Automation – Page 96

  • Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 08.50.52

    Out now: ATS 2019


    For this, our third issue of the ATS supplement, we have spoken once again to key players in this crucial sector of the market, revealing their insight on the current state of automotive manufacturing.Piecing it all together Ian Henry identifies six themes from the moves, mergers and makeovers underway in ...

  • IAC FastKast on MINI Countryman IP

    Getting beneath the skin


    Specialists in automotive interiors have long been at the sharp end of sustainability issue. Gareth Price looks at the controls and techniques that are helping IAC Group improve process control and lower energy consumption Ever since environmental impact became a hot topic for discussion and action within the automotive manufacturing ...

  • Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 14.25.21

    Power from plastics


    James Bakewell speaks to thermoset plastics specialists Pieter Vanderstraeten and Hendrik De Keyser about the increasing scope for composite powertrain components While the use of advanced composites in structural applications has hogged the limelight in recent years, these lightweight materials also have many advantages for the manufacture of components for ...

  • Mahle Real Drive Emissions Centre

    To gauge the new age


    Mike Farish visits a new facility operated by Mahle designed to help OEMs transition to the updated compulsory emissions testing regime, WLTP From the 1st September 2018 it became compulsory for all new cars registered withinthe area of the European Union to comply with a strict new vehicle fuel consumption ...

  • Yasa production facility, Oxford

    Academic circles


    Mike Farish visits Oxford-based start-up YASA, a special electric motor company sprung from academia that’s now attracting the attention of premium OEMsEarly this year a bland-looking industrial estate a few miles to the north of Oxford officially became the manufacturing site for what one of its residents believes to be ...

  • Renault Maubeuge

    Van production boost at Renault plant


    France - The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance has revealed new plans for the production of vans in the country. Specifically, €450m (US$393m) is being spent over the next five years to make the next-generation Renault Kangoo family at the Renault Maubeuge plant, where the Mercedes Citan van is currently built. The new ...

  • S-in motion Rear chassis

    ArcelorMittal S-in motion® Chassis solutions


    The webinar will explore some examples of best-in-class steel grades for chassis applications and cover ArcelorMittal’s S-in motion® Chassis study which identifies potential savings in mass of up to 20%. As part of the study, specific assessments have been conducted on formability, weldability, and fatigue. The study ...

  • Schaeffler bearings

    Schaeffler to shut two UK plants


    UK - Global automotive supplier Schaeffler has announced the closure of two plants. The first is located in Llanelli, Wales, and houses the production of mechanical tappets and bearings for car makers. The other is in Plymouth, England, where spindle bearings and machine parts for the company’s industrial division are ...

  • Ford Saarlouis hot-forming

    Ford automates hot-forming process


    Germany - Ford has integrated a automated hot-forming line at its Saarlouis plant, which is located two hours south west of Frankfurt, where it makes the Focus. The company says it is the first time this process has been automated.It works by subjecting boron steel to temperatures of up to ...

  • Nissan X-Trail St Petersburg

    Nissan makes X-Trail in St. Petersburg


    Russia - The new Nissan X-Trail is now being produced at the company's St. Petersburg plant, joining the Qashqai and Murano. This follows on from a small rise in the brand's sales in the country from 9,049 to 10,134 units between August and September 2018."We are very pleased to announce ...

  • Tata Motors Harrier

    Tata starts making Harrier in Pune


    India - Tata Motors has started making its Harrier SUV on a new assembly line in Chakan - a town situated in the northern part of Pune. This comes ahead of the market launch of the model in early 2019."We have been receiving a tremendous response from the customers ever ...

  • Checking hot stamp line performance on a phone in Abrera

    Opportunity 4.0


    Nick Gibbs travels to Barcelona to discover how Gestamp’s own digital revolution is driving efficiency improvements in its energy-hungry hot-stamping operations When your company has expanded to more than 100 production plants, you want to keep a close watch on the production lines in those plants. Especially when you require ...

  • BMW Dingolfing battery production

    BMW Dingolfing to make Mini batteries


    Germany - BMW is investing an undisclosed amount in its Dingolfing plant in order to house the production of batteries for the all-electric Mini. The 'mid-double-digit-million-euro' amount will be used to construct a new assembly line and to implement 'extensive remodelling' measures."With the launch of new models and growing demand ...

  • Novares Leiria Plant inspection table

    Set the controls


    Expertise in plastic component manufacturing will be in ever greater demand during the emobility age. In preparation, global supplier Novares has taken on a new form Following a period of reorganisation and rebranding, the Mecaplast-Key Plastics group spent 2018 settling in to its new identity – Novares The chosen name ...

  • Article



    Ian Henry 全球汽车主要供应商的动向、合并和转让中找出了6个主题。这6个主题代表了汽车业目前的主要特点:未来合并与收购,供应基地面临的财务挑战,产品系列重组与改组,新厂投资,电动车供应商新贵,贸易制度与关税变化(尤其是美国引起的)带来的多重挑战。在本文中,我们将依次讨论每个主题,网罗全球典型案例来解释每个论题,以及行业的应对措施。尽管每个领域的最终结果还不确定,但是我们非常肯定的是 — 还会出现更加深入的变化。 Fiat Chrysler认为,Magneti Marelli的销量足以支持公司未来的重组,以及电气化和无人驾驶汽车的开发1. 并购进行时 — 近几年的速度已减缓多年来,并购依然成为汽车供应业的一个常规特点,而且这个并购的持续趋势无人质疑。然而,大型并购交易的数量已经明显减少,尽管还有一个大型交易正在进行中 — 这就是菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)出售马瑞利(Magneti Marelli)。私营企业KKR是可能性最高的买家,有可能会合并马瑞利与日本康奈可(Calsonic Kansei),后者为KKR旗下公司。该交易价为60亿欧元(包括债务),而对马瑞利公司的安排早在Sergio Marchionne去世之前就得到菲亚特克莱斯勒董事会的批准。菲亚特克莱斯勒可以得到巨大的资金注入,完成后续的重组,并在未来的几年里转型电动车与无人驾驶汽车。此外,此次交易对汽车公司与供应商的合作模式也具有重要影响。而康奈可在这种安排下,可以使日产(Nissan)释放资本,减轻从专属供应商处采购的义务,而这个供应商不一定是所有合约中最具竞争力的供应商。这个题目也可适合于菲亚特克莱斯勒,公司能够从全球供应商或地区专营公司处采购,而不用为自己经营一个公司而烦恼不已。康奈可与马瑞利的产品重叠部分非常少(合作会得到规模效应),因此KKR将获得新的产品市场,并且加强在汽车市场中的影响力,其范围超过菲亚特克莱斯勒。在马瑞利内部,真正的胜利是汽车照明(Automotive Lighting)公司,这是全球五大供应商之一,与史丹利(Stanley)、京东(Koito)、海拉(Hella)和法雷奥(Valeo)齐名。公司在欧洲占据近30%的市场份额,与海拉和法雷奥相当。尽管在照明方面极具实力,但是马瑞利与康奈可也无法抵制住整个行业面临的挑战。面临利润警告是当前很多供应商共同的特点,甚至是没有提到的供应商也是如此,因为利润空间比理想少很多。此举推动了合并的深入发展,而且日本电气供应商Pioneer公司也声称,想要与康奈可和KKR合并组件合资公司。最近的并购案件还有:日本瑞萨科技公司(Renesas Electronics)正在考虑收购美国供应商集成设备技术公司(Integrated Device Technology),因为瑞萨公司试图加强无人驾驶汽车芯片制造能力和技术。据称,该交易价值60亿美元,与马瑞利收购案相当,充分说明了市场转变的特点,以及新技术公司价值高于成熟产品公司的特点。德国座椅组件供应商格拉默(Grammer)公司以2.71亿美元的价格收购而托雷多模具公司(Toledo Molding and Die)。之后格拉默在美国的10家工厂及墨西哥的1加工厂销售额达到3亿美元。TMD制造车门面板、车柱、车套箱及中控零部件,这些都加到格拉默座椅组件阵容中,拓宽了客户终端道路。台湾国巨(Yageo)公司5月份宣布,要以7.4亿美元的价格收购Pulse Electronics公司,提高国巨在汽车电器领域中的影响力,尤其是无人驾驶汽车。2. 财务挑战正如上面提到的,知名汽车组件供应商通常不会生成很大的利润。这是因为汽车市场本身对商品市场的价格压力很大,而且供应商投资新技术要承受相应的成本压力。 Continental计划独立动力传动公司,积极应对汽车业出现的变化这种压力的产生的结果之一就是时不时地出现盈利警报,其影响非常残忍且令人措手不及。举例来说,当Continental公司在2017年8月公布第二次盈利警报的时候,公司的股价在两天内就下跌17%。ZF也爆出令人失望的财务业绩。公司上个季度的收益下滑道10.6亿欧元(一年前是12亿欧元)。公司认为收益下降的原因是原材料价格上涨、汇率动荡,以及研发成本增长。据Automotive News Europe报道,Continental公司面临的压力在业内也有所反应,全球的一级供应商的股价5年市盈率的折让幅度在20%至30%之间,这种折让可以吸引注入KKR这样的买家。因此他们对马瑞利表示感兴趣,其他供应商也是如此。……有些成功也是如此不是所有的公司都面临这样的财务挑战,有些公司已经提前预测到技术及市场变化,因此结果是积极的。举例来说,麦格纳(Magna)公司称,2018年第一季度净收入达到6.6亿美元,同比上涨21%,尽管这种增长来自合约汽车而生产(为梅赛德斯、奔驰和捷豹路虎生产)。但公司的车镜及电子组件业务的销量和利润也出现了强势增长。公司也发出预警,认为NAFTa协议和关税会带来不测。德纳(Dana)公司也表示,2018年第二季度利润出现增长,净收益增幅达到75%,营业额增幅仅为12%。从某种程度上讲,这是因为一次性税收变化帮助了公司,而且公司的战略性收购也起了作用。举例来说,公司收购了加拿大TM4公司的大部分股份,使的那公司与电动车系统垂直整合。3. 公司重组进行时上面提到的并购放映了行业持续不断的重组。但行业重组不仅仅是并购,还有很多大型公司调整产品及技术焦点,而这会带来很大的变化。比如汽车业最大的一级供应商 — 博世公司(Bosch)就把重点转移到人工智能上,同时巩固传统动力系统业务以及很多原有商品,比如发电机和启动装置。从长远来看,随着人工智能的发展,公司想要成为一家联网汽车服务供应商。与此同时,还有两家传统汽车座椅巨头也在改变业务类型。李尔公司(Lear)的焦点不断转移到先进电子产品上,收购了以色列GPS公司 — EXO Technologies。这是李尔公司发展座椅智能系统战略的一部分,这样就可以预测交通状况,未来车辆还可以订制驾驶舱。而Adient公司(前身是Johnson Controls旗下座椅公司)的焦点是座位,不局限在汽车上。公司与Boeing公司建立了合资公司,开发飞机座位。该合资公司名为Adient Aerospace,总部在德国凯泽斯劳腾。丰田纺织公司(Toyota Boshoku)也是一家座椅供应商,专门为丰田供货。公司要拓宽塑胶技术领域,供应更多的内饰和外饰零部件。丰田的主要组建供应商 — 日本电装(Denso)也在积极地进行重组。丰田旗下所有的电子组件公司都要并入到电装公司,之后从2022年开始负责所有的丰田汽车电子元件供应。还有两个重组案例值得注意,那就是Aptiv公司和Continental公司。Aptiv(在全球供应商名单中位列第28)公司前身为德尔斐汽车(Delphi Automotive,曾经是业内第一)。公司转型之后,亿4亿美元的价格收购了无人驾驶汽车软件系统供应商,nuTonomy公司。公司目前重点在拉斯维加斯测试Lyft汽车。而饱受财务挑战窘境的Continental公司目前正在计划通过公开募股分离动力传动系统业务。4. 新厂投资再继续,但是近几年的步伐减缓供应商在获得新的供应商合约之后会投资建设新厂,通常是随着汽车汽车制造商客户到达新的地方建厂,这是该行业另一个特点。目前,其他问题的重要性凸现出来了。比如说,英国脱离欧盟的决定让人们开始的时候认为会有更多的供应商入驻英国,提高英国产汽车本地化零部件是用比率。特别是日产汽车还要考虑把许多新的供应商带到英国,生产新一代Qashiqai和X-Trail汽车。但是到目前为止这种情况都没有发生。事实上,刺激投资的迹象微乎其微,最终结果在脱欧协议落定之后才会清楚。有可能协议之后英国会成为汽车生产经济而实际的地点,特别是那些在欧盟销售的汽车。而美国的情况是,因为美国特朗普总统大范围实行税收政策的威胁,很多汽车公司都把汽车生产迁回美国,而且供应商也在扩大在美规模,提高国内成分率,避免未来遭遇关税。举例来说,电装公司(Denso)要在美国田纳西投资10亿美元,发展电器产品及联网车辆技术,摆脱从日本进口的模式。马里维尔电装工厂扩建之后将生产电动车逆变器、雷达系统和数控组件。从官方层面上讲,此举符合电装本地化战略,但是这绝对会让电装公司失去国内供应商合约,因为惧怕本地成分关税政策会发生变化,因此拓展美国的业务也是在所难免。在看一个规模小一些的,这是德国供应商—Elring Klinger,公司在印第安娜Fort Wayne投资2,300万美元。工厂将制造铝盾,用于噪音保护和保温。另一个在美国投资的公司是Novelis公司,这是一家铝板供应商,目前长在扩大北美的铝制品生产。公司在肯塔基投资3亿美元建厂,主要生产热处理铝材和预处理铝材,用于白车身、引擎盖、车门和闸门。工厂的生产将从2020年开始,每年会生产200,000吨铝制品。供应商在生产厂周边建厂不仅满足本地化要去,减少成本,还可以更好地应对关税变化。比如李尔公司(Lear)在密歇根Flint建了座椅厂,进行准时化顺序供应GM工厂,同时还为Chevrolet Silverado和GMC Seirra皮卡车供应座椅。这是公司在Flint首次开设全新的汽车组件厂,这里是历史悠久的汽车城,建成30多年。不是所有的北美投资都是在美国。尽管NAFTA协议的最终命运还不确定,但是供应商还是继续向墨西哥投资。比如Cooper Standard公司已经开始在阿瓜斯卡连特斯建设新的橡胶厂,在进入全面生产阶段的之后,员工数量将达到100人。英国在2018年5月投票要脱欧之后,只有为数不多的供应商进行投资,其中之一就是Magna公司。公司为JLR制造铝铸件,员工数量达到300人。还有一个铝材零部件供应商就是Constellium,公司在捷克共和国德辛工厂要扩建,以满足市场对铝材制品的需求,尤其是梅赛德斯,为此公司获得了CLS大合约。尽管面临财务危机,但是Continental公司也要开设几个新工厂。比如公司在捷克共和国的特鲁特诺夫工厂投资扩建。新增9条装配线,用于制造氧化氮传感器,共生产200个新岗位。有趣的是,此次扩建恰逢柴油机销量下滑,而且一些汽车公司的柴油机需求也降低了。只要柴油机还在使用,就会存在氧化氮传感器需求。再向北,Continental公司要在立陶宛(汽车供应不成熟)考纳斯建设第一个汽车厂。工厂将制造座椅控制元件和雷达零部件,并为欧洲客户供应。另有Continental Structural Plastics(CSP)公司计划扩建法国工厂,Pounace工厂增加板材模塑生产线。此次投资需要510万欧元,公司(2017年收购了日本Teijin集团)可以为欧洲客户提供更好的服务,同时减少对美国公司的依赖。 ZF在塞尔维亚潘切沃投资混合动力传动系统零部件、发动机、杠杆和开关5. ...

  • ZF ATS2019

    Piecing it all together


    Ian Henry identifies six themes from the moves, mergers and makeovers underway in the global automotive tier supply sector Six themes characterise the automotive supply sector at present, namely: ongoing M&A, the financial challenges faced by the supply base, restructuring and realignment of product portfolios, investment in new facilities, the ...

  • ABB 3D white-light scanning sensor technology

    Competitive advantage


    Automotive supplier BENTELER has introduced ABB inspection automation technology to its production plant in Vigo to improve efficiency and stand tall next to its competitors BENTELER is investing in ABB’s digital 3D vision and metrology solutions at its Vigo production plant in Spain, helping it reduce cycle times while ...

  • Williams platform

    Referência de divisão


    Mike Farish visita a Williams Advanced Engineering para ver como a empresa oferece uma tomada F1 diferenciada em uma plataforma inovadora de veículo elétricoUma das implicações do crescimento do mercado de veículos elétricos é a oportunidade que ele oferece para os recém-chegados possivelmente se tornarem grandes nomes da indústria automotiva, ...

  • Alpine A110 Dieppe

    Alpine chega a novas alturas


    Uma das renovações de plantas mais interessantes nos últimos 12 meses foi a revisão da fábrica da Renault em Dieppe, que agora constrói o carro esportivo A110. Relata Nick GibbsEsta é a casa da Alpine, a marca esportiva revisada que a Renault pode ou não expandir para se tornar uma ...

  • Docol Stillbild 1 (2)

    How can 3rd generation steel be a problem solver?


    SSAB recently launched its metal-coated Docol 600DH and Docol 800DH steel for trials. These are 3rd generation steels that provide improved formability and good weldability. This webinar discusses the 3rd generation steel product development at SSAB and ask what solutions these materials can deliver in high volume ...