casting capabilityAMS: Could you tell us about the aluminium casting facility at this site?T Sarangarajan (TS): It is a very clean operation, perhaps ...
Andreas Lauenroth, VW India
The executive director – technical, VW India, discusses manufacturing operations at the OEM's Chakan Plant, including possibilities for expansionAMS: Which models are you currently producing here?Andreas Lauenroth (AL): At present it’s [VW] Polo, Vento and [Skoda] Rapid. We were producing the Fabia but that was removed from the market last ...
Multi-model management
The senior GM – Manufacturing at Chakan Plant discusses the challenges of producing a diverse range of vehicles at a single location, plus plans for expansionAMS: Can you provide some background on Chakan Plant?Sairan Vedapudi (SV): We acquired this site in 2007, and although at that time the economic conditions ...
Tom Chackalackal, Ford India
The vice-president for Manufacturing discusses operations at Chennai, which was the pioneer plant for the OEM's three-wet, high-solids paint processAMS: With the start of production of the EcoSport last year, it was reported that capacity here would be increased to 200,000 units per annum. Has this happened?Tom Chackalackal (TC): The ...
Entrevista: Dileep Naik, Tata Motors
O chefe de projetos de automóveis discute engenharia de produção, fabricação de CVs, automóveis de passageiros e motorizações na fábrica da empresa em Maharastra, além de sua capacidade em engenharia de produção na fábrica AMS: Quais os veículos que você está produzindo atualmente em Pimpri?Dileep Naik (DN): Aqui nós fabricamos ...
Entrevista a Dileep Naik, Tata Motors
El director de proyectos de automóviles e ingeniería de producción nos habla sobre la producción de vehículos comerciales, vehículos de pasajeros y trenes de potencia en la planta de su empresa en Maharastra, además de su capacidad interna de ingeniería de producciónAMS: ¿Qué vehículos están produciendo actualmente en Pimpri?Dileep ...
New destacker for rapid production speed
AP&T says its new DST-DH destacker can work twice as quickly compared to a conventional system and is intended for handling blanks for large vehicle parts (A-Class) such as doors, roofs and sides. The new DST-DH is equipped with double Gantry 200 feeders. The centring tables are equipped with brushes ...
Honda plants earn EPA Energy star certification
~~USA - For the ninth consecutive year, two of Honda’s Ohio vehicle manufacturing plants (Marysville and East Liberty) have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Star certification; while the company’s Greensburg facility (Indiana) achieved the designation for the third year in a row.The Greensburg plant has been focusing ...
采访:塔塔汽车公司,Dileep Naik
汽车项目与生产工程总监谈论了有关商用车制造,公司在马哈拉斯特拉工厂制造商用车与动力系统的情况,以及国内生产工程能力等情AMS: 你们目前在宾布里生产什么汽车?Dileep Naik(DN):我们在这里生产商用车(CV)和乘用车。商用车包括轻型商用车(LCV)、中级商务车(ICV)和多用途汽车(MUV)。重型商用车和公交车是在另一个地方生产。在宾布里的乘用车包括斜背式和轿车款车型。 除此之外,我们在这里还有一个发动机部门,生产发动机和变速器;一个生产模具的生产工程部门;以及一个为冲压件、模制件和钻模制造模具的部门。AMS: 印度的经济增长已经放缓,并影响到汽车销售。这对宾布里的生产量有什么影响吗?DN:小汽车和商用车市场都受到经济停滞的影响。这就意味着要对小汽车和商用车进行20-30%的减产。但是,新政府已经承诺要实施一些积极的措施来促进经济,因此未来发展还是很乐观的。 AMS: 你们是如何调整生产运营,以适应目前的需求水平的?DN:设备利用是根据车段和车型范围决定的,但是我们的生产很灵活,能够应付这些需求方面的动荡。 AMS: 你们的LCV,MUV和皮卡车系列共性有多少,能公用多少平台呢?DN:这些车型的共性大约在85%左右,能公用装配线。还有,喷漆厂经过设计,也能够综合处理这些车型和平台。当然大型卡车就很难共享这些了,大小和重量上的差别是无法共享平台和组件的。 AMS: 有没有计划要在宾布里增加新的车型,或者扩建工厂?DN:到目前是没有,但是在发展过程中还会对生产战略进行修改。很显然,还需在市场恢复之后才能增加额外生产。 简介:Dileep Naik, 汽车企划与生产工程总监·Naik于1979年毕业与普纳工学院(COEP)机械工程系。·他于1981年加入塔塔汽车公司汽车企划部门·他的工作是负责BIW(白车身)策划执行活动,以及所有车辆和轮轴类型的TCF文件·Naik有2年的时间在韩国塔塔大宇商用车(TDCV)公司,担任新产品引进(NPI)部门的领导职务·他已经在塔塔汽车接手了4个绿地项目AMS: 这家工厂是什么时候建立的?DN:我想应该是从1977年开始生产的。 AMS: 关于CV生产自动化水平方面,你们有什么战略吗?DN:我们正在生产量和人力成本之间调节平衡。这是很重要的因素,但是对某些方面来说,目前自动化是最佳选择,比如喷漆车间。目前汽车车体修理厂的人力操作成分相对较高。很多事情还要看将来的产量。如果产量上来了,那么自动化的成本效益就更高。 AMS: 这里的经营有什么新的进展吗,比如与制造工程相关的什么?DN:我们为许多不同的客户制造模具,比如钻模、冲模、钣金等夹具,还有就是我们自己的生产作业。这里涵盖了从设计、开发到工具制造的所有过程。在如何做事上还是有一些开发的,但是这都是循序渐进的,并不是大的变化。 AMS: 你们开发这个厂内生产工程的原因是什么?DN:这样我们就可以将产品很快地投放到市场中。在这里开发任何新的工具或做的任何改变都可以节省很多时间,而这对我们是非常重要的。 AMS: 在塔塔汽车制造生产中,达到多少标准化呢?DN:在小汽车和商用车生产方面达成很好的协同增效。参观宾布里塔塔工厂除了生产商用车,乘用车和动力系统之外,马哈拉斯特拉的宾布里塔塔工厂还是生产工程部门的老家,这为汽车的快速设计、开发制造提供方便 宾布里塔塔工厂纵向一体化水平很好,生产工程部门的构成也是如此。这里就是开发和制造汽车生产工具的地方,囊括从夹具及固定装置到板材冲压的所有一切。这里生产公司66%的钣金模具,真是令人印象深刻;设备包括70个CAD站和14个大型CNC。这里每年制造大约290个模具。这些模具和夹具还为公司以外的客户生产,比如福特、丰田、本田和捷豹路虎。 制造完美组合设计和制造这些模具需要结合重型工程、高科技、电脑控制机械加工,以及仿真设计系统。对于模具来说,大块的高强钢要首先锻造称两块完全吻合的平面;虽然这些大型工具的重量达到好几吨,但是在整个阶段都需要保证高度的精确性,才能生产精确耐用的模型。制模车间采用3轴和5轴加工中心,前者用于执行最初简单一些的切削操作,而后者用于执行复杂的任务。一旦平面完成,板块就可以精确地分为两半。CAD系统就为加工中心编程,生产想要的车身板件外形。 这个过程需要在加工中心进行大量的转移,最后要进行3次周转才最终完工。这个过程非常重要,因为模具外形要一点瑕疵都没有才能制造A-级板材。 然后模具要送到Shuler压力机那里进行性能检测。在达成想要的冲压质量和精确度之前,要经过大量的调整阶段。在这个过程中,有个叫做“定位”的操作过程。这个过程要对模具的两半进行精密调整,使用手动工具。只有这样,模具才能反复制造出完美的板材。 夹具的生产要根据应用,综合铸造、机械加工和装配等工艺。为了铸造更加复杂的形状,苯乙烯模具应运而生,并送到一个专门的铸造公司。
Interview: Dileep Naik, Tata Motors
The head of auto projects and production engineering discusses the manufacture of CVs, passenger cars and powertrains at the company's plant in Maharastra, plus its in-house production engineering capabilityAMS: Which vehicles are you currently producing at Pimpri?Dileep Naik (DN): Here we manufacture both commercial vehicles [CVs] and passenger vehicles. The ...
Lightweight tooling for automation lines
DE-STA-CO says it has added more than 150 parts to its Accelerate collection of lightweight tooling. The collection was expanded with additional options to increase automated press room stamping line speed.New elements include: Crossbar and tri-axis transfer press components Clamp blocks, T-clamps and parallel clamp Sheet metal gripper mounting brackets ...
Interview: Gurpratap Boparai, Fiat India
Fiat's CEO for the region talks of launching new models at Ranjangaon, including vehicles for FCA brandsAMS: Start of production at Ranjangaon was in 2007. What was the installed capacity then, and has this increased?Gurpratap Boparai (GB): It has remained the same at 130,000 units per annum, but if we ...
Honda's Indian future
The OEM hopes to transform its newest plant in the country, Tapukara, into a major regional production hubIn the case of Honda’s latest plant in India, at Tapukara, appearances can be deceptive. At the time AMS visited, this huge facility was largely underutilised, producing just one model, the Amaze (production ...
Lightweight tooling for automation lines
DE-STA-CO says it has added more than 150 parts to its Accelerate collection of lightweight tooling. The collection was expanded with additional options to increase automated press room stamping line speed.New elements include: Crossbar and tri-axis transfer press components Clamp blocks, T-clamps and parallel clamp Sheet metal gripper mounting brackets ...
Editor's note: Power to the people
For many outside the automotive industry, vehicle manufacturing is viewed as a wholly automated process – and they can be forgiven for thinking this, because the vast majority of images depict lines of robots building cars. Indeed, I receive so much information on automation and control systems that it’s easy ...
Machining centre for automotive production
DMG MORI has introduced an ultra-compact, horizontal-spindle machining centre for multiple-shift, mass production of vehicle components such as cylinder blocks and heads. Designated i 50, the machine comes without an automatic pallet changer and occupies 6.6m2 of factory area. The company says the machine width has been minimised to 1,680 ...
Alabama: Um doce lar para Honda
A fábrica de Lincoln do OEM atualizou motor e transmissão e capacidades de estampagem com maior automaçãoA Honda Manufacturing de Alabama (HMA) foi selecionada para fazer o Acura MDX, que é o produto mais técnico construído na fábrica.Classificada como uma instalação de leve, HMA constrói três modelos: Odyssey, Pilot e ...
Un dulce hogar para Honda
La marca ha actualizado con una mayor automatización sus capacidades de trenes de potencia y estampado en la planta de Lincoln Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) ha sido seleccionada para producir el Acura MDX, el producto más técnico producido en la planta. HMA está clasificada como una planta para camionetas ...
Driving Honda
I’m occasionally offered the opportunity to receive advance copies of books, but unfortunately most of the time the subject isn’t relevant to my work. That’s not to say they aren’t automotive related, it’s just that they don’t cover my specific area of interest. Working on an automotive title, it’s often ...
阿拉巴马: 本田的安乐窝
该原始设备制造商在Lincon的工厂,已经以更高的自动化升级了动力系统和冲压生产线 阿拉巴马的本田制造厂(HMA),被选中制造Acura MDX车型,这是工厂里技术性最高的产品制造。HMA工厂被列入轻型车制造厂的行列,主要制造三种车型:Odyssey,Pilot和MDX。 工厂里一直为国内巨大的皮卡车市场生产Ridgeline汽车,但是为了准备推出全新皮卡车,所有生产都将停止。 工厂占地1,300英亩,厂房设施占地超过300万平方英尺,拥有4,000名员工。除了汽车生产,工厂还拥有400,000平方英尺的动力系统生产车间,每年共生产340,000部汽车和发动机。工厂最近引进自动化水平更高的程序,极大推动了V6发动机的生产。 HMA公司总裁Jeff Tomlo说,“目前的发动机生产将搬到新工厂的一个生产线上,在那里可以根据要求,比如车型变体,在第一生产新或第二生产线上进行生产。现在发动机生产的自动化水平在32-35%之间,所以算是人力密集型操作。新设施的自动化水平达到65-70%;几乎是原来的2倍。这将成为本田工厂里自动化水平最高的发动机装配线之一。” 他继续说道:“自动化可以实现进一步的质量检验和核查,而且由于发动机变得越来越复杂,而且变型也越来越多,这个生产线的增加能使我们灵活制造不同类型的发动机,而不需要做很多修改。” 工程技术实力Lincoln的制造车间包括:一个适用钢和铝的冲裁生产线;冲压;焊接;喷漆;注塑模具;铸铝;铝和亚铁加工;汽车组件和装配;发动机装配;车辆实验;和质量保证。 这个生产线反映了本田公司的垂直一体化制造工艺。虽然公司已经与外部供应商之间建立了强大的长期合作关系,但是公司将一直利用其发达的工程技术实力;现场铸铝和注塑模具(有3个模具用于保险杠和仪表板生产)就是个好例子。 本田想要在厂内保留复杂的装配工艺的意愿已经非常明显。仪表盘 — 通常是由主要供应商装配,然后运送到其他原始设备制造商的生产线上 — 是在本田Lincoln工厂装配而成,每件只需23分钟的程序。 伺服控制冲压操作是在以液压操作的两个AIDA冲压线上进行,现在又有一个额外新的伺服冲床作补充,这能在强钢成型时提供更强的控制。压力机为以4个阶段锻造class-A面板,具有自动化处理与堆叠操作的特点;冲模转换能在7至8分钟内完成。然后由转包商完成较小的子结构冲压工作。 汽车车体修理厂实现了高度自动化(80-90%),有200个机器人实行操作和焊接,每天能生产1,500个单位。在这里人工操作相对少的工作就是,将车门搬到一个旋转站,然后(由机器人)完成焊接。 与许多原始设备制造商相同,本田在Lincoln实行准时制零部件送递程序,在现场保留4小时工作量的零部件。整个车辆生产量都在送递之前进行跟踪监测(这是质量控制程序的一部分)。目前,HMA制造车辆中大约有10%是预定出口的。 HMA的大事年表 1999 — 宣布了斥资4亿美元在阿拉巴马建新厂的计划 2000 — Lincoln工厂破土动工 2001 — 第一辆Odyssey微型客车走下生产线 2002 — 宣布斥资4.2亿美元进行扩大建设;添加第3条生产线 2004 — 在Lincoln工厂的第2条生产线上进行试选车型的量产 2005 — 工厂创下生产达到500,000辆的里程碑 2006 — Lincoln工厂生产出第1百万辆汽车 2008 — Ridgeline的生产转到HMA;第2生产线上增加了Accord ...