Sikkens paint experts from AkzoNobel and a group of students from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands have unveiled the Nuna 7 race car which they will enter into this year’s World Solar Challenge in Australia.

The car features the new water-based composite pinhole filler Aerowave 2501 which has previously been used on commercial aircraft. Aerowave 2501 is a weight-saving technology which replaces much of the putty that is normally required. The solar-powered vehicle also uses an aerodynamically advanced Sikkens coatings system to reduce drag and preparation time. The products used are: Colourbuild Plus; Autocryl Plus LV; and Autoclear LV Superior.

“AkzoNobel is helping us a lot in terms of making sure that we have the best possible aerodynamics thanks to the finish they provide,” said Leslie Nooteboom, PR manager for the Delft team.