Automation – Page 115
Transformation pressure on the automotive industry
Audi has resolutely turned to the concept of the smart factory. But how does this profound transition work exactly? What role are humans playing in the process? Are suppliers ready to meet the new demands of the OEMs? The entire industry has to make crucial decisions on its future course, ...
Magna opens aluminium casting facility
UK - The supplier has opened a new aluminium casting facility in Telford, England, in order to provide structural castings to Jaguar Land Rover. The facility covers 225,000 sq.m and will employ around 300 people."With this new aluminium casting facility, we have established a world-class centre of excellence to bring ...
Closer to commercialisation
Fuel-cell electric vehicles have lagged behind other EVs, but upcoming models could help that to changeEveryone involved in hydrogen fuel cell development is probably tired of hearing the same old joke: large-scale adoption is a decade away, and always will be. David Hart, a director at sustainable energy consultancy E4Tech ...
随着汽车电气化和自动驾驶技术的不断发展,新的汽车制造厂需要不断提高灵活性。Christopher Ludwig和Michael Nash报道梅赛德斯-奔驰长期以来都位居灵活制造及高效制造技术的榜首,进行了大量的项目来测验创新技术,并在全球生产线上实施。2017年11月,梅赛德斯-奔驰公司宣布要使用工业4.0方案和制造技术制造GLA SUV汽车,这需要低水平的自动化才能完成为期两年的试点项目,该项目名为“创意工厂(Innovation Factory)”。公司现在计划要进一步建设“56工厂”,这个占地220,000平方米的汽车装配厂是辛德芬根工厂的延伸。被梅赛德斯誉为“全球现代化水平最高的汽车生产厂”的56工厂定于2020年开设,用于装配新款S-Class汽车,以及电动车家族中的第一款电动车 — EQC汽车。梅赛德斯-奔驰认为,工厂一旦建设完毕,将会“定义新的汽车制造方法”。AMS与梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车生产与供应链委员会成员Markus Schäfer坐在一起,了解更多的信息。最后一刻的变化他说,“56工厂是梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车未来的生产蓝图。工厂的生产概念足以让我们利用工业4.0工艺和数字工具,以最灵活的方式制造电动车、自动驾驶计程车和多种传统汽车构架。56工厂的技术内容和生产概念,是我们全球生产战略的典范。”协作机器人也被称为co-bots,这是新工厂的最大特点。梅赛德斯-奔驰在2012年与Kuka签订协议之后,在生产厂使用这种机器人很多年了,而且Schäfer认为,协作机器人对未来汽车制造仍然非常重要。他说,“人和机器人之间的直接协作意味着人的认知优势与机器人的动力、耐力和可靠性的完美结合。这就促成了不同的目标:更高的质量、生产力,以及更多可能的人体工学及年龄一致性工作。” 56工厂的建设正在进行当中,梅赛德斯-奔驰希望2020年能在这个工厂里生产奢华轿车和电动车除了接受协作机器人和自导车辆的帮助之外,工人们还将使用广泛的现实工具、虚拟装配方案和可穿戴工具。Schäfer认为,每一种方法都能改进生产力。无人驾驶运输系统(DTS)配上篮子也能在工厂使用,将所需要的材料和组件运输到适当的工作站。这些还能与无线射频识别(RFID)标签搭配,保证每个无人驾驶系统和组件都能得到数字跟踪和监控。Schäfer认为继续说,“我们将不再使用安装在地面上的输送线,因为我们有了自导车辆,不仅能够运输我们今天准备好的材料,还能将生产出来的汽车运输到不同的工作站上。我们不仅能改变材料流,还能在一个周末的时间里就能完成部署和配置。”机器人和技术上的所有数据都将汇总,然后用于预测性维护,管理人员和操作员可以在现场发现潜在故障,并在不影响工作的情况下制定修复流程。此外,有些数据可以传输到梅赛德斯应用软件上,客户在购买新车的时候就能获得在生产在送递过程中的数据。Schäfer评论说,“把客户和工厂、供应链和工程联系在一起并不简单,但是我们假象,客户可以发出所能想到的JPEG文件,比如名字或签名等文件,并打印到车上。我们可以直接与工厂商讨这些,使用缝纫机和机关在座椅或座舱里留下这些图像。”他还认为,工厂和客户之间的这种联系可以在后期的生产和装配流程里对汽车制造进行改动 — 这一点很重要,因为很多公司都在寻找一切机会来迎合消费者的喜好。Schäfer宣称,“如果你把这个与3D打印接合,那么我们会更加灵活,以最大可能性还对客户的心愿负责。这也为行业未来提供好的想法和机会。”整合一体很多技术和工艺已经用于全球的其他制造厂。对Schäfer而言,把这些技术都整合在一起之后,让56工厂成为独一无二的存在。“我们把我们所有的只是和试点生产术融入到这个新建工厂里,然后在复制到其他的工厂中。这是一个顾及全盘的方案,在研发中心以数字模拟的方式创造和规划产品开始。这就意味着,在我们看到硬件之前,我们模拟测试撞击,工厂规划、部署,甚至是工人的移动状况和材料流动。这种方式是我们的工作更快、更加灵活,降低投资,并保证我们的质量。”在其他梅赛德斯-奔驰工厂铺展之前,56工厂还展示了另一个战略,那就是使用更多的可持续性清洁能源。降低工厂的二氧化碳排放量一直是很多制造商重点攻克的领域,其重要性与提高汽车制造效率和环保一样重要。比如奥迪公司就曾出版了个别车型的生命周期评估报告,以确认汽车生产的每一个过程中产生的废气。 “56工厂的技术内容以及生产概念是我们生产战略的典范” – Markus Schäfer, 梅赛德斯-奔驰Schäfer确定,56工厂代表了“我们在零排放生产道路上的一个大飞跃”。他透露说,梅赛德斯-奔驰计划要把每辆车的生产装配中的二氧化碳排放量降低75%。同时还要在建筑物顶棚安装光伏系统,每年为工厂制造5,000兆瓦时的绿色电力。工厂还会使用多个方法来降低耗水量和废物产生。除了可持续性能源之外,该德国制造商想要在制造电动车的过程中,提高可持续性材料的使用。戴姆勒公司2017年可持续性报告中宣称,到2030年为止,要将电力驱动装置主要原材料的需求降低40%。特别值得一提的是,公司向要停止依赖数量有限的材料,以及在使用和提取过程对环境影响巨大的材料。此外,公司还要想方设法利用“MeRSy”循环管理系统来降低工厂的废物产生。全球灵活性56工厂的建设已经被梅赛德斯-奔驰在多个与制造相关的场合上提及。公司还与Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant (TAAP)合作投资Ä100m (1.2374亿美元),扩建泰国曼谷汽车厂,并在原地建设一个新的电池装配厂,电池厂将于2019年开始投入生产,帮助梅赛德斯-奔驰满足“地区对电动车不断增长的需求”。工厂曲折发展灵活的工厂和供应链对梅赛德斯-奔驰的发展战略非常重要。举例来说,近几年汽车制造商将GLC SUV的生产合约签给了合约制造商Valmet(芬兰),该车与紧凑型A-Class汽车公用生产线。在中国,公司与BAIC的合资公司还生产驾车和旅行车,比如C-Class和E-Class,以及GLA和CLASUV。公司还要在俄罗斯莫斯科附近建设新厂。在工厂安装插入式混合动力及电池组版本车型也能极大提高效率。但是想要提高产量,增加生产班制,向电气化方向转变也需要大量的投资、生产力和供应链连线。比如在美国,该汽车制造商要在阿拉巴马Tuscallosa投资10亿美元,用于生产电动SUV。在辛德芬根的56工厂将制造新款S-Class汽车,以及EQ品牌首款电动车。在匈牙利,梅赛德斯-奔驰不仅要生产新款A-Class汽车(每年已经能够生产近200,000辆),而且还要准备建设第二个工厂。该汽车制造商还要向中国合资公司投资119亿元提高北京的生产力,里面包括收购原有BAIC工厂的资金。和许多其他制造商一样,梅赛德斯-奔驰也要在这个全球最大的新车市场中寻求支持。2018年2月,公司表示要投资119亿元(约合18.9亿美元),对北京顺义BAIC以前的生产厂控股,该厂还在亦庄工业园建立了一个“当地生产中心”。据梅赛德斯-奔驰称,工厂要在BBAC的名下经营,这能让公司更好地回应市场对新能源汽车不断增长的需求。Schäfer指出,优良的趋势成为推动公司在供应链和生产网络做出改变的动力。他回忆说,“其中一个趋势我们已经得到了,在过去的几年里,年增长率大约保持在10%左右。为此,我们打算在全球扩大或增加几个工厂,这也会是一个很大的挑战。但是我们也期待能从传统的内燃机向插入式电池电动车的转变,并最终向无人驾驶汽车发展。因此发展和新技术是我们我们此刻最想融合的两个方向。我们的答案是要在生产厂发展一个智能网络。”随着电气化的发展趋势越来越明显,以及自动驾驶技术的不断发展,很多专家已经将目前的汽车业描述成史上最混乱的时代了。因此Schäfer强调说,我们需要让制造厂变得更加智能和灵活,还要覆盖全球每一个市场。他评论说,“我们必须能够把产品从一个工厂运到另一个工厂。我们不能准确预测全球要发生的事情,因为目前贸易保护主义盛行,货币动荡,客户需求和喜好多样,我们真是对全球工厂对新车型的生产分配都不能确定。因此,我们要在全球运输产品,将工厂填满,才能保证满足客户的需求。”除了满足客户的需求之外,Schäfer认为这种灵活性还可以保证梅赛德斯-奔驰能够经得起任何政治问题引发的风暴。他提到中国的贸易壁垒,以及特朗普政府对钢材和铝材的关税政策。他总结说,“此外,印度的关税很高,俄罗斯也要改变税收计划。我们无法控制这些事情的发生,但是灵活的生产系统能给我们最大的机动性。”
Forging a future in Factory 56
New car manufacturing facilities will need to be highly flexible as the trends of vehicle electrification and autonomous driving continue to evolve. Mercedes-Benz futuristic ‘Factory 56’ paves a new path.
Smarter EV production
As it launches ‘electric intelligence’ models, Mercedes-Benz is also adapting its factories for flexible productionAt first there was some confusion over what Mercedes-Benz meant when it announced that it was creating an ‘EQ’ division. Was it to be a line-up of cars which would directly challenge BMW’s i models, as ...
Integrating i vehicles
Separate production lines are used to build conventionally powered vehicles and the electrified i models at BMW Leipzig, but this could soon changeA gulf remains between electric vehicles (EVs)and those that are powered solely by internal combustion engines (ICEs). This is evident in consumer demand, in range, in cost and ...
Packing in the power
As JLR ramps up its electrification efforts, Mike Farish visits a pilot production line for battery packs, developed together with WMG at the University of WarwickThe difference between round and square is not just a matter of abstract geometry; it has real implications for the construction of effective battery packs ...
Great Wall Motors builds new plant
China - The OEM has started constructing a new manufacturing base in Yongchuan, Chongqing. It is costing 4.5 billion yuan (US$710m) and is expected to be completed before the end of 2019."For this project, Great Wall Motors (GWM) will run at a higher and newer starting point," commented the company's ...
Travel blog: A slice of Turkish delight
Once renowned for its pristine beaches, soaring temperatures and enthusiastic hospitality, Turkey was a hot spot for tourists across the world looking to get away for a week or two. But as conflict in neighbouring Syria erupted in 2011, the number of holidaymakers visiting the country plummeted. Change is now ...
Subaru of Indiana starts making Ascent
US - Production of the all-new 2019 Ascent SUV, which was unveiled in November 2017 at the Los Angeles Auto Show, has started at the OEM's plant in Lafayette, Indiana. It is the biggest vehicle in the company's portfolio, and will be made alongside the Outback, Legacy and Impreza."The Subaru ...
Toyota invests in Canada plants
Canada - The Japanese OEM has said it will spend C$1.4 billion (US$1.08 billion) to upgrade its three assembly plants in Woodstock and Cambridge, Ontario, in order to prepare for the production of new models that are based on the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA). These include the all-new 2019 ...
Driving the EV revolution
Behind the scenes, suppliers are hard at work developing a range of innovative technologies that are underpinning the race toward electrification GKN unveiled the eTwinsterX at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor ShowNew electrified concept cars are flooding motor shows, with OEMs looking to deliver on their promises to offer a certain ...
A bigger bet on BEVs
Most famous for its hybrids, especially the Prius, Toyota is now widening its focus to battery-electric vehiclesUntil relatively recently, Toyota positioned battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as a niche solution for short-range urban mobility. This stance led directly to the launch of models like the i-Road, an ultra-compact electric commuter vehicle, ...
Heavy on the hybrids
It may have been slow off the mark with electrification, but Ford is now stepping up its efforts through a new global growth strategyIn October 2017, Ford’s new CEO Jim Hackett set out a strategy centred on a major cost-cutting exercise worth $10 billion over the next five years, taking ...
Pursuing profitability
Reinventing itself as a high-tech leader since its 2009 bankruptcy, GM has set out an ambitious timeframe to launch more than 20 all-electric vehicles vehiclesIn science-fiction films of old, the 21st century was meant to be awash with technologies transforming our lives. Soon after the century ticked over, General Motors ...
Interview: Pamela Fletcher, GM Global Electric Vehicle Programs
AMS speaks to Pamela Fletcher, VP of General Motors' global EV programmes, about the manufacturer’s bold electrification plans General Motors' Pamela Fletcher stepped into the newly created role of Vice President – Global Electric Vehicle Programs in 2017GM is planning a new EV platform. Can such a platform be more ...
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GM is planning a new EV platform. Can such a platform be more flexible compared with a standard combustion-engine platform?What’s more important than flexibility is optimisation. When you try to convert an ICE-based vehicle platform into an EV, you run into issues that could only be avoided by having a ...
Constellium provides aluminium for CLS
Netherlands - The supplier has announced that its Surfalex aluminium is being used in the Mercedes-Benz CLS, which went on sale in March 2018. The material is used for outer trunk lid panels and fenders."Constellium is proud to contribute to the new Mercedes-Benz CLS with our Surfalex® aluminium solutions," explained ...
Navistar appoints manufacturing head
US - Mark Hernandez has been named senior vice president of global manufacturing at Navistar. He was previously a practice expert in lean production for commercial vehicles at McKinsey and Company, and has also been general manager of the Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) plant in Mount Holly, North Carolina, ...