Automation – Page 130
European ramp up
Yanfeng is busily growing its operation within Europe as two new facilities come on stream, with a manufacturing plant in the Czech Republic and a new test centre in SlovakiaThough the company was only formally established in 2015 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors already registers as one of the biggest automotive suppliers ...
A winning formula?
Like all new strategic plans announced by vehicle companies from time to time, the new Opel PACE! plan leaves many questions unanswered. It’s not clear yet what will happen to the enlarged manufacturing network which PSA-Opel/Vauxhall now has; by common consent, the group has too many plants, but CEO Carlos ...
Interview: Thomas Rennemann, MAN
The company's manager at its 1.1m sq.m Salzgitter parts plant discusses the €30m transformation that will double non-driven axle output to 900 per day; a new assembly line combines MAN and Scania productionGP: How did the idea for the project originate?TR: It started when we built up a new cooperation ...
Asset management
The Simatic PDM Maintenance Station V2.0, enables the monitoring of intelligent field device status independently of the automation and control system used, claims Siemens. Integration is based on DD (Device Description)/EDD (Electronic Device Description) technology and the collected data can be transferred using an export function for further processing, says ...
VW pours €22.8bn into production network
Germany – The OEM said the funds will be used to implement its Transform 2025+ strategy, focusing on “the further development of modular production, the continuation of the model offensive and further orientation towards e-mobility”. The investment, equivalent to $27 billion, will be spread over five years to 2022.“The investment ...
The C13555MA is the latest edition to the TF series of mini-spectrometer for colour measurement applications from Hamamatsu Photonics. The company says this USB-powered polychromator contains optical elements, a driver circuit and a built-in 512 pixel CMOS sensor. A USB connection allows any acquired spectrum data to be transferred to ...
Al-Futtaim to assemble Renault vehicles
Pakistan – The two companies have signed definitive agreements for the exclusive assembly and distribution of Renault models in the country. The new subsidiary Al-Futtaim Automotive Pakistan will start building a factory in Karachi in Q1 2018.“Groupe Renault is delighted to extend its international footprint by entering Pakistan, a fast-growing ...
Labyrinth seals
Schaeffler claims its CoRX and Twin-Ax deep groove ball bearings (for passenger car drive shafts) feature two sealing rings that are interconnected, effectively protecting the inside of the bearing from contamination.The company says the CoRX bearings use axial and radial seals, while the Twin-Ax units feature two axial lips made ...
Gordon Murray joins seats project
UK – During its participation in the Manufacturability of Advanced Passenger Seats (MAPS) programme alongside Formaplex, the company will focus on reducing structural weight by using composite panels made from recycled carbon fibre, while maintaining high volume and controlling costs. The goal is to develop a seat frame which is ...
Polestar starts building Chengdu plant
China – The company is following a nine-month construction plan, with the aim of beginning tooling installation and pre-production testing halfway through next year. The facility will produce the brand’s first model, Polestar 1.“Following the successful launch of the new Polestar brand in October, construction of the new Polestar Production ...
A winning formula?
Like all new strategic plans announced by vehicle companies from time to time, the new Opel PACE! plan leaves many questions unanswered. It’s not clear yet what will happen to the enlarged manufacturing network which PSA-Opel/Vauxhall now has; by common consent, the group has too many plants, but CEO Carlos ...
Editor's note: High anxiety
We live in anxious times, if the headlines are to be believed. In the UK, Brexit has seemed to be less of a concern to the consuming public than it does to a nervous business community. But worries regarding what the future holds for the millions of diesel and petrol ...
Lightweighting with laser welded blanks and the latest generation of steel grades
In this webinar, we illustrate the benefits of combining laser welded blank technology and solutions with the latest advanced high strength steel grades, including the new generation of press hardenable steels – Usibor® 2000 and Ductibor® 1000. This webinar was recorded on ...
CAD collision testing
CoreTechnologies says it has developed a new digital-mock-up (DMU) tool for machine and plant engineering. This module for the 3D_Evolution series for collision testing is specifically tailored to machine and plant engineering needs, claims the company.The collision calculation takes place on the exact B-Rep descriptions, so that a precise distinction ...
Opel’s ambitious future
After losing around US$16 billion in Europe, GM decided to sell Opel/Vauxhall to PSA. The French company had been transformed from near bankruptcy to profitability under Carlos Tavares’ shrewd stewardship. Tavares was looking for ways to grow PSA; with joint vehicle programmes between GM and PSA already under way, he ...
虽然增材制造在目前还算新事物,但是最新技术为制造商提供更多使用该技术的机会目前,在汽车上使用增材制造零部件已经不算例外,虽然还不算普遍,但至少在高端市场中用于低产量高价车型上。除了最后生产和快速成型之外,还有其他领域也在使用这技术。该技术已经悄悄地渗透到生产工具的制造以及车间工人设备和设备附件的应用中,比如机器人。增材只奥系统供应商Stratasys公司(总部在明尼苏达州的Minneapolis)工具制造工程部经理Alissa Wild说,这个应用领域“还未受到重视”,只是处于变化的开端。Wild认为增材材料和技术进入生产工具制造领域具有多个原因。其一是,通过该技术制造的设备的造价要低于传统的计算机数控(CNC)加工。她说还有其他优点在制造效率中更有优势。一层又一层的增材过程非常缓慢,但是时间可以通过其他方面弥补,比如通过使用厂内增材设备,可以在无人的情况下制造零部件。另一个优点是满足客户定制特殊要求变得简单,尤其是在手动设备安装时车间里的组件装卸。正如Wild指出,这种设备可以根据个别物理特性制造,包括手的尺寸。“使用FDM,不管零部件多么复杂,我们都能自由地设计,并尽快拿出完美的设计,这对周转时间具有重大影响。在滑脂嘴问题上,我们已经降低前置时间70%。” – Carlo Cavallini, GKN Driveline 在意大利弗洛伦撒, GKN已经采用增材制造技术制造设备,比如油脂分配器,有助于减少周转时间此外,如果增材制造代替加工金属,那么最后的设备重量会减轻很多 — 据Wild称,最高能减轻90%。重量20磅的手动设备使用增材技术之后,可能只有2-3磅,这能够极大提高人体工学效率,流程效率,还能提高健康和安全性。一个看似微不足道但实际非常有用的特性就是,打印设备可以多色制造,有助于装配工人快速选择正确的工具。GKN弗洛伦撒的成绩有一个公司正在开发增材制造的潜力,那就是GKN Driveline公司。公司在意大利弗洛伦撒工厂使用该技术,工厂为菲亚特克莱斯勒意大利工厂生产恒速万向节的侧轴组件,以及所有侧轴装配。工厂利用厂内CNC加工资源和外雇供应商生产工具,但是这种方法逐渐被认为是低效率且高成本。据弗洛伦撒制造专家团队领导Carlo Cavallini称,在工具制造外包的情况下,可能需要“两三周的周转时间”。他说,“这会延误我们实行新生产工具可行性分析,而这对我们装配线的生产非常重要。”其意义并不局限在工厂本身。他说,“如果需要工具迭代,我们的前置时间就会延长,从而对整个供应链造成重创。”因此公司选择在刬内使用增材制造,并从Stratasys公司采购Fortus 450mc熔融沉积制造(FDM)3D打印机。使用结果非常良好,而且有些情况还可以量化。举例来说,油脂分配器之前仅仅是一个简单的管道装置,油脂被推理送到驱动轴接合内部的一个点上,这个过程很容易造成溢出,之后的人力清洁飞铲告示,而且会造成生产中断。新的技术可以打印一个分配器,上面有多个内阀。Stratasy公司出品的Ultem 9085可以改进油脂分配,并减少溢出现象。Cavallini解释说,“使用FDM之后,不管零部件多么复杂,我们都能自由设计,并很早就拿出完美的设计,对周转时间具有重大影响。在滑脂嘴问题上,我们已经降低前置时间70%。这对简化半轴的生产周期非常重要,我们可以更快地为客户提供产品。”增材零部件进入赛车 2017 MCL32 F1汽车使用增材制造零部件,比如液压管托架和收音机装置在今年的一级方程式赛车季里,有高薪增材制造产品亮相:道旁机器,可以在比赛前夕马上制造赛车组件。该机械是Stratasys公司出品的uPrint SE Plus FDM 3D打印机。McLaren F1团队用这个机械制造小型零部件,满足赛前测试的需求— 从时间上很难完成,因为很多F1车道和英国沃金团队基地之间的距离很长。另一个体现技术能力的是瞬时通信,因为该机械是利用沃金通过互联网提供的数据制造而成;这是工业4.0技术的牛刀小试。该机械使用一个ABS类型塑料制造零部件,比如翼型断面。但是这个游走各处的机械只是冰山一角。在英国,McLaren F1采用10个Stratasys增材机械 — 8个FDM,以及2个采用PolyJet技术 — 这是从今年1月份开始与设备供应商合作开发的。据MacLaren公司称,2017 MCL32 F1汽车使用了很多增材零部件,包括一个液压管道支架,这是用尼龙材料以及碳纤维增强材料制造而成。此外,还有一个收音机装置是用类橡胶材料制造的。McLaren公司还采用PolyJet技术打印多色零部件,用于生产综合方向盘和控制面板的传真,使驾驶员对人体工学因素进行评论,比如如何更容易基尼如开关系统。FDM技术还可以用于生产模具,用于在短时间内制造碳纤维增强复合材料组件。举例来说,制造一个能够抵挡177摄氏度高压的900毫米宽的工具只需要3天,这对生产完整的稳流版非常必要。Stratasys公司(总部在德国巴登巴登)负责欧洲、中东和非洲区的精益工程师Amos Breyfogle说,McLaren目前所做的就是将增材制造“推向极限”。通过增材方式制造碳纤维增强支架的能力,已经完全代替了之前利用金属,按照一定的加工流程(材料铺置,弯曲然后加工)制造模具的方式。他说,从在屏幕上设计到零部件到手的时间,现在只修要“两个半小时”。 打印机械在新交付的机器人缺少电缆架的时候使用。Cavallini说,“架子能够阻止电缆接入到机器人的移动中,没有架子,机械功能就无法保证。”因此增材机械用于打印替代物品,而这种暂时性应急方案就非常有效。Cavallini肯定地说,“3D打印支架在性能的实际应用中,超出我们的预计。比等待供应商发货相比,我们至少能节省一个星期的时间。”3D打印服务不仅是提供备用配件,还可以在业务中长期使用。现在,公司正在测试制造问题中的深度使用增材方案,减轻客户化订制的难度是关键。其中包括增强机械附件,可以在生产线上装卸组件。之前的末端执行器不仅笨拙(因为CNC机械的局限性),而且与目标非常不符。增材技术能够实现工具手臂短客户化生产,适合各种个别零部件的生产。Cavallini说,除了能够大量节省时间,FDM 3D打印技术的核心价值在于,能够极大改进经营绩效。他总结说:“3D打印能让我们客服CNC加工相关的障碍,使我们有能力实现最复杂的设计,并且量身打印所需要的工具。这些能力都足以改进我们工作的灵活性,优化工作流程,消除停工时间。” Thumbs protectors were an early example of additively manufactured tools used at BMW宝马信任增材技术增材技术在汽车业中的使用已经有些时日了。两年前,宝马公司庆祝涉足该技术25周年。现在,该技术仍然是慕尼黑活动的重点,慕尼黑有一个增材制造中心;该中心专门用于开发、原型制造、以及直接制造,以此支持集团在各地的各种相关活动。中心主任Jens Ertel证实,这些活动涉及各种增材技术,包括FDM和选择性激光融化金属粉。后者已经用于制造车辆组件,而这种车已经投入使用:即一个铝材水泵轮,用于German Touring Car ...
Added value
Although additive manufacturing is not new, the latest techniques are offering OEMs more options for its useThe use of additively manufactured parts in vehicles is now unexceptional, if not yet pervasive, at least at the high end of the market characterised by low volume and high purchase price. But there ...
Cylindrical gear machining
Klingelnberg says its Speed Viper platform machines feature a revised, ergonomic design and a simplified operating system. The company says this removes the need for any modifications or corrections to be entered manually, as theses are now automatically loaded using GearPro Operator. A touch screen display provides operator guidance.Other new ...
Fibre space
The recycling of carbon fibres presents a real challenge for the industry but, with interest being shown by the makers of electric vehicles and sportscars, opportunities are emergingIf the automotive industry’s use of carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) is to increase significantly, then efficient methods for recycling these materials must be ...
Fibre space
The recycling of carbon fibres presents a real challenge for the industry but with interest being shown by the makers of electric vehicles and sportscars, opportunities are emergingIf the automotive industry’s use of carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) is to increase significantly, then efficient methods for recycling these materials must be ...