All articles by Nick Holt – Page 11

  • Sogefi Tredegar

    Degrees of separation


    Sogefi’s plant in Tredegar, Wales, produces complex fuel and air filtration systems and boasts an impressive array of manufacturing technologiesOn the edge of the Welsh valleys, a few miles north of Cardiff, is the quiet location for a hive of automotive manufacturing activity. According to Chris Jones, plant director at ...

  • Indiana Harbor, ArcelorMittal

    Cidade de aço


    A fábrica de aço do ArcelorMittal no Indiana Harbour precisou mudar com os tempos. A AMS fez uma visitaA ArcelorMittal emprega mais de 4.200 pessoas em suas instalações do porto de Indiana, o qual tem sido o local da fabricação de aço há mais de 100 anos. De acordo com ...

  • Indiana Harbor, ArcelorMittal

    Ciudad de acero


    La siderúrgica Indiana Harbor de ArcelorMittal ha tenido que cambiar con los tiempos. AMS le hizo una visitaArcelorMittal emplea a más de 4,200 personas en su instalación de Indiana Harbor, que ha sido el sitio de fabricación de acero por más de 100 años. Según Wendell Carter, hombre del acero ...

  • Hauzer Barcelona

    Bright work


    Coatings specialist Hauzer has developed a viable physical vapour deposition process for automotive partsThe chrome electroplating process for vehicle parts is tried and tested; it’s durable and can be polished to a high shine but uses potentially harmful chemicals, notably chromium 6. A challenge to its use has arisen in ...

  • SRB inner ring measured

    Smart rotation


    SKF looks to digitalise its business model and manufacturing operations. AMS spoke to Luc Graux, director of manufacturing and process development, to find more about the impact of IoTWhat effect is the move to an I4.0 based operation having on SKF’s production?We are certainly trying to apply the same I4.0 ...

  • Nick Holt

    Editor's note: High anxiety


    We live in anxious times, if the headlines are to be believed. In the UK, Brexit has seemed to be less of a concern to the consuming public than it does to a nervous business community. But worries regarding what the future holds for the millions of diesel and petrol ...

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    ArcelorMittal在印第安纳州的Harbor轧钢厂需要与时俱进。AMS一探究竟ArcelorMittal在印第安纳州的Harbor工厂员工数量超过4,200名,该厂已经生产钢铁超过100年了。据长铁厂老员工,同时也是公司副总裁兼总经理的Wendell Carter称:“印第安纳Harbor工厂是北美最大的综合性钢铁生产厂,拥有3个高炉(其中一个是北美最大的)、1个扁钢热压机,为器具、汽车及建筑业客户提供各种产品。”工厂使用的铁矿石的35%来自公司在Minorca, Minnesota的铁矿,以及Cleveland Cliffs(双方拥有合约)。Carter强调称,工厂目前能够生产640万吨板坯,而在2008年金融危机之前的产量是900万吨。自经济低迷以来,美国钢铁业已经被改造,印第安纳Harbor曾出现了推动重要生产资产发展的助力。一部分助力就是将重点重新放在精加工,扁钢热压机也从两个缩减到一个。生产先进钢工厂曾经得到8,200万美元的投资,Carter说大部分用在建设新的自位轮。他还补充说,印第安纳Harbor已经成为高强度钢的领先生产商,大部分产量都为汽车业供应。工厂的一个重大发展就是MartINsite钢。该产品的强度能从900Mpa达到1,700Mpa。工厂生产的关键就是No.3 CAL线水淬火系统,其高度冷却率能够满足MartINsite的需求。这种钢材用于汽车抗入侵应用(保险杠、车门横梁和顶部桁材),可以冷轧或电镀锌。BOF中没有加上合金,因为汽车业用钢材中的碳含量,大约4%,需要降到0.035%,才能提高成品钢的可塑性。No.3轧钢厂的众多大型建筑中包括碱性氧气转炉(BOF),在这里铁水从鼓风炉倒入一个铁水罐中(通过喷口区分)。然后为了清除硫,还要加入镁粉和石灰。通过一个化学反应,这些材料就与硫混合,飘到表面,成为炉渣。巨大的铁水罐向前倾斜,炉渣用机械耙剔除。在BOF里,多数杂质都被提取,然后根据生产的钢材,加进去诸如碳、镁、硅和铝等材料。 炉渣在制钢过程中被挑出来BOF在铁的合金化过程中完成90%的工作,然后就由钢包冶金设备(LMF)“修正”温度和化学剂,让他更加稳定。然而,BOF中没有加上合金,因为汽车也用钢材随着铁中的碳含量,大约4%,需要降到0.035%,才能提高成品钢的可塑性。通过向铁水里引进氧气的方法降低碳成分。LMF的提纯水平进一步提高在工序的第二部分,根据客户的要求,在LMF中对钢进行进一步加工。这个设施包括两个钢包加热炉和一个真空除气器。公司已经投资购进一个自动化钢样品处理系统。用一个探针去除钢渣样品,仔细检查钢的化学属性;在分析的过程中使用计算机模型,只需要3分钟。通过这个过程,可以对制造的钢材进行调整。增加投资之后,合金工具箱的数量翻番,达到18个,并提高了合金传递系统的效率,以及调整钢材化学成分过程中的准确度。钢材通过三阶段电极重新加热,之后合金根据需要增加,钢材通过电磁波系统搅动。再使用电磁场搅动钢,阻止钢渣覆盖在表面,下面的钢水就不会暴露在氧气中。通过这个流程,精炼钢就转移到两个连铸机中的一个。公司还投资绳子了No.2连铸机,并使用最新技术提高效率和灵活度,包括一个先进喷射冷却系统,更好的控制裂缝。有人说,这个连铸机能够生产更多系列钢材。在这里,钢水被倒入连铸机里的铜线水冷却套中,经过滚筒塑形钢锭的时候,会在金属上形成冷却外层。之后热板坯会按照一定长度切割并储存,并在扁钢热轧机中加工。在扁钢热轧机中对板坯再加热在80英尺长的热轧带钢线上(是指最大宽度为80英尺),板坯要在一个步进式加热炉里以2,300°F高温再加热,然后放在滚筒传送机上,带着经过多个阶段。“步进式加热”是描述板坯是如何“走着”经过加热炉的,这里采用旋转式加热。这种技术与原来的推进式加热炉相比,提高了熔炉的能源效率,并降低了表面变形,这在目前很重要,因为客户对表面质量要求很高。生产线在印第安娜Harbor被称为“强大的80”,它绵延半个英里长。顺着这个线路,成批的板坯走过很多的滚筒和冷却加工,并将钢材打造成所需要的宽度。首先,粗轧机滚压热板坯,将厚度从10英尺压缩到1.25英尺。在精轧机里,1.25英尺后的板坯根据客户需求进一步减少厚度。这里要进行一系列的滚压操作,同时要仔细管理温度和钢条的尺寸。然后,精制钢被卷子来冷却,准备运输。 东芝加哥研发中心ArcelorMittal东芝加哥研发中心进行50周年庆典,回顾公司确立方案供应商地位的例程。在轧钢厂的生产操作非常明显的是需求的改变,更升级的市场复杂性与产品多样性,甚至是汽车业这样的单一产业也是如此,产品发展非常快。研发中心的特点是,轧钢厂生产工艺的规模尺寸变小,比如熔炉、逐渐和热扎带钢线。这样,任何品种的心刚才都可以进行少量生产,同时使用高产量生产才使用的工艺。 ArcelorMittal的研发中心分部正在探索新的汽车结构新的汽车结构与汽车应用相关的很多开发项目都在如火如荼地进行。S-in motion仍在继续,这是一个开发轻型汽车结构的项目。在第一阶段,法国、加拿大和美国的研究中心互相建立联合项目,重点是C-段汽车。研究对象是汽车构架的所有零部件,一次决定钢材组件是否具有刚度或强度限制。这里,公司计划了具有43个方案的“目录”,用于改进结构上不同区域。其中包括使用更多的冲压加强钢以及先进高强度钢,两者可以使白车身结构的重量减轻16%。重点是越野车和电动车公司称,轻型S-in motion结构进行了碰撞试验,已经达到或超越了安全标准,这些方案可以为汽车制造商所应用,但生产成本没有明显增加。据研发中心副总裁Gregory Ludkovsky称,该项目现在的重点是轻型卡车和SUV应用,而且公司正在为电动车结构设计一个全新的理念。耐冲击车门另一个有趣的开发项目,就是生产轻型耐冲击车体外板。在参观过程中,AMS看到了一批汽车门板样品,这是在公司在欧洲实验室特备冲压制作的。这些样品是由轻型(0.5毫米)高强钢制作而成,钢材的内表面喷涂了一种特殊的增强型涂料,该涂料是由一家合作公司开发。这些进行中的试验决定了涂料的有效性,将来用于板材的不同区域。其他开发领域还有:热镀锌涂层实验室,喷漆工艺可以在新的钢材中进行试验;对不同的钢材上进行腐蚀试验,可以在多种应用的环境中使用;还有一个焊接实验室,对不同钢材的焊接性、焊接强度和点焊端服务生命进行测试。

  • Indiana Harbor, ArcelorMittal

    Steel town


    ArcelorMittal’s Indiana Harbor steel mill has needed to change with the times. AMS paid a visitArcelorMittal employs over 4,200 people at its Indiana Harbor facility, which has been the site of steel making for over 100 years. According to Wendell Carter, long-serving steel man, vice-president and general manager: “Indiana Harbor ...

  • Article

    Building for the future


    Subaru has spent $1.3bn at its US plant to increase its capacity and is now preparing to produce a new SUVSubaru of Indiana Automotive (SIA) reports that it has invested $1.3 billion at its 832-acre site in Lafayette, Indiana, over the last four years. This has increased both powertrain and ...

  • William Brunat

    Interview: William Brunat, PPG


    AMS visits Ingersheim to speak to the company's technical director, EMEA, about the challenges facing coatings specialists in light of new body materials and the rise of electric and autonomous vehiclesNick Holt (NH): How much of a challenge will multi-material vehicles present in the future?William Brunat (WB): There are ...

  • HB_Leah by engine copy

    Gerenciando a complexidade


    A AMS falou com Leah Bruce, gerente de negócios de fabricação da Ford - Especialista em diesel para descobrir mais sobre os planos da OEM para a produção de motores a dieselOnde o diesel se encaixa na estratégia da força motriz da Ford?Leah Bruce: Do ponto de vista da produção, ...

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    AMS与福特制造业务经理Leah Bruce对话 — 作为柴油机专家,她将介绍制造商的柴油机生产计划。柴油机适用于福特动力传动系统战略的哪个部分?Leah Bruce:从生产方面来讲,柴油机仍然在福特公司计划中占据很大一部分。我们相信,这是我们客户的选择,而且柴油机使我们在商用车市场中的地位强大,这种动力系统会成为我们生产中的重要一部分。您说商用车市场对福特来讲非常重要,哪个地区的柴油机发展尤其重要呢?从市场和生产方面来讲,欧洲可能是我们柴油机最大的地区,而英国是我们最大的市场。从我们Dagenham生产厂中就可见一斑,工厂目前是柴油机专家中心,每年产能达100多万件。贵公司还在什么地方有较大规模柴油机生产?我们的土耳其和南非伊丽莎白港工厂(为Ranger车型生产)支持非洲和中东市场;Dagenham的生产供应商用车和乘用车。南美和印度萨南德和金奈也生产柴油机。由于市场对柴油机需求的变化,贵公司在产量和地区发展方面有什么改变吗?柴油机生产没有任何变化。 Leah Bruce说 ,新技术的出现使福特制造战略更加精益,能够满足发动机生产中不断升级的复杂性新的柴油机降低排放(小尺寸、停缸技术等)如何影响制造工艺?新技术让我们的发动机制造脱胎换骨,而且也使我们的整体制造在这几年里有了长足的进步。人们通常从整车、符合排放量法律规定,以及客户愿望上考虑产品开发,但是这里面也有一个内部因素,也就是我们如何改变制造战略,变得精简,解决发动机不断升级的复杂性。柴油机技术在这几年里变化非常大,而且还会继续,我们需要解决更高级的复杂性,发展我们的生产理念;能够生产,这是第一位的。这里需要不断地投资,制造厂的灵活性也在提高。我们公司改进了很多流程和设计,因为我们的发动机已经成为更加全球化的产品。过去,你可能在一个工厂生产一个发动机。现在的情况变了,对福特或者其他制造商来说,整个生产流程已经变为更加全球化的操作。因此,我们必须在全球各地复制我们的生产能力。举例来说,Dagenham工厂的EcoBlue发动机生产就需要复制到印度萨南德生产线上。最好的例子就是模块化凸轮轴。设计中的重要因素就是如何实现生产流程标准化,才能满足质量标准,不管在哪里制造或者工厂的自动化水平如何。地区之间的排放法规都不同,贵公司是如何调整运营才满足这些要求的呢?我们制定生产战略,平衡客户要求,其中的灵活度足以完成生产。这就需要解决流程中的复杂性,不管工厂在哪里,不管自动化水平如何。虽然有很多流程和设计可以实现生产标准化,但是我们必须灵活变通,才能满足特别需求。事实是“一劳永逸”的方法在这些情况并不适用。回到EcoBlue发动机凸轮轴箱,这是一个全新的设计,我们不得不采用大量的工艺和设计。随着新技术不断涌现,这一过程还在继续。因此,我们面临的挑战就是灵活性和变通性,而且还要创造一种标准化流程,可以在任何工厂生产发动机。 从生产角度讲,柴油机算是福特公司计划中的一个大块贵公司能够经营混合型发动机生产线吗?是的,金奈工厂是第一家能够在单一生产线上生产柴油机和汽油发动机的工厂。贵公司在未来最大的挑战是什么?这个问题很难说。有了ICE发动机,不论是柴油机和汽油机,法律规定以及发动机的复杂性始终都是挑战。因此满足不断变化的规定,以及不断升级的复杂性是制造部门面临的挑战。

  • HB_Leah by engine copy

    Managing complexity


    AMS spoke to Leah Bruce, Ford’s manufacturing business manager, diesel specialist, to find out more about the OEM’s plans for diesel engine productionWhere does diesel fit into Ford’s powertrain strategy?Leah Bruce: From a production point of view, diesel is still very much part of Ford’s plans. We believe in a ...

  • Renault Samsung Busan

    Renault Samsung goes Rogue


    Since launching in 2000, Busan Plant has developed into a flexible and productive operation. The OEM has pushed through a 'Big Deal' with unions which halts the automatic wage increase typical of South KoreaBusan in the south-eastern corner of Korea is the location for Renault Samsung Motor’s (RSM) sole vehicle ...

  • Honda Prachinburi

    Going with the flow


    AMS takes a look at Honda's innovative ARC production system, recently installed at Prachinburi in ThailandDescribed by Honda as a unique assembly line that differs from conventional systems by incorporating flowing cell production units into the main line, the newly developed Assembly Revolution Cell (ARC) line became operational at Prachinburi, ...

  • Fraunhofer-IPT_300_jns_Hallenfoto_Panorama_montage

    Digital vision


    The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology has been one of the leading lights in developing the Industry 4.0 concept. Nick Holt discussed institute’s perspective on this with Dr. Thomas Bobek, coordinator of the Fraunhofer High Performance Center Networked Adaptive Production, and how he saw its future implementation in automotive manufacturingWhat ...

  • SmartFactory-Feb2017-8761 Panorama

    Plug and produce


    Dennis Kolberg, head of research at the department of innovative factory systems at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), discusses developing and creating the Smart Factory and how Industry 4.0 will result in a paradigm shift in production operations How will I4.0 change the automotive manufacturing industry?Dennis Kolberg ...

  • VA_JyrkiNurmi_S3A0654

    Under contract


    Valmet Automotive is experiencing rapid growth with a new Daimler contract to build its GLC SUV, partnership with a leading Chinese battery supplier and engineering acquisitions in EuropeIt might have been a chilly -12°C outside the Uusikaupunki plant on the day of our visit, but things are certainly heating up ...

  • Article

    Optical measuring machine for quality assurance (image-GOM_ATOS_Capsule_ProductImage_ScanBox.jpg) GOM says it is expanding its ATOS series with a new sensor for full-field digitising and inspection o


    Optical measuring machine for quality assurance (image-GOM_ATOS_Capsule_ProductImage_ScanBox.jpg)GOM says it is expanding its ATOS series with a new sensor for full-field digitising and inspection of contoured part geometries. The company says a fringe projection system is used for production quality assurance of small to medium-sized parts. The ATOS Capsule can be ...

  • PSA to assemble Peugeot vehicles in Kenya

    African assembly for Peugeot vehicles


    Kenya - The PSA Group and Kenyan importer and distributor URYSIA have signed a contract to assemble Peugeot brand vehicles in the region. Production will start in June 2017 with the Peugeot 508, followed by the new 3008 SUV.This project is part of the company’s "Push to Pass" ...