AMS Materials flow and automation 2021 – Moving with the times

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Our latest digital edition looks at the latest assembly line concepts coming from new EV producers and how AI is becoming a key enabling technology

Moving with the times –  OEMs are adopting a new approach to assembly line flow and automated processes.

As OEMs and tier suppliers look to optimise their production operations they are being supported by new ideas around how the assembly line should be structured and operated, and the rapid development of automated systems. Our latest digital edition looks at the latest assembly line concepts coming from new EV producers and how AI is becoming a key enabling technology.

Teaser - AMS Materials flow and automation 2021 – Moving with the times

Register free or sign-in to access features including:

• Canoo has announced a new manufacturing strategy and a new system of production. AMS talks to VP for manufacturing Frank Faga

• An interview with Christian Vollmer, board member for production and logistics offers insights into VW’s transition to EVs

• AI is much commented on as great enabler for automating tasks previously deemed unsuitable for robots. AMS reports on how Ford has reaped the benefits of this in its transmission assembly process

• The shopfloor is still as much about people as it is the digital processes. We look at the importance of ensuring the potential of work force is realised in future production operations

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