Automation – Page 97
3D Scanning and Inspection eBook
Is 3D scanning right for your inspection needs?Combine the right people, hardware and software to ensure quality everywhere - An effective approach to 3D scanning requires matching the right people with the right hardware and the right software to best meet your company’s measurement needsQuality and reliability matter more than ...
Electric nutrunners lower costs
A new line of NeoTek smart tools includes a nutrunner that is lighter, more durable and more efficient About six years ago, Cleco set out to totally redesign its line of corded DC electric nutrunners. The company subsequently launched the result – a new line of smart tools called ...
How 3D data is driving new levels of automotive productivity and efficiency
In this webinar, we’ll discuss how world’s leading OEMs are leveraging FARO 3D data capture technology to boost productivity and efficiency across the whole supply chain and automotive manufacturing lifecycle. The presentation will set out the key benefits of using this 3D data, from prototyping and industrial styling to ...
Toyota makes hybrid transaxles
Poland - The OEM has started production of its hybrid electric transaxles at its plant in Wałbrzych, situated in the south west of the country. They will be fitted to the new Corolla Hybrid, which is being built at Toyota's Burnaston factory in the UK, and the C-HR Hybrid, which ...
JLR opens Nitra plant
Slovakia - Jaguar Land Rover has opened its manufacturing facility in Nitra, which is located in the west of the country, an hour’s drive from the capital Bratislava. It cost the company €1.4bn (US$1.59bn) to build, covers an area of 300,000 sq.m, and has an annual output of 150,000 vehicles. ...
White light
Michael Nash visits Constellium’s new plant in White, Georgia, from where it supplies BMW with aluminium crash management systemsThe rise of electrification is having a huge impact on vehicle manufacturers and their product portfolios, with many promising to launch a wide variety of new battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid ...
Ford Bridgend makes petrol engines
UK - The OEM has started production of its new three-cylinder 1.5-litre EcoBoost petrol engines at the Bridgend plant in South Wales. This follows on from an investment of £100m (US$128m) in the facility. “I’m personally very proud to see production start of this all-new engine, here in Bridgend,” commented ...
Schedules to keep
Raffaello Lepratti, vice-president of business development and marketing at Siemens, outlines the company’s SIMATIC IT Preactor planning and scheduling solutionCar buyers’ tastes are becoming more diversified. They are attracted by design and performances, but also by region-specific features and a touch of uniqueness. Cars are one of the few mass ...
Uniti announces production plans
UK - The Swedish start-up has revealed its intension to build a "pilot production plant" at Silverstone Park in the UK. It will be used to make the Uniti One - a small pure electric car designed for city driving."The UK’s approach to vehicle production, with its focus on light-weighting ...
Olympus white paper: Automotive QC, a closer look
Microscopes fulfil a range of different roles in automotive QC: confirming the shape of components, detecting cracks or flaws, and identifying contamination. Due to their versatility, confocal and cleanliness microscopes add precision and reliability to many aspects of QC inspectionsEvery car contains precision components that need to be free of ...
Saint-Gobain white paper: Stop corrosion before it starts
Corrosion is a key challenge automotive manufacturers face; and door hinges are most at risk. Learn how you can stop corrosion and red rust from affecting door hinges in this free white paper by Saint-Gobain Rain, salt water and other extreme weather conditions test all parts of the automotive exterior. ...
Interview: Renault CIO Frederic Vincent
France – Renault CIO Frederic Vincent runs both the IT department and the carmaker’s digital transformation unit. “You cannot do digital transformation if you don’t have operational levers,” he says. Frederic Vincent, Renault CIO In an interview with AMS’s sister title automotiveIT International, Vincent talked about the ...
Gestamp opens two new facilities
Spain - The company has opened a new plant in Matsusaka - it's first in Japan. Costing around €40m (US$46m), the facility will be used to make body-in-white components using hot stamping, and will initially supply Honda."Gestamp’s strategy is always to accompany our customers and we are proud to be ...
Referencia en la parrilla
Mike Farish visita Williams Advanced Engineering para ver cómo la compañía brinda un distintivo enfoque a la F1 sobre una innovadora plataforma de vehículo eléctrico.Una de las implicaciones del crecimiento del mercado de vehículos eléctricos es la oportunidad para que nuevos jugadores se conviertan en estrellas de la industria automotriz, ...
El resurgir de Alpine
La planta de Renault en Dieppe vive el resurgir mas interesante de una planta en los últimos 12 meses con la producción del nuevo deportivo A110. Informe de Nick GibbsEste es el hogar de Alpine, la resucitada marca deportiva de Renault que podría llegar a convertirse en una marca de ...
在过去的12个月里,最引人注目的工厂复兴当属雷诺迪耶普工厂,该厂目前制造A110跑车。Nick Gibbs报道这里是Alpine的老家,这个重生的跑车品牌可能能会被雷诺打造成一个高端品牌,正如PSA对DS的所作所为。自2017年12月迪耶普开始制造Alpine A110汽车以来,这款复古2座跑车在雷诺日产旗下就没有出现过同款。这也是工厂能够吸引眼球的地方。Alpine并没有采用原有的车型平台,而是更加通用的跑车系统,英国的这种专门汽车制造商要比法国或欧洲其他国家更多。A110采用了一个铆接铝盆,上面再接上车体外板,这被Lotus, Aston Martin以及伦敦出租车公司LEVC所使用。Lotus是最为典型的。Alpine的复兴始于2012年,当时雷诺公司宣布与英国公司Caterham成立50/50合资公司。Caterham制造高度复制版老款Lotus 7, 而且计划增加跑车生产,足以与现代款Lotus汽车相竞争。这与英法合作(2014年崩塌)的形式不同,而且雷诺决定继续完成原来的项目及其框架。Alpine Cars负责内饰的常务董事Sebastien Erphelin称,“采用铝材的方案要追溯到Caterham,我们早就这么决定了。这对我们来说挑战不小,因为这是我们首次接合铝材车身。铝材是平衡减重与保证车身质量的最佳方案,这非常重要。”历史悠久的工厂生产A110汽车为迪耶普工厂设定了工作目标,而这在其他地方要简单得多。该工厂建于1969年,制造Alpine汽车,这款汽车由当地汽车迷和雷诺经销商Jean Redele于1955年创造,他用阿尔卑斯山的名字命名,并成功地开展了雷诺汽车大赛。1973年,Alpine加入雷诺,而迪耶普成为雷诺装配限量跑车的地方,Alpine这个名字也只能偶尔出现在人们的视野中。工厂位于城市郊区,位置太过边缘,很难发展成为大型生产厂。迪耶普工厂在20实际60年代和70年代的全盛时期生产A110汽车,之后制造爆款斜背式汽车,目前从其他雷诺工厂采购零部件并装配生产Clio Renault跑车(RS)。迪耶普工厂没有冲压车间,因此Clio车身是在巴黎附近的弗林斯(Flins,是Clio主要生产厂)冲压完成。之后,车体运到迪耶普完成喷漆和装配。工厂去年生产了4,385辆该车。RS的生产其实可以在弗林斯生产线就能完整进行,但实际上雷诺想要将Megane RS来替换,从迪耶普转移到西班牙巴伦西亚Megane生产线。迪耶普厂长Pierre-Emmanuel Andrieux解释说,“这与Alpine同步,我们不能同时起两个开头。”迪耶普甚至生产电动车版Bolore Bluecar汽车,生产从2015年开始但后来停止生产。 A110再用了一种铆接铝盆工厂重生目前迪耶普的真正目的是生产A110汽车。雷诺花费3,500万欧元返修工厂,生产新款派车,其中的1,270万欧元用于翻修喷漆车间,770万欧元用于装配厂,1,070万欧元用于汽车车体修理厂。工厂外还建有一个小型高标准测试跑到。工厂每年按照一天一班制(Alpine不会增加第二班 — 请参照厂长采访报道),一周5天的工作量可以制造最高6,000辆A110汽车。目前每天的生产量低于15辆,但是汽车订单却能延伸到14个月长。最初生产的1,955辆汽车几乎立刻销售一空,尽管价格高达50,000英镑,但是其外观实在太吸引人了。这些车型的生产已经不再,目前的订单都是两个车型的 — Pure和Legend — 而且需求仍然非常高,而且受到全球评论家们的高度评价。日产量逐渐提高,现在每年可以生产20辆汽车,而且尽力降低等待时间。这种稳步提高的方法绝对不会影响质量。Erphelin说,“眼下我们的首要重点就是质量,第二重点和第三重点还是质量。然后才是数量。”英式风格汽车车体修理厂铝材零部件从各家供应商抵达欧洲。比如,车体外板来自意大利都灵Cecomp公司,该公司还为Aston Martin制造铝材零部件,为Bollore Bluecar制造车体。Alpine还从挪威海德路(Hydro)公司(2017年从挤压机专家Sapa手中收购)采购挤压铝和阳极氧化铝零部件。Sapa还未英国考文垂LEVC公司(制造敦伦出租车)供应铝材零部件。公司生产的新款插电式混合动力出租车也采用相同的方法,这种理念来自Lotus过去的员工。在汽车车体修理厂四周走动,可以清楚地看到高于Lotus,甚至是高于Aston Martin(自动化操作肯定高于50%)的技术操作。5个Kuka机器人与70名员工粘合或铆接汽车车体零部件,然后转移到一个炉子里完成固化。每个车体都需要800个铆钉和6公斤粘合剂,因此由员工和机器人一同完成。"目前我们首要目标就是质量,第二重要和第三重要的仍然是质量,然后再说数量。" - Sebastien Erphelin, Alpine Cars底座包括3个部分。2个框架由撑起来的箱型铝制品构成,并附着到一个中心官道上,一个在前面,一个在后面。这些框架用于承载悬架和发动机(雷诺公司1.8升涡轮机正好在司机座位的后面)。还没有车顶结构和车体外板的底座就被放到推车上,由一个无人运输车(有Swisslog制造)送到1个Belmeko炉子里(共2个)。这些炉子加热到180度,然后加上粘合剂。一旦完成,底座就用推车拉走,跟着地板上的轨道去安装车顶。多余的粘合剂就要去除。厂外预处理这里是生产效率最低的的流程。雷诺为迪耶普喷漆厂升级可能投资了1,200多万欧元,但是里面不包括阳离子电泳池,车体用货车运行100公里抵达Sandouville海岸,雷诺在这里制造Trafic货车。阳离子电泳加工还包括第二次电炉之旅,强化粘合剂。车体回到迪耶普,进入喷漆车间再加工。雷诺在这里安排了2个机器人系统,公司称这种生产网络独一无二,这是公司为Alpine准备的高端生产配置。第一个特色就是2个Yaskawa机器人,与Asis系统相配,然后暂停车体制造。雷诺公司称,这能去除喷漆工作中不需要的橘皮效应。这个系统能自动改变研磨垫。同时,另一个机器人清洁整个车体。然而手动工作还有很多 — Alpine公司称会人工涂上“特殊的”清漆。喷漆车间的工人共有70人。Clio RS车型与Alpine汽车一同喷漆,并一同走下装配线。装配线的工人达到80人。加工步骤还很传统,并没有使用太高的技术。比如,这里没有线上装备,零部件沿着车辆移动,减少移动零部件的时间,以及操作人员行走的时间。雷诺在全球都都实行这种操作。这里的机器人使用并不太多。Alpine生产线上的工作站比Clio还要多。Andrieus说,“Alpine的制造检查非常严格,因此有些工作站是专门为Alpine准备的。”装配结束之后就是剖光和检测,操作场所相对拥挤的工厂而言非常宽敞。照明通道辅助完成全程配齐检查,再一次展示他们是多么在意质量。露天存储区用织网罩住,避免海鸥落脚在成品汽车上。生产流程很长,一辆A110从开始生产到抛光需要一个半星期。但是雷诺担心,如果加快生产步伐会影响品牌走向更加高端专一的道路。未来SUV车型的管理可不是嘴上说说而已。Erphelin说,“推出一个品牌是个大投资,现在我们必须展示我们有能力满足客户。只有到那个时候,我们才有话说。”只要一个生产班Pierre-Emmanuel Andreux从2017年9月开始负责监管迪耶普工厂,管理A110接纳工业化改造。他说,“我最了解这个车了。”佛吉亚的老员工对Nick Gibbs讲述为什么迪耶普工厂只要一个生产班。你们的日产量从15辆提高到20辆,为此工厂内部需要进行哪些准备?不算太多。重要的是质量。我们需要的做的是保证所有的质量基础,而且让工人们得到正确的技术操作。我们不想急于求成, 质量是第一要素 — 这也是我们同意每天生产15辆汽车,然后一步一步提高产量的原因。那么就是减少每个工作站的停留时间吗?非常正确。还有就是把员工放到正确的岗位上。从技术层面上讲,没有太多改变。 一个成品槽正在运输到炉子里进行固化你们不需要增加一班生产吗?不需要。我们有一班,也只要个班。我们会一直一班生产的。就算是订单积压一年吗?增加第二班生产,我们的质量就会有风险。找到合适的员工真的太重要了。不管是人才,还有监管职能方面。只要你有技术问题,我们的专家就马上抵达车间。这也是我们为什么保持一班生产以及同时坚持检查员工作,这与操作员的时间表是一致的。培训需要很多钱吗?是的。培训一个人需要140个小时。保持专业知识对我们真的,真的非常重要。我们有些领域的专家了,但是再找一些会非常耗时。这是我们保持一班生产的原因,一个就足够了。保证质量才是首要的。所有150名员工都要接受相同的140小时培训吗?是的。雷诺通常培训可能是70小时。转移Clio RS是否能够释放更多的生产力呢?如果我们不停止生产Clio汽车,我们就无法制造更多的A110汽车。Alpine的生产不会因为Clio RS而受到阻碍。这是低产量汽车,你们是如何避免高价的,你们不赚钱了吗?我不会告诉我所有的秘密的,但是我们有一款高端跑车。我们只去做必要的事情,但是要做就要做得漂亮。所以你看到碳纤维(在座舱里),那就是碳纤维,不是伪造的。这算是一部分答案吧。
Alpine scales new heights
One of the most interesting plant revivals in the last 12 months has been Renault’s overhaul of its factory in Dieppe, which now builds the A110 sports car. Nick Gibbs reportsThis is the home of Alpine, the revived sporting brand that Renault may or may not expand to become a ...
Hyundai/Kia test wearables
South Korea - The companies have recently demonstrated the use of the Hyundai chairless exoskeleton (H-CEX), and now plans on testing the Hyundai vest exoskeleton (H-VEX) technology. These could then be used at plants across North America before the end of 2018."The field of robotics has the potential to usher ...
Rolls-Royce appoints production head
UK - Johann Wolf has been named director of manufacturing at the company. He has 40 years of experience working in the BMW Group and holding various different manufacturing roles, in the latest of which he was responsible for integrating new products into the company's Dingolfing plant."I am delighted to ...
Porsche to make Mission E concept
Germany - The Mission E Cross Turismo was previously a concept study, but has now been cleared for series production at the OEM's Zuffenhausen plant. It was first shown at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show.It includes a 800-volt (800v) system, and is now made alongside the 911 and 718. Porsche ...